Donald Trump's Art of the Deal on Netflix is actually pretty funny even though those dumb brainwashed liberals give it one star.
Donald Trump's Art of the Deal is pretty good
You do realize Netflix's rating are based on what they think YOU will rate it not what other people have right?
So why was the movie was put in my recommended section then? Hmm?
Was pretty funny. Not a Depp fan but he did a decent Donald.
How could you not be a fan of Johnny Depp? He's one of the greatest masters of the craft who have ever existed.
you're an idiot and a tripfag
OP BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They use a certain algorithm to tailor it to your viewing prefrences. A 3 star shit flick wont automatically become 5 stars because its in the same genre of the last movie you watched.
Besides when you look at the actual movie page, it shows the real rating and the custom rating side by side.
It was pretty bland and meaningless. After you get over the ha ha moment of seeing Depp as Trump (which is about 10 seconds into his first appearance).
k, let's result to name calling.
I do have a daddy fetish for Donald Trump so it was easy for me to sit through it, even if it was DT cosplay.
>sexualizes everything
>hates Trump
confirmed for degenerate
He didn't say he hated Trump. If anything, he probably loves him, considering he has a daddy fetish for the guy.
What's this about? If I like Trump will I like this?
Probably not because you're a fucking retard.
That's quite the wild assumptions made by a simple question.
All you had to say was you like trump.
Oh, you're a shill. I see now.
Thanks for Correcting my Record™
Two shekels have been deposited
Thank you for Correcting The Record
>tfw the circlejerk is so strong you can't say you dislike Trump without several posters calling you a liberal cuck
Back to Sup Forums morons.
rally mede mi tink
>Has the reading comprehension of a garden salad.
confirmed for Trump supporter