He'll be fine,r-right lads?
Who is this?
That Les Mis sequel's gonna be dope
>man nearly 50 looks his age
he looks 60, and a very ill 60. if you think thats normal you need to go to specsavers m8
Go outside.
is this what a heterosexual sham marriage does to a gay man?
Hugh ;_; pls be ok
First Charlie Sheen, then Prince, now Jackman
Hopefully it's for Oldman Logan, because this is what he looked like at the Eddie the Eagle premiere earlier this year
dafaq i dont remember this. fuck hes so hot in these movies ;_;
end heterofascism right NOW
>he looks 60
Wrong, he looks fine for his age.
in that picture he looks awful. in other pictures he looks fab.
weird, so hes like a human being then?
Dude stop acting so fucking triggered, are you sure you should be here? theres always a post on chloe whatsherface and her looks and shes not even old. grow a pair baby.
kek thats not him
>this angry post
Yeah, HE's the one that's triggered.
That's what happens when you cut too much. That constant bulking/cutting makes you look old as shit. And you know he was probably also dehydrating himself to look more cut. Then there's the roids.
With all that tasty fish on his plate he'll probably be a ok
Trying to white knight yourself samefag? IDC i still love the jackman regardless.
I thought he had gone anorexic.
literally my first post in the thread, calm down.
roids take their toll
Now we have Oldman Logan
>Literally my first time on Sup Forums
lurk more faggot.
lol, why are you so mad.
your girlfriend dump you earlier today or something?
That's what happens if you stop taking roids.
what a lad
Hugh Jackman is literally G O A T. Loved the movie where he fought Batman using magic tricks
The older Jackman gets the better he is as Wolverine honestly.
He looks like a fucking kid if you go back and watch X-men 1 now.
you guys know he literally has cancer right ?
He looks like this because he is currently filming the third Wolverine and this look is required.
damn cm punk has really let himself go
>calling you a faggot means im mad
wow you really are a newfag, like i say, lurk moar.
He looks really small for Wolverine.
>im not mad, thats why i keep lashing out agressively.
ok friend.
no one wants to say it
don't kill wolverine you faggots
>lashing out agressively.
kek yo are so fucking sheltered, go back to tumblr fag.
its actually hilarious to me because i know how long ive been here and you dont, but please, carry on with this alpha male routine, you are 100% styling this out and making yourself look like the cool kid and not a shit at all.
all this for pointing out hugh jackman is a human bean.
Wolverine is supposed to be even smaller
Please tell me you're joking because Wolverine is 5'3 and unless you are talking about muscle mass Hugh is a big guy.
His old nose job is really starting to show.
I mean on OP's picture.
pls dont poz him, gays
he's a based fag
>Hugh Jackman
>Ben Affleck
>Henry Cavill
Someone is stealing all their gains, but why?
even better-WHO is stealing their gainz? who has becomed beefed lately?
That's what happens once you stop juicing.
Oh, i thought it was hollywood sucking out his soul.
its for les mes you fucking idiots
He looks like a 60 year old man, just cause he didn't get plastic surgery so he could look like a 25 year old lizard doesn't mean he's sick.
I'm waiting for someone to shop the hair onto him...his eyes are already red and watery enough
I think he has an unJUSTable career. Really. No money sucking harpy can take away all that Wolverine money, really. I doubt it. Besides being an action guy, this nigga can sing and do legitimate drama roles. Leading man through and through
>Not getting the justed joke
Ok you can stop sperging out now idiot.