Parks and Rec is better than the Office

Parks and Rec is better than the Office

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we know

Does parks and rec her better after the first season? I just finished the first season, and it was a yawn. And I love awkward subtle humor, it just didn't do it for me.

Whoa whoa whoa
Lets not say stuff well regret
Jean ralphio is probably one of the greatest tv characters of all time but when Leslie gets her campaign rolling, it really starts to die. Whereas, when Michael leaves, the office continues to thrive with great jokes and good bosses.
Dont even get me started on how hilarious the British version is.

Yes it does. Seasons 2 and 3 are best. Still not better than the good office seasons though, op.

First season is pretty bad.

It gets much better though.

It definitely picks up after season 1. When I rematch it I usually skip S1. All it's good for is really establishing the characters so we know what they're all about moving forward. It gets a lot better, especially when Andy and April get married.

The Office is a borefest. I've tried watching it numerous times, multiple episodes, various seasons- it just never gets better.

Fucking pleb, I bet you like superhero movies

Fuck off you stupid normalfaggot
Nobody gives a shit about your TV shows

The Office > Parks & Rec > The American Office

The office is fucking gold
Also skip season one though, it's nothing great.

You must be talking about the yank version of the office then. Yank humour is never funny, even when they copy british comedy gold they manage to fuck it up.

Nah... if that were actually true, I would watch Parks & Rec

only because of the RON


I tried rewatxh The Office, and the first few seasons are gold. Later starts to get unwatchable tho

The last two seasons were unwatchable, but it was good up until that point.

Towards the ends the characters became caricatures of themselves.

why not both

Swanson and Andy are the only 2 worth watching the show for

I like Chris, too.

I don't even remember what the second to last season was, but the last season was really fucking bad.
The whole ron vs leslie thing didn't make any fucking sense.

Not at first, but as the seasons progress yes.

i cant tell if you're trolling
the office gets absolutely garbage when michael lives, and the uk office is hillarious? have you even seen it? it's more of a cringe, awkward comedy like peep show

Both shows are terrible. Watch The Thick Of It instead.

I would agree with this statement.

They are both awfull shows, and Rick&Morty too

the show gets good the second Marc is out and Adam Scott is in. the reason why Parks and Rec sucks at the beginning is because they try a little too hard trying to imitate the success of the Office but when Marc leaves is where they really make the show their own.

Additionally the Office would have been better if Michael had stayed. Making Andy like Michael but worse just really made the show mediocre.

You watch peep show?

I canĀ“t stand that indian fella, is he supposed to be so punchable?

Never? Ok buddy

Both shows fucking suck. So does the Big Bang theory.

seriously wtf is wrong with you niggers

We literally invented the sitcom...good try though

is it bad that i enjoy brooklyn 99

Well yeah, bbt is one of the worst shows on tv. But the office and PaR are much better.

Is this guy going for the "just woke up" look?

Normalfag shit tier shows.

How fucking dry are you people?'s_Progress

Yeah except you didn't. 10 seconds on google proved that wrong.

Too bad tpb ia better than both. So is the brit ver of the office.

Lol, nice try.

It's pronounced JIF not GIF.

Seasons 3-6 are gold. Everything else is pretty good.

Yeah, doesn't look like you can understand anything other than American laugh track humor. I bet you love the big bang theory.

Ayy they both garbage how bou dat

>datfeel when you try trolling and no one bites.

The only unlikeable things about the show are Mark, Mona Lisa and the Johnny Karate Show.

Praytell what show do you spend your precious time watching??

Please set this thread straight? Sempai

Its actually gee-eye-left. Not jiff. Fucking def not giff


Aren't they both cancelled, who the hell cares at this point?

Why do my posts make the thread quiet...

you can still watch em, so they are relevant

Andy and Ron are the only good characters. Leslie is at her very best manageable but never funny. Anne is a completely pointless character but the creator had a crush on her and wanted her to have a place in his new show since he canned her. Aziz is a horrendous actor and more irritating than funny. Donna is garbage. Adam Scott himself is funny, but his character is the male equivalent of Leslie and equally awful.

The show has a few solid moments, but it's entertaining at best.

American Office was good at first, but it did what all your TV shows do, went on for way too fucking long.

Yeah it gets loads better after season 1

Yeah no American Office died when Steve Carell left.

don't forget April.

Underrated post, Thick of It is fucking amazing

the fuck is tpb?

* better then the office

Try proper grammer faggot

nice bait sonny


anything is better than the office. its a show for retards