/bb/ Big Brother 18

Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): /fit/
Veto: mist man
HoH Nominations: Ian's future dominatrix and Zika

Most likely going home: Paulie saying Nat is "as fake as her chest" secured Z going

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Bridgette is ugly

>In some other reality, Frank stayed, and he and Bridge fell for one another. Their relationship made thousands of us believe in real love again
>We will never EVER get to watch that

It wears me out.

Inb4 some rice farming sperg flips out on you


wtf I hate james now

All these people flipping on Paulie. Yet it won't matter if they can't win

Vic and Paul won't put up Paulie (but they would vote him out if he's on the block)
Corey and Nicole won't put him up.

Good luck to the girls.

big brother at 10:35 p.m.

delayed everywhere because of football



WHO /idesofmarch/ HERE

Do the guests usually get this ass blasted and personally offended every season? everyone was so shocked and hurt that Paulie was manipulating everyone in the house but isn't that the whole point of this game? I feel like this was a shitty season to be my first.



Paul is pissed at Paulie for throwing his name under the bus, Victor will do what Paul wants. Neither of them want to save Paulie knowing he's public enemy #1. If they did they wouldn't be on board with the flip.

mfw z and natalie gets evicted today.

it is a shitty season to be your first. there are no good players in the house, and more than half of the remaining players have never seen an episode of the show before they came on it

Z and Nat tonight, Paul and James next. I want the house divided. Paulie, Corey and Nicole vs Bridge, Vic and Reddit. one good player on each side, one dead weight that only eats and complains on each side.

it's so bad it almost doesn't feel like bb

so we wont get to see it live

Is James Rhine the highest functioning autist in bb history?

he's fucked a girl from every season including Kaitlin and Dani Donato

Paulie 's side would have 2 dead weights.

Paulie was the only one that was decent at the game, but he let himself get lodged up his own asshole by thinking he was the immortal house god. his only hope now is to go full Emperor and unleash unlimited power.

It isn't good for their game to put him up themselves. They want a meat shield.

no thats ian.

as well as Victoria and he cucked Eric Stein

should rewatch this again
it was select kino

>thanks to the most cowardly cuck to play the game


against who? they have no chance of winning if they stick with Paulie/Nicory

So does Bridge, Reddit is only good at eating and Bridge is a cripple at the moment. she couldn't even hold on to that rope for 15 minutes.

But James is banging the cream of the crop of every season, while Ian targets the bottom feeders

nah I'm referring to the actual ides of march Paulie's gonna be all "et tu, James?"

No, they don't. This season doesn't have any good players or strategists.

Everyone. They're best course is to throw comps for a few weeks.
Once they wind down in players, if you don't have a Paulie/Corey/James as a target /fit/ and Paul are next if they don't win.

Since the feeds are down, can we talk about a Kaysar and Howie coming back for a legends season?

yes, no, next

paulie right now

>we will never have a returnee season comprised of the dumbest game decisions of all time

I want to see Austin play again

>Manlet James comes back for a third season

There is no legends season. They're doing a heroes vs villains season for s20 like Survivor


thats my all star cast

feeds back

>hating on andy
this thread is for people with taste, we don't take your kind here


I want a season with Derrick, Dick, Dr. Will, Dan, Danielle, Frank, Boogie, Ian, Cody, the red headed annoying bitch and the black girl who was really good but never won to have as season together.


It hurts. It hurts so bad

I hate his downy hick gook face so much

Don't kill me bros, but I don't mind this at all. I was really stressing about having to switch back and forth between the game and DE


>Thu 1:08 PM BBT Paulie to Z in KT: I'm telling you - it's not going to happen. (Z evicted) If you don't believe me, talk to Paul about it.

LOL the second stage DENIAL

>Paulie to Z: Of course Bridgette is mad at you because she's a feminist. She only supports Natalie's argument cause she's a girl.

Is Paulie wrong?

Zach Rance
based Victor
The Tank
Ya Boy
Queen Britney
Danielle Murphee
half of Jiz

>the red headed amazing boss

Definitely a dick thing to say, but I still laughed

no, z is a raging cunt who threw away bridgettes perfectly good cookies and is total dead weight only being propped up by paulie. she isnt even playing the game and deserves to go home

>fool's gone Jozea-mode

I'd love to see them have an all out "best/most popular players" all-stars season

dr. will

dani reyes
dani donato

i think the winners, etc. would do it, but i'm sure cbs would say it's too many older people to put on tv.

i wonder who the best "hot chick" from a recent season is - holy shit, liz nolan is actually a lock for all stars, isn't she


Natalie is 100% a lock for all stars, there hasn't been a female fan favorite this universally liked since Jordan

natalie is shit fuck off

he said again that ian will never date you

They fuck yet


holy shit that argument with nat and paulie

he condescends her the entire time and calls her sweetheart.. she calls him buddy and he blows a gasket lol


t. Victor


paulie refusing to go to the DR after being called because "its a comp day" and he has to be prepared

LOL THAT FUCKING PUSSY. it a game show not the super bowl

Now that nothing is happening on the feeds

Eric Stein rekt this season on RHAP

>not knowing that production is trying to rig it for natalie

didn't he say yesterday not to call him in the DR until after the DE because he doesn't want to keep having to explain the same conversation

z and james needs to go

Production wants a girl to win this season. Grodner basically confirm it here.


>BB20 All-Stars
>New chilltown, Will, Frank, Boogie, Bridgette.
Constantly targeted, but golden feeds.

>“They woke up, didn’t they, the girls? This is a big turning point in this season,” says Grodner. “Michelle and Bridgette — Bridgette came to play in the last 24 hours. We don’t know where she was, but 24 hours ago, she woke up.”

sure buddy, stuff just happens.

1 Paulie
2 Corey
4 James
5 Nicole
6 Z
7 Paul
8 Natalie
9 Reddit

Paulie has said all season that he doesnt get rattled for comps.

He tried to rattle Tiffany and it backfired

I think he's soft as baby shit.

wtf i hate football now

I hope bb19 fixes all of this blatant rigging. Its obvious the DR plant the seeds against Paulie.

well this could be the softest cast right now besides paul victor and natalie. he could still do it

did you have a point? he knew what he signed up for, derrick even told him. hes a fucking pussy, nobody else needs to mentally prepare for the comps by not living up to the terms of the contract you signed

You do need to mentally prepare when you have to win

Dr Will would be hard to play against, everyone knows how powerful he is and would be gunning againt him

best case:
paulie stays in DE
worst case:
paulie goes in DE

> 2016
> Not being bred for this

>the mind of a wolf

>the Dr. Will is a great player meme

pretty much this

sad case:
corey goes in DE

are you guys happy now?


>reddit is leaking

how is James so high on jokers if all he did was remain silent during every confrontation

>michelle above ghost tiffany and ghost frank

best case:
paulie stays but brid gets the care package

>james that high

Say what you want but his bottom feeding social game has saved him

so, do you guys think paulie is gonna be booed on eviction? i'm new to the show, how often does that happen?

For now. He's still prime target number one if paulie wins the DE hoh.

double eviction hoh comp will probably be intelligence/memory based and Paulie hasn't been that great at those

james the veteran player just said its just a game, lets not make it personal

a veteran player says its just a game

its just a game