I've tried to watch this, but I'm too much of a pussy to watch it. Should I watch Strange Things?

I've tried to watch this, but I'm too much of a pussy to watch it. Should I watch Strange Things?


came here to post this

Hope John and Holiday DeKok?

came here to post this


Definitely. Just do it. You won't shit your pants or barf. i promise.

It's a terrible show so you're not missing much

came here to post this

post here came to this

It goes downhill HARD after season 2

baited for this exact response

why is it terrible? did you finish watching it?

>after season 2
>not after season 1


What did they mean by this?

The characters are unfathomably retarded

more than you?

Second half of Season 3 is dogshit. Season 4A, 5A, and 6 are brilliant.

Stranger Things >>> The Walking Dead

I like The Walking Dead but it's a mixed bag. Stranger Things is great from beginning to end.

Truly epic. Screenshotting this

>he can't watch a soap opera with occasional zombies
You're better off not watching it user, it's shit

I think a ton of the hatred TWD receives on here is overblown but there's no denying it's a deeply flawed show. For every great episode there's a boring filler episode. Plus characters frequently throw all logic out the window and do stupid shit. I'm a horror movie fan so I usually don't get triggered by a character doing something dumb but it deeply irritates me when a character who has been consistently logical for many seasons suddenly becomes a basket case and does incredibly stupid shit.

I just watched Stranger Things on Netflix.com and it was AMAZING!

You're right OP. This is definitely the best show on right now!

I would sign up for Netflix.com just for this great show alone!

Is Netflix.com still only $9.95 a month?

That's a GREAT value for shows like Stranger Things and all the other Netflix EXCLUSIVE originals!

All i can say is read. The show is pretty fucking bad.

ironic shilling is still shilling. Please accept this .25 cents