>It's a Ricky's shrieking laughter wakes you up at four in the morning episode.
It's a Ricky's shrieking laughter wakes you up at four in the morning episode
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>The Jamaican fella might have screamed this on the Titanic.
how is he famous? dr phil is literally way more funny than him.
>It's a ricky get BTFO by an an A-levels student episode
lol i go to bed listening to xfm, fucking ricky...
Same Lad.
Recently I went into sleep paralysis upon waking and in the background I could hear ricky mocking Karl in a silly voice saying 'Buy On Ferry'.
I had a nice little laugh while stuck there unable to move.
He was the worst thing about The Office.
that sounds fucking terrifying m8, fuck that
I've always liked this clip. Good bloke
>It's a Ricky and Steve force feed Karl until he chokes episode.
old man eating a twix
Ricky meeting Gary Shandling is so funny
>It's a Steve pays Karl £10 to touch Ricky's feet episode.
>It's a Ricky gets absolutely BTFO but refuses to admit it episode
Check em.
>It's a Ricky says he has a philosophy degree episode.
>It's a Karl turns out to be funnier than Ricky ever was episode
Karl's tooth fucking scares me
is he a vampire
that's ricky's face on karl's head
lil monkey fella walks in
>It's a Karl is a fucking heartless sociopath who dumped a girl when he found out she had a bone marrow disease and didn't understand why he had done anything wrong.
>Ah bought 'er some Opal Fruits.
>still pretending Gervais is funny or ever was
>it's a karl has a go at steven's looks episode
>so there's a little Chinese fella right and he decided to travel the world right
>and he goes to Germany but loses his wallet
>Anyways, he goes to report it to the police, and because he is so well behaved he ends up in a refugees camp for two weeks.
>now he doesn't complain cause they are well trained over their but eventually some nazi realises as he refuse to rape the locals.
>so eventually Germany kicks him out into France but now he is happy right cause he gets to see some monkeys.
>It's a Karl calls Steve an invalid episode
What's a best place to listen to episodes of their radio show?
top lad
Wow, he's so odd but he's usually right.
Would Sup Forums a Karl?
They both look fucking depressed
If you haven't bungee jumped by the time you're 78, you're not gonna do it
>It's a hairy Chinese kid episode
>tfw karl has retired from public life to learn the ukelele and we'll never get to see it