Worst movie Ive seen in theaters since Suckerpunch. What the fuck is DC doing?
Worst movie Ive seen in theaters since Suckerpunch. What the fuck is DC doing?
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>Worst movie Ive seen in theaters since Suckerpunch.
Take that back.
I spent 50 dollars just to see this movie. For the ticket and for the Uber ride there and back. Money well spent.
Suckerpunch is brilliant though
Bad action flick with no stakes or tension. Literally a bunch of video game characters. Terrible flick
name one good thing about Suckerpunch, you cant
selling clothes
the tight uniforms the girls wore.
Sucker Punch (Extended Cut) was a treatise on the objectification of women as seen through the eyes of various nerd subcultures. The prism by which the movie is shown self reflects to the viewer their own ugliness.
It's a hypnotizing take on psychological trauma. It cleverly turns it into an esoteric, theatrical, fantasy extravaganza. Its own nakedness makes people feel shameful and uncomfortable.
It's a movie that literally hates its own audience and spits on them.
>"“I wanted to rub the human race in its own vomit, and force it to look in the mirror.”" - J.G. Ballard
If that isn't true kino, I don't fucking know what is.
>You are wrong about Sucker Punch by The Escapist
>You Don't Understand Sucker Punch by Antisocial Commentary
It was a stupid tease. Maybe if it was R rated with nudity it wouldve worked but it was far too tame
>If that isn't true kino, I don't fucking know what is.
So you're saying that you don't know what true kino is.
>It's a movie that literally hates its own audience and spits on them.
So it's just masturbation?
>No no no! You see it's not shit, it's just DEEP! It hates its audience that's what I REALLY meant it to mean!
I wonder if he's happy that so many people didn't see the movie at all.
>Sucker Punch
>worst movie he's seen in theater
>he didn't go see Deadpool, BvS, Civil War, Xmen
And you call yourself a Capeshit fan
Zack "my extended version is so much better" Snyder. Finish your film before you put it in theaters. Im sick of having to rewatch different cuts of your crappy shit
user, Suicide Squad is significantly worse than all those movies. Plus OP never said they liked capeshit
>It's got hot women in it so that means it's good!
Kill yourself.
fuck this movie sucks
Dear god, do they have an online store? I hope this cancer stays in murrica.
>say something bad about suicide squad
>instantly cry about marvel
DCucks in a nutshell
This. I'm willing to excuse one theatrical fuckup per director (in his case watchmen) but when every single one of your movies needs a special edition, you're the problem.
>If that isn't true kino, I don't fucking know what is.
of course you don't
you're a pleb tourist from Sup Forums
I saw sucker punch years ago and I remember it being pretty enjoyable and creative.
Much more so than Suicide Squad. Holy shit was that awful
It's in my country too, bought the Harley shirt
>OP is gona get murdered today
what country?
Anyone read that theory about Robin being the joker in this continuity? I'm completely convinced by it.
Ayer said it's not true, but he also claimed Harley was an accomplice to Robin's murder when that can't be true.
who cares? If they dont tell me in the movie itself Im not going to go on the internet and do research to make the movie make sense
It hit the Netherlands too, we're doomed.
I thought hot topic went out of business, guess it was wishful thinking
What the fuck are you doing seeing Suckerpunch and Suicide Squad in the theater?
The way Ayer denied it was decidedly cryptic in my opinion
"Died in a run in with a young joker several years ago" could very easily imply some kind of 'death of Robin/rebirth as Joker' thing.
Haven't heard anything about the Harley part but that doesn't make a bunch of sense to me either.
It's deduced through hints placed throughout the movie. If you don't care why comment?
one word: alcohol
>The way Ayer denied it was decidedly cryptic in my opinion
He straight up said THAT AIN'T THE CASE.
ever since JJ abrams lied about Khan in star trek into darkness nobody believes what directors say