Why did he become a fat fuck?
Why did he become a fat fuck?
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wa hapun
He snatched too many motherfucker birthday
Birthdays = cake
Why not? The inventor of Aikido was a big fat fattypants.
ever since deytooker
Not fat, just a lot of muscles.
Do you really think that ex CIA operator, Martial arts Sensei, buddhist monk, action movie star, sex symbol and part-time reserve officer would let him self get out of shape?
What happened?
best ever
I wonder what sex with him is like
nigga, he probably smells like ham and bronzer and he lactates
>(peeing intensifies)
>glares at man
>(peeing defiantly)
>smirk at the man, after all...he's holding my package
Did he lost his dicc?
can someone post that gif of him dancing at that ceremony?
lmao the champ at work
Well I'm sorry to hear that...
...Because now...
Will Sasso and MadTV was pretty great tbqh
Anybody know why Richie did Bobby Lupo?
I thought that was AliG in the thumbnail.
.. I'm going to throw up..
He started stress eating because his shit goes straight to the car wash dvd rack.
poly unsaturated fats
this is wonderful
I asked him over twitter . let's see if he answers.
it's just muscle
>[creaking sound intensifies]
post fatgul operator clips
I don't think switching shoulders is a thing with handguns, Steven
Would you let Sensei Seagal snatch your puppy's birthday?
The armor looks like it's about to burst at the seams. He looks like a fucking ninja turtle
this one always destroys me
Nice trips. Also I love how despite him knowing Aikido, most of the Aikido in his films are completely made up
*unsheathes wakizashi*
Way to spoil it by posting a legitimately good and well-shot action scene
I'll take you to the bank, Senator Trent... to the blood bank!
The post kick always makes me laugh too much to not post it
>that kick
>cart slowly sliding along
>right, now tilt the camera a little more
>perfect, start throwing the woodchips!
wtf this shit amazing, everyone just keeps ending up at different spots
>Dance off Suiseiseki, me and you!
That's some meme magic