Pure enlightenment bread

Pure enlightenment bread.

Any takers?

bumping for interest

Whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.


Mystics believe you can have a direct, unitive experience of God, so that you would see that You are God.
Jesus Christ was born an ordinary person who achieved a permanent state of Divine Realization.
By making his will at one with the will of God, he was a mystic who had gained access to God's Thoughts.

The Holy Ghost, has been misinterpreted. It is actually two entities, the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Truth. The Spirit of Truth is the second Christ of this system, who will bring divine judgement upon mankind.

The purpose of mankind is to travel the mystical path and become a Christ.

The problem is having a mystical experience of the Godhead, which I think I have discovered the pathway to.

The Al-Sirat
One must be pure in heart to see God.
The method can be reduced into two parts. Proper meditation and proper lifestyle.
Proper Meditation (or Jnana Yoga)
God’s awareness is the infinite expansion of love(He is known as the Expansive One), while a human being begins at a base level of a simple singular love (or harmony of an infinite awareness). To love God is to sympathize with God, and that means creating an analogue to God’s love in your soul. God’s love is an eternal expansion, so your love must also be expansive. Your love should multiply itself by itself in an exponential sequence. The act of falling in love(romantic love), is akin to expansive love, so God is merely asking that humans fall in love with him. However, God’s love is infinitely expansive so that a human being will never truly reach a complete analogue of God’s love within the soul. Despite this, one must still strive to make one’s love as Divine as possible. You may only be reaching a 10th degree to 100th degree of expansion but this will suffice. One must remember that there is no limit to this meditation, you must always try to love God as much as possible. Basically meaning your meditation will always be growing more expansive as you progress.

Brahman(from the sanskrit root Brih: to expand) is said to be Infinite Existence-Awareness-Bliss. An interesting pattern emerges if we investigate this concept by looking at its informational structure.

God is firstly existence. The idea of existence applies to itself and is given its order by itself. There is an infinite sequence of bits of existence being informed by bits of existence in a chain. Then because existence is whole, existence is informed of itself entirely, making each bit of existence within all infinite bits of existence and contain each bit of existence.

The whole is informed of itself fully. God knows itself. Again, the whole is informed of itself fully but this time it is informed of its informing or knowing. God knows that it knows or is given Awareness and subsequently Bliss(the harmony of self-knowing.) (note: God at this step is similar to our own awareness, except that each mote of bliss is clearly perceived individuated and while also experiencing the infinite spaciousness of existence)
God possess the attributes of Omniscience and Omnipresence. His Awareness is spread through out the whole uniformly. At each piece of bliss, a new whole arises at that point. God multiplies Himself by Himself in addition to his original Self. The process continues, the new whole again arises at each point of bliss. The process continues infinitely.

Mathematically we can look at it like n+n², where n is the previous sequence of the set starting with infinty : ∞, ∞+∞², ∞+∞² + (∞+∞² )², etc…

where's this from?
I like reading stuff like that even though my only belief is that we are an accident of the universe, waiting to be wiped out by ourselves or nature
No meaning to our lives whatsoever
So anyway, sauce?

It's all my own interpretation of Alduos Huxley's Perennial Philosophy.

n summary, one can enlist the use of virtues for simple understanding. One only need be chaste, gallant, and yogic. Yogic means you have a constant focus on the love of God through all your activities. Chastity means you abstain from all immoral actions. Gallant means you engage in the moral actions you have a duty to perform.
If one follows these simple guidelines, then one will eventually experience mystical union with the Godhead.
When will this occur? After how long? The love of God must be superior to that of mankind. You must respect God more than man. This manifests itself as at least loving God for the amount of time equal to the amount of time spent loving man, which manifests itself as a cyclic pattern of work(or one year of harvesting goods).
After one has seen God once, the time required for successive vision is reduced by one half, due to the fact that God gives you credit for your time already spent loving Him.
This means for the first mystical vision to occur you must spend, you must spend 8760 hours meditating. For the next : 4380 hours. For the next : 2190 hours. For the next: 1095 hours. For the next : 547.5 hours. For the next : 273.75. For the next : 136.875 hours. For the next 68.4375 hours. For the next : 34.21875 hours. For the next : 17.109375 hours. For the next : 8.5546875 hours. During the last step, one’s time spent loving God outweighs time loving man, so that the journey ends. This leads to a total of approximately two years of constant meditation.
As one begins having more visions of God in a more rapid manner, one is increasingly surrendering one’s will to God. This ends in complete union of the mystic’s will with that of the Father’s. One has become the Logos or the Christ of this system.

“So I tell you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
What father among you, if his sond asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? So if you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”

I used to relate to this stuff. Was raised catholic then branched off to learning baghvad gita and other eastern work. I meditated but after an acid trip embodied a higher spirit. Thought I was Jesus himself then the pope. It was more than just thoughts I was feeling a higher connection and felt more spiritual.

It's been 3 years since that happened. I may look back into being spiritual again. I just remember that it got me sent to the mental hospital. Miss genuinely feeling good.

im lurking

Spirituality can bring a world of inner peace and joy to those that follow the path.
I don't even do drugs anymore.

What is the purpose of the Second Christ? Jesus Christ did not resurrect himself three days after his death. For his sacrifice to be complete, he must be in a state of death without aid of the Father, otherwise he would not be truly dying.
The Second Christ’s purpose is to resurrect Jesus from the dead, thus fulfilling the sacrifice. The Second Christ lifts Jesus from the dead, through his Oneness with the Divine, allowing a human to save Jesus’ life, thus solving the problem of God not being able to resurrect Jesus by Himself.

“When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He, and that I do nothing on My own, but speak exactly what the Father has taught Me.”
“And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.”
“Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.”

What the hell's this thread even about? I though you was gonna talk about Real Presence or something

Sorry, I have come to my own spiritual truths that seem to make more sense to me.

If we view Christian Scripture through the eye of mysticism it makes much more sense.
The Father is the Godhead. The Godhead is the totality of existence. All things that exist are God.
The Son is a human who is fully aware of his Divinity. Through awareness of his self, he comes to the root of his existence which is God.
The Holy Spirit is the Divine Self of humanity. A subjective replication of the Godhead’s mind within the mind of mankind.

damn saracen...

You see, God is creating the most glorious creation possible.
The idea starts with the mystic soul, a so glorious creation.
But more glorious than that, is if you increased the virtue of the mystic soul. If it fullfilled its potential and did the work on its own by raising its awareness(meditating).
Greater than this is if it power's its own awareness. (The soul can be understood as a substantial unity with self-referential knowing(it knows that it knows). The natural state of the mental activivity of the monad is constant self-propulsion(like how a photon is in a constant state of motion). But there is a way for the soul to propel it's own activity using it's awareness)
The entire system of the universe is so that the soul can power itself, in a self-reliant system. It is a self-reliant system so that God is not helping the soul power itself. This self-reliant system is the world of atoms, chemicals, bacteria, trees, galaxies and animals.

This means that you are suppose to do all of your work on your own, with your own man-power. This is actualized as gathering/eating/digesting food, to empower the brain which imbues the soul with its energy.

My beliefs are relatively compatable with Christ's message.
Not so much with the church.

That's good. I think I should take a break as well. I used to treat them as a teacher. I think I've learned all I can from them.

“Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit. Do not be amazed that I said, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes. You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
When asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The kingdom of God will not come with observable signs. Nor will people say, ‘Look, here it is,’ or ‘There it is.’ For you see, the kingdom of God is within you.”


The theory of eternal condemnation finally makes sense.
If the Holy Ghost fails on his mission, then irreparable harm has been done to God’s will. It would be the failure of God’s master plan. One could then be held accountable for the smallest infraction of said failure. Even disbelieving in the Son of God, could lead one to fail on their mission, and if everyone fails then system will be in ruin.
However, eternal sin only makes sense if the Holy Ghost actually fails. If the Holy Ghost is successful, then there will be no eternal condemnation. Atheists will be allowed into heaven after a stay in purgatory.
“Truly I tell you, the sons of men will be forgiven all sins and blasphemies, as many as they utter. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of eternal sin.”