With this trending on twitter, I need to ask

With this trending on twitter, I need to ask.
How do you #feministAMovie Sup Forums?




Have a bump



>Dirty Hairy




He's American. He makes shitty American movies. He has no right to be that fucking pretentious. Wear a fucking hoodie like a normal person, ya twat

Oceans 8 is the next big budget boxoffice flop.
Oceans 8 might as well be ghostbusters 2.

There is some golden bantz there.

Kinda tempted to make a collage from the cucks defending women there. They all look like a nu-male caricature

LoL oceans 8 is going to flop

Can they do a sexy movie with female leads 18-25 half naked

Oceans 8 is all old bitches and sheboons

Because he's gay.

Anyone give a shit about Ocean's 11?

Complain about it on Sup Forums

>Dirty Hairy

Made me laugh

>normal person
how to spot the 18 year old

Wait, 8?
Only 8 people?
Could they not find at least 3 more competent female actresses, or is the budget so low they couldn't afford them. That would explain Rihanna.

>be a cuck
>dress like one
Seems logical.

Wow that article is real I just screenshotted it
Lets see if WB recast this film

We need younger sexier women in oceans 8
Not old bitches and sheboons.

it's not a reboot

I understand the preemptive hate on the Ghostbusters reboot, but i Don't get the hate for oceans 8.

Im way more excited for it, a lot of the women involved are decent actors unlike Ghostbusters where their main talent's best role to date was playing a cook on a teenage melodrama.

Paul Feig is a retarded pussy
the entire reason he made Patriarchybusters is because he hates men after being bullied for being called "Feig" as a kid

>a few good men don't exist

so it WAS a feminist movie and not just a reboot with a female cast? I thought they were trying to play it like they thought it would be interesting to see 4 gal pals, but if "feminism" was the inspiration then of course it was going to fucking fail, you're not going to convince anybody that women need "equal rights" because they already are equal. If you can call yourself a "feminist" without getting your hand chopped off, you don't fucking need feminism.

>Mindy Kaling
Fucking why? I was fine with the cast list until that.

Underage samefag.

Decent actresses way past their prime

The humor will be as dry as sandra bullocks menopause pussy in the year 2016

do it user

Why do YOU need feminism, Sup Forums?

Great you have one good actress, a woman who cant act, a woman who overacts and Tim Burtons wife. What the fuck could possibly go wrong?

>I'm smarter than men...except when it comes to salary negotiation


>faggot can't even comb his hair
>wonders why some femslut is cucking him

It isn't like oceans 11 was based on sex appeal though. Sure Pitt, clooney, and possibly Damon are lookers, but the movie was more about a ragtag group of heisters doing something impossible. I don't see how "actresses past their prime" is a logical critique.
I think the only thing about it that makes me hesitant is casting Rhianna.

And don't forget Mindy Kapling. Wherever the fuck she fits in at.

Don't forget they also got some person called "Awkwafina" to be in it

Oh be nice, he's only doing it to get laid. It's his misguided attempt, how he thought girls worked. No man is actually for feminism, they only lie and pretend to so chicks will give them more attention and a possibility at having sex.
It's like those guys who pretend they're girls so they can go peek in women's bathrooms. That is absolutely 100% the reason why men pretend they are "women at heart" or whatever, they want to trick women into having sex because they don't know the easier way of being easy to talk to and buying drinks.

>Even though I'm smarter than him

Wew lad, so humble

I didn't watch the first 72 Oceans movies.

Which ones are worth watching?

The original one, 11, was about getting all these cool people together, and they were all guys. They didn't exclude women, women just weren't cool enough.
The remake, Eleven, same thing. We need a cool guy who can be Bernie Mac, we need a cool asian guy for acrobatics, a bomb dude, I could go on.

>Intellectual capacity should dictate salary!
They're both utterly retarded.

All of them are good.

Eleven and Thirteen. Twelve is so shit, 11 is dated.

good list desu



>It's like those guys who pretend they're girls so they can go peek in women's bathrooms

My cousin used to take me into the women's changing rooms at the gym when I was a kid and there was a gap in the door where I could see all the naked women, I even saw my cousin naked.


Time to guess without reading the article.

Dude says he will never reboot a movie because:
1) You cannot win against nostalgia goggles
2) That is why Ghostbusters 2016 flopped, not his shitting directing and awful casting choices.

I think as long as they don't do the Ghostbusters thing where they recast boys as girls, its too early to predict it as a flop.
But if they do do it like that:
>Akwafina is Bernie mac
>Mindy kaling is a tiny gymnast/computer guru
>Anne Hathaway is groomed by Bullock to be the next big thing

Then i agree. Itll probably be shit

this is her

>left eye twitches with an uncontrollable anger never felt before.

Looks like The Jokester

I don't understand how people can begin to think this way.
It's not that people are trolls, it's that they want good ideas. A female reboot of a movie isn't a good ideas. Come up with a god damn good idea first, and if 1? 2? 3? 4? 5? 6? 7? 8? 9? 10? 11? 12? 13? women are required for the plot, then do it. That's all it takes. Just have a good idea first and cast women for roles

I bet she's doing some kind of mute role half naked

How will feminists ever recover?

I would understand if they did this right after Ocean's Twelve, not 12 years later.

Ahhh damn i thought she would be another harambe, not a qt azn


>Because I'm not an oppressor because I'm some kind of Queer

That's not how it works

I don't like girls wearing Uncle Junior glasses


But do they have the same job?

Was she stung by a bee?


There's a female Oceans 11 now?

No, she's a risk consultant for barclays and he's part time at tesco.

You'd have to ask

My god do I hate that cliché bullshit factoid.

The way that is calculated is because men, as a whole, earn more than women. Because men have higher paying jobs in general. Which pulls their average up. More men engineers will always beat more women waitresses and teachers. The problem is that I make more at the same fucking job, because most of the time that isn't the case (most, if not all, union jobs make this impossible. Government jobs too)

The problem, MOST OF THE TIME (there are still gender wage abuses, but they aren't as common as the world leads you to belive), isn't a gender wage gap, but the fact women cannot or are not given better jobs. HENCE, why there are all those initiatives to make young girls engineers and scientists, because that's what'll fix the problem, not whining that you get paid less for the same job, since that is the exception, not the rule.

Wtf, who would rape that

Every time I see this picture I just really want to punch that face, goddamn


>That background
>Instead of getting a useful degree or learning a skill, I'll work as a dishwasher and complain about oppression

Are these people a more obnoxious version of hippies?

Is that Rick Moranis?


>That Street


Oh yeah, it's always been wrong to weigh it across all jobs, rather than per job. You wouldn't weigh a chick neurosurgeon versus a male nurse and then claim the wage gap was existed. But that's exactly what women want to do, they want to skew the "data" in their favor by pretending it's a 75% or whatever advantage across everything at all times.
I can't fap to Chloe anymore now that I know she's an utter moron

Why do people think wage gap is a real thing?

He can´t be gay, he hates men.

Did she rob a homeless man to get that change?
Delusion and inability to take responsibility,

Idk how anyone can waifu her knowing that she's a literal shill for Hillary

It confirms their immediate beliefs and feelings.

>wearing goggles
>literally zero tits

Fuck, man.

a "study" from the late 1970s, also disproved in the late 1970s, but the idea never got removed because it was so convenient to use. It's like how waitresses pretend they only make $2 an hour to try and get you to pity them and tip them more, when they actually make more than everybody else in the establishment. If they stopped saying they only make $2 an hour, and started saying at the end of the night they truly make $20 an hour, people wouldn't tip them as much



>Millionaire talking about the "wage gap."

Because blaming the system is easier than taking responsability for bad career choices.

the fuck
fucker makes it seem he was given ghostbuster to reboot as a job (that appears he didn't want).
fuck you feig and fuck you hollywood

my fuckin sides

You don't 'waifu' someone, a waifu is about love. You don't pick who you love. You can pick a girlfriend if you want, but that's not as serious as a waifu

Yeah, people say he's gay, or in the closet, but I think it's just that he's the absolute pinnacle of beta orbiter.

Busch Garden rules
Kumba > Montu > Python = Scorpion > Gwazi

I didnt dislike Ghostbusters because it was women, disliked it because it was legit shit

Its too early to dismiss this, not wasting my moral victory on hasty judgement

If women are paid less for the same work why doesn't everyone hire women instead of men?

Has anyone ever answered to this?

Does anyone actually look into why the wage gap thing exists? I think most people just jump on board without researching so they can feel like they're some oppressed minority.
Do any of these retards even have jobs? Every job I've ever had everyone has the same base pay, and everyone has equal chance to get raises.
>mfw at my current job there's this bitch with seniority that makes more than double my pay and does half the work because she's a lazy cunt

>clickbait screenshot thread

Excellent. I need a new target for my searing misogyny