What was the point of casting Clint fucking Eastwood in Suicide Squad if they did jackshit with him?
What was the point of casting Clint fucking Eastwood in Suicide Squad if they did jackshit with him?
Make people like you market it for free
He can't act, what did you expect?
It's basically upper-class welfare for Chads. Put him in a movie, pay him $1-2mil, and shut him up for another year or 18 months
Is it me or does he have a belly in this film?
Ayer also did this on Fury
He's going to be nightwing
>Eastwood wasn't a spy for another organisation with similar goals.
>Katana wasn't Batman's inside man.
What a waste
eye candy
It's just roid gut.
he's not that big enough to suggest roids, clearly just did a dirty as fuck bulk in the few months he had to prep
>tfw it's socially acceptable (and even expected) to do steroids if you're Chad Eastwood/Chad Hemsworth/Chad Evans/Chad Pratt
>it's not socially acceptable to do steroids if you're not Chad
>it's nearly impossible to become Chad without steroids
Why wouldn't it be acceptable? Everyone does it dude.
Remember there were rumors he'd be Deathstroke? I'm glad he's not, but he deserves better. So dreamy.
By "everyone" you mean "everyChad"
If you're not 6'0" and white (or black too, I guess) then doing sterons makes it seem like you're """""""""""just trying to compensate for something"""""""""""
But you are just trying to compensate for something. Just fix whatever you're trying to compensate for too.
>just fix your ethnicity
>just grow 3 inches taller
Really makes you think
3 inches are easy with leg lengthening, you can do a lot more with it.
And what's wrong with your ethnicity? As long as you're not Indian.
Apparently they offered him Steve Trevor in "Wonder Woman" but he preferred a smaller role in "Suicide Squad" because he could return for the sequels.
We all know how that turned out.
Leg lengthening weakens the bones in the legs and thighs, precluding the person receiving the procedure from doing any kind of lifting or strenuous activity.
>don't do steroids brah
>just break your legs in half and stretch out the bones with artificial metal rods so you can't lift anything heavier than your bodyweight for the rest of your life brah
Why are all you faux-altruistic Chads so dumb?
I'd have less risk of snapping my entire lower body's shit up if I just hopped on 500mg of test-e like you and Chad Hemsworth, Chad Pratt, Chad Cooper, Chad Boemer, Chad Evans, and Chad Eastwood.
Why would you lift anything heavier than your bodyweight? You realize that with Tren and HGH you actually gain muscle from light lifting just fine? You don't really even have to work out, that + Clen and Nolva and you'll look good regardless.
>Why would you lift anything heavier than your bodyweight?
So I can get big muscles and that way everyone will respect me/take me seriously
>inb4 "the muscles r just compensating 4 something"
everyone teaches this lesson, not just Hollyjew. Even "anti-MSM" content producers like Sammael Al-Hyde basically say "you're a worthless piece of shit if you don't have huge muscles"
he's a good looking guy, that's it
Eye candy
So, by building muscle you ARE compensating for something? Specifically lack of respect from others?
>caring about height
are you retarded dude
Manlets need to learn.
Where would one even obtain HGH? Asking for a manlet friend of course.
From your personal trainer, where else?
Maybe, but can you honestly 100% truthfully and factually say that getting yuge won't help a person attain respect and help that person be taken seriously by strangers/others?
I've literally never, ever seen a swole guy get disrespected or shat on by people in public (while IRL or in videos online)
also asking for a friend
>inb4 reddit
>inb4 /fraud/
So you can only be Chad if you make enough money to afford a personal trainer?
Russia is the safest and cheapest place to get it done properly.
However if that reddit forum is anything to go by people are using hgh to get gains they could get in two years of lifting.
If you use HGH and don't come out looking like Brock Lesnar then you have shortened your lifespan/increased your chance of death for something you could have spent a year or two on.
Do I just ask straight up, or is there some type of etiquette my friend will have to follow? Srs responses only.
they did jackshit with Killer Croc
they did jackshit with Katana
they did jackshit with Cap Boomerang
they did jackshit with Slipknot
HGH has no harmful side effects tho?
Are you talking about testosterone?
I haven't seen him in anything.
I was really hoping he was half as good as his dad.
So I really do have to go to reddit to get sterons?
I live next to the mexican border; I hear supposedly you can just get a script there in the pharmacy for whatever you're trying to get. Would that be safer or riskier? I hear there's not much QC when it comes to ordering PEDs online
I think it seems a lot safer to just find an unscrupulous physician in the US that will write you a prescription for HGH. Then you can get it filled here, where it should be pure and unadulterated. I'll be fucked if I order Mexican steroids. I may as well just inject feces into my body.
Lol pussy.
Do you have any sources for the impurity of mexican steroids or are you just being another edgy Sam Hyde reddit poster?
It's literally next to impossible for me to get an "unscrupulous physician in the US" as I'm not on mommy and daddy's health insurance plan like most of you millennial kiddos, and most of the doctors in my city are scrupulous catholic quacks.
>HGH has no harmful side effects tho?
had no idea he was in there
Well I'm a pharmacist. I mean, I haven't personally conducted purity testing on Mexican steroids, but I have heard some horror stories. Maybe just do what the other guy recommended and drop hints to your trainer. I would think that would be safer than internet or Mexican/Russian products.
What's this guy's deal? As far as I can tell it's just getting paid to stand around and look like Clint Eastwood. Does he even sound like him? If not, then I don't want any part of these shenanigans.
paying back a favor
I don't have a trainer because I'm not a Chad (like you) who makes oodles of money/has rich parents/is on mommy and daddy's health insurance.
So I guess I gotta go "natty" and never be a man until I get muscles in like 3 years?
You're not getting shit in 3 years without steroids dude. 6+ years if you're EXTREMELY strict about diet and training (24/7 insanity basically).
Except that hes now dead, so I doubt it.
I don't have a trainer either, though I could afford one. Honestly, you probably don't have the dedication to achieve the results you want naturally (I don't either). Just try a doctor. There are plenty that dole out pain meds like candy. Dabbling in HGH is less risky than that. Just start looking online for recommendations. It doesn't even have to be a primary care. There are men's health clinics popping up all over the place in larger cities. ED and gains are their sole purpose from what I understand.
This is why I keep asking where's the best source to get sterons but it seems like everyone on Sup Forums who's already gotten theirs and gotten /fit/ is like "fuck you I got mine buddy I'm not helping the competition"
...that is, when they're not saying "lmao if ur not benching 1.5x ur BW and blasting tren/test every waking moment of ur life ur basically a NU-MALE"
>There are men's health clinics popping up all over the place in larger cities.
I'm pretty sure we do have those in my area code, but I always assumed those were for the >35+ crowd who needs TRT
After about two years of working out I had people commenting on my muscles.
Compared to the one year I would have to spend if I took HGH/test and lifted 4x a week to D-Block like my man Sam Hyde
Again, it's not going to hurt to try. They aren't going to call the police. They just want to make money, and HGH is relatively safe, especially if under the care of a doctor or clinic. A hell of a lot safer than steroids and internet drugs. And a lot of those HGH boosting drugs don't work.
I just want to buy some HGH from a reliable source without getting 3rd parties, doctors, or """pharmacists""" involved
>They aren't going to call the police.
They might though, unlike the illegal drug dealer at the gym.
>>they did jackshit with Killer Croc
BET shawty hoodie bix nood
>and look like Clint Eastwood.
Doesn't even do that properly
Sometimes I was wondering why Hugh Jack Black was in the movie
>I cant afford to get fit
Put some jugs of water on a stick
A bag of rocks
Some fucking bricks
Lift your damn own body
Same reason they did nothing with Ike Barinholtz or whatever his name was. I thought he was supposed to be Dr Hugo Strange? And I thought they were keeping Eastwoods character under wraps because he was another villain or secret squad member.
Turns out he was there for no reason
Fuck this movie. Fuck this movie straight to hell it was like visual and auditory autism
Clint Eastwood?
Where do I get the steroids to achieve a Sam Hyde/Chad Eastwood physique though?
>inb4 "those guys did it natty brah"
stop riding their dicks and slurping their cum, you homo
Have guy that can swim underground
>scuba divers deliver the bomb anyway
>have team called suicide squad
>it's the scuba divers again that blow hems elves up
And then the two years of edema and another year of cancer
They really won't. Just mention it in passing. See what they say and feel them out. They blatantly advertise testosterone supplementation for increased sexual and performance and endurance. Maybe that particular clinic will shoot you down, but there are those that won't.
He will never be his father
>They blatantly advertise testosterone supplementation for increased sexual and performance and endurance
I always thought those adverts were aimed towards the 35+ y/o crowd
You mean Scott?
Are you implying men in their twenties can't have sexual performance issues or exercise intolerance? They just want paid man. They're not going to do anything blatantly illegal or against their practice, but their business is getting performance enhancing drugs to men who want them and can pay for it. That could be sexual performance or athletic performance from what I understand.
Just asking them isn't going to be put of line either. It's like worrying you're going to get arrested for asking a whore for anal sex. She may say no, but she can't fault you for asking. That's the business.
because chads put in the effort and are not lazy bastards
They put in the effort to get HGH? Wow...really makes you think...
What about the health impact of being a flabby bastard or a skinnyfat prick? Obviously natty is best, but if HGH is what it takes to get someone in shape, the benefits may outweigh the risks.
>They're not going to do anything blatantly illegal or against their practice
They literally are illegal, it's only a matter of time when they get investigated and shut down, which has been happening since quite a while, just look it up on news sites.
>it's legal for doctors to prescribe weeaboo internet losers estrogen shots and titty skittles
>it's literally a "SHUT IT DOWN, CALL THE US MARSHALS" offense to prescribe drugs to boost/supplement men's testosterone levels
inb4 "testosterone is dangerous and estrogen is nice and peaceful"
Illegal in the same sense that marijuana dispensaries are illegal. They could shut them down or raid them at any time, but why?
no to get fit and have a ripped body and muscley arms
you stupid fat bastard
Literally the dumbest thing I've read today.
What age are you? If it's anything past 15 I feel sorry for you.
I'm not fat, I just don't have muscles, Chad.
It's perfectly legal for doctors to prescribe ugly dykes testosterone too. Sorry you're not man enough to live in this world I guess :)
>Sorry you're not man enough to live in this world I guess :)
This is why I need testosterone/HGH right now right now right now right now REEE
You could always just man up :)
HGH is innocuous for the most part. Where are you getting your facts from? I'm sitting here reading directly from the package insert which describes the statistics of the side effects experienced in the clinical trial in which this drug presented to the FDA in order to get approved.
The cancer links are unproven. The other major side effects are very rare (>1%). Most of the participants were also probably taking testosterone concurrently, too.
I hope he starts doing better movies soon.
Clint Eastwood is my favorite of all time would like to see his son do well.
>I'm sitting here reading directly from the package insert
where did you get your sterons you fucking normie tell me now
I'm the pharmacistfaggot from earlier. I don't have my own supply. I'm just looking at the safety and prescribing information that I have access to.
the character sacrificed making the bomb explode but nobody cared. like for most of the characters.
at least he played a nameless seal instead of an important dc character like jimmy olsen or asian qt who warner thinks is cool killing when audience doesn't even notice.
Damn, this guy needs to act.
>tfw I had to waste 8mL of testosterone down the sink last week because cameras watch my every move
It's a skinnyfat kind of feel
Clint's son is 5'11" tho
That's because Chad Eastwood/Chad Hemsworth/Chad Evans/Chad Pratt are all being paid to look a certain way (jacked).
Ok so do steroids or put in the work to get big natty. What the fuck are you complaining about?
>Maybe, but can you honestly 100% truthfully and factually say that getting yuge won't help a person attain respect and help that person be taken seriously by strangers/others?
If this is what you believe then why the fuck aren't you doing research, cleaning up your diet and hitting the gym? Is it that you're lazy or that you just don't care enough?
poor guy
It sounds like you know next to nothing about bodybuilding and fitness in general so you probably shouldn't be going near steroids at all