hey guys, this film was shit
please stop defending it
hey guys, this film was shit
please stop defending it
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Globally agreed.
It has some good things going for it including individual characters and the acting (fuck off about Leto. he is having an absolute blast, how can you not smile?), which I can understand people might defend amidst the slew of criticism, but as a whole, it's dragged down by a sketchy last-minute editing job and a generally amateurish screenplay. I think people forget how awful some of those lines were that they try to trace every little problem with the movie, including the bland direction, all back to the editing room, and by proxy, Warner Bros.
Not to say it's the worst superhero movie this year (take notice of how abruptly Apocalypse left people's minds not even a month after its release), but yeah, this really isn't worth putting up a fight for. Even if an extended cut does come out, it's not like that'll remedy much. Sure, you'll have a more coherent structure and pace, but we aren't dealing with stellar writing to begin with, so I doubt it would alter the film's quality too much.
Nah. Was pretty good aside from the editing. Fucking loser
Audiences loved it though
>comic book fanboys loved it though
too bad the film was shit and doesn't work for anyone else
Nah. It wasn't. Get over it kiddo
even audience scores are below average
An extended edition wouldn't fix it like it did with BvS. SS needs a total makeover to the point where it would be rearranged to feel like a different movie. They fucked it so hard with re shoots and post production music additions and a strange lack of introduction to Encantress.
Many of the elements of the plot that were vague/poorly done could have been fixed if we got the same level of backstory for enchantress that we got with Deadshot and Harley.
70% audience rating
Actually it works for a lot of people
surely you're not referring to the sites that have no detection in place for sleeper accounts, thus the score is inflated?
get real kid, film sucked dick
Was hyped as fuck for this movie, I really liked everything I was seeing.
Sadly it was a fucking trainwreck, it was so badly edited and cut that it all felt like some kind of bad fever dream. I walked out the theatre legitimately feeling I hadn't seen the movie, just some kind of montage of scenes from a better movie.
Don't pay to go see this and don't defend it, DC fans deserve better.
Who needs cringe threads when you have people like this lmao. Who cares. move on bud. You didn't need to start ANOTHER thread to bitch about it. Loser
I wonder what % of the total audience actually goes online and starts rating the movie on some website. I bet it's a pretty small number
I just hope WB notice that these movies do make serious bank and could be doing far better box office wise if they actually gave a fuck about these properties.
if they cut Enchantress and Rick Flag and had a heist plot, it would have been amazing
The edit time g was he least of this films problems
I saw it last night and had low expectations and it was actually worse than that. Margot Robbie was good when her accent didn't slip, Will was charming. But the editing was actually atrocious. It felt like a bunch of trailers just mashed together. I actually nodded off at a point, and this movie is loud as fuck. The music was so annoying and distracting, and changed too quickly.
Batman punching Harley? Mess.
Harley jumping into the acid? Mess.
Ok anons, I just saw it a few hours ago.
It's shit, but explain to me ONE THING:
Why the movie is so hated when the quality is basically the same as the majority of Marvel movies?
Because it's not. The quality doesn't even compare to Marvel's movies. Marvel understand what they are making and makes it light and fun and occasionally lets a director like James Gunn experiment and make a slightly different thing.
SS just reeks of studio meddling. They got this director who wanted to do this dark edgy take on the comics and then backtracked and made him change it. The result is characters don't act like they should and even someone who doesn't read comic books will notice. The Joker and Quinn's relationship is a perfect example. It's supposed to be way more abusive. But WB didn't want that so they made Ayer change everything in editing and the end result is a mess of a movie with a bunch of out of place flashbacks that's hard to follow and a bunch of character that don't even do anything all movie. That's another issue, starting with these big multi hero movies was stupid. Ironman 1 was small and let us meet Ironman. You didn't need to see any other movies before Avengers, if you at least saw Ironman you went in understanding one character.
They are rushing and it's noticeable. They are doing a lot of studio meddling, more than is normal. This movie seriously gave me flashbacks to the newest Fantastic Four where the same thing happened even if that was a different studio.
How the fuck was that a mess? He's hit her countless times in fucking comics to the games to cartoons.
>falls into acid
She does that in the comics too
alright settle down RLM drone
Marvel movies are not butchered to hell and back in editing and have these really weird things called character arcs and consistent tones.
well i liked the movie and thought it was alright, but since you posted this i have reversed my opinion and hate it now. thanks!
You realize half the time they just repeat what they see on here?
>take notice of how abruptly Apocalypse left people's minds not even a month after its release
that happens with almost every capeshit though
>RLM took the piss out of Civil War, most Marvel fans favorite movie
try again DCuck
mfw El Diablo transformed into that fucking cgi travesty
Put the whole mess about production aside, you can honestly tell that this movie is worst than Thor 2, Iron Man 3 or Ant-Man?
yeah, sure
it was bad because YMS said so faggot
It's not it's about the same however those movies (aside from Antman) are sequels and that goes back to what I said about understanding and liking characters. Ironman 3 is more beloved by the viewing public because they already love Tony Stark. Same with Thor 2 but to a lesser extent which is why I'm pretty sure it's the least popular marvel movie. I don't know about it's box office success but again that can be attributed to being a sequel.
As for Antman I actually liked it. It had a lot of problems and you could tell it was a project that changed hands at one point but the bits of Edgar Wright's charm left in the movie and the fact that it was a superhero origin story that was a little different made it enjoyable for me. I wish more of these movies would end with somethign like a heist rather than a massive battle ripped straight from the end of the Avengers. Not that it was perfect, I was thoroughly disappointed with Paul Rudd. Probably the worst I've ever seen him. As for why that did well I think it was a combination of being a new superhero who actually has a fun power (all the shrinking scenes are entertaining and again, unlike anything you'll find in other superhero movies) and people being burned out on the big multi hero movies.
In short, yes Marvel's brand is carrying their weaker movies but it can only do that because they have had stronger showings, like Ironman 1.
Because it's not. I prefer DC characters myself and even I can admit that Marvel movies are much better. Suicide Squad was a fucking travesty
This movie was so horrible omg I went into it being very open minded and pretty excited but my god it was bad. The writing made no logical sense and joker was super okay?
The whole time I was thinking oh it's Jared Leto playing joker but not that he was actually joker
>made no logical sense
Ok give an example of what you didn't fucking understand?
>hurrrr what were enchantress and her brother doing?
They were gods worshipped thousands of years ago who were betrayed by their followers, they were pissed and decide to fuck every one over because of it
But senor Reddit, I liked
Marvel movies are bad in a safe, deritive, cheap-looking way that fans will eat up because there's nothing offensively bad about them, they're just the same shit that lost their novelty long ago and aren't concerned with evolving or pressing forward at the risk of alienating their fanbase.
This movie is bad in a Fant4stic sort of way (although at least this feels somewhat "finished" I guess) where you can clearly tell something has gone horribly wrong behind the scenes and it all adds up to a giant clusterfuck that collapses in on itself and drowns in a sea of poorly realised ambition. I'd imagine this is held under even more scrutiny though since it had such a huge hype train leading up to it with all these new, (presumably) interesting characters, whereas you see another Marvel movie is coming out and it's like "Oh, neat".
I'd agree that this is about on the same level as Civil War, but yeah it's a different set of circumstances altogether.
>RT hated it
>RLM hated it
>YMS hated it
>film plebs i've talked to hated it
So we can agree it's objectively shit?
no man the fucking tumblr dc fanboys liked it and their opinion is OBVIOUSLY worth more than all those bs shit sources u listed. lel get cucked faggot learn to watch movies KEK
lol who hurt you
We can, but RLM, YMS and "film plebs" mean jack shit with regards to being objective. Fucking form your own opinion. Since when did a bunch of dudes on the internet who happened to have watched a lot of films become the gold standard for measuring a film's quality, and the fact that you're calling them "plebs" invalidates your point as well.
IMO the best recent Marvel films were GOTG and Ant-Man. Because they actually brought something new to the table and were done in a different style.
GOTG was more like what Suicide Squad SHOULD HAVE FELT LIKE
Ant-Man was a smaller, lower-stakes heist movie that was fun. Plus Paul Rudd.
Civil War wasn't anything great but it wasn't shitty, plus Black Panther is a badass.
The weakest MCU Movies are the sequels but they still aren't as bad as the DCEU.
Plus right now you can see that they have been building up over time to an Infinity War story so it is clear that they DO have a plan they are working towards rather than just throwing a bunch of movies together as cash-grabs.
Meanwhile, DCEU is just trying to build something to compete with Marvel by trying to get to a Justice League movie asap with no cohesive plan in mind. They should have followed the Marvel formula: Man of Steel, a new batman movie, a flash movie, a wonder woman movie, an aquaman movie, a cyborg movie, etc. Instead we are gonna be introduced to most of the JL in THE FUCKING GROUP MOVIE. Nobody is going to give a damn about the characters at all! Holy shit this is such a shitty excuse for a film franchise.
PLUS they're fucking it all up by trying to be dark and gritty in hopes of making people somehow think that they're watching TDK again, which they aren't. Why? TDK was amazing, the new movies are SHIT.
If you went back to when the New 52 came out and told everyone that it would only be the second worst thing to happen to the DC franchise this decade, there would have been RIOTS IN THE FUCKING STREETS.
DC has fucked up so hard, but people will still watch these movies because of the licensing. ANd thus they will still make a profit. FUCK im mad
X-Men was way better though
You don't have to have seen the film to contribute to an audience score, they are effectively meaningless.
Adding onto this, someone should really make a new superhero franchise (probably film only, perhaps film and comics later?) to compete with both Marvel and DC, but do it with the intention of simply making GOOD MOVIES. Don't focus on having them be superheroes, but focus on having them be GOOD CHARACTERS.
"oh but the only reason these movies are popular is because of the iconic characters"
That is ONLY true of DC. People just know Batman, Supes, Joker, etc and that's why they see these films.
Outside of comic book fan circles, NOBODY fucking knew about Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, Black Panther, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Nick Fury. Thor and Cap would have MAYBE been at least a little bit known, but for most people, Hulk, Fantastic 4, and Spider-Man were the only Marvel characters people really knew about (and only 1 of them has a MCU movie). The films made the characters iconic.
I would LOVE it if new superhero movies that aren't from established comic book series came out to just shit all over DCEU and just destroy the DC name back to a print and cartoon only company.
And X-Men, people knew about X-Men, too.
right now this film looks like 'our guy' with fighting feminism and PC culture
you guys are fucking cogs in a wheel, them movie
(say this with me now)
Tldr lmao
It was mindless fun Op, dont take it as anything
The main problem I have with people bashing on it
is that now, out of nowhere, people expects
actual cinematography out of superhero movies.
It was never like that, you dont go to see one
of these movies expecting them to win an oscar,
you watch these movies to have fun on
friday night
Like hell it was
>Effects and sets looking cheaper than ever
>Entire premise is meaningless since we know based on the ending to DoFP everyone made it out okay, and to set this movie in the past and tease that the world is going to end or some other catastrophic shit is pointless
>Awful attempts at humour with the chemistry between Xavier and Rose Byrne, and that forced-as-hell "HURHUR WASN'T THE LAST STAND JUST THE WURST XD" scene that basically added nothing but allowing the movie to stroke itself and somehow think of itself as superior despite falling into the exact same pits that plagued TLS.
>Useless Wolverine cameo that went on for way too long
>Didn't the guy who made Usual Suspects direct this? Why is everything so fucking bland and uninspired?
>Once again, too many characters the movie wants to try and focus on or give some sort of arc but runs out of time before they can feel in any way complete. This was an issue with DoFP as well, but it's way more glaring here since everything else about the movie is so boring.
>JenLaw being a cunt about wearing the Mystique costume and generally just phoning it in the whole way through. Isaac and McAvoy do well, but literally everyone else has precisely zilch to work with.
tl;dr: Marvel movies made their characters popular, while DC characters made their movies popular.
Oh, almost forgot
>Magneto's whole story and the bullshit with Quicksilver being too much of a bitch to tell him he's his son even though the fucking world is going to end and he could save billions of lives.
I expect basic editing and a coherent narrative. This film is a mess on basic filmmaking levels, no reasonable person expects amazing cinematography from these blockbusters.
if u like this movie, kys
if not, then dont cringe at ppl who agree with you
Nah. Grow up
Marvel doesn't make bad movies, you've been memed by Sup Forums.
only DChads understand this type of masculinecinema
Marvel movies are pure studio meddling.
I'd say it generally works (james gunn is legitimately an awful film maker and GotG was decent flick).
sometimes it doesn't work (Marvel forcing garbage into Civil War after the Russo Bros made the well crafted Winter Solider)
not him but iron man 3, thor, and especially age of ultron are all bad movies.
BvS was the movie that needed to be edited down with the big one being the last act with Doomsday, WW, and the death of Superman. Their solution is the release a extended version that dumps another half hour to it.
SS needed the extra time to setup backstories better and hopefully they will release a extended recut of the film. If not, I can't watch DC stumble and fumble their way to copy Marvel and just skip out of the rest of their films.
Fine, fanboys, you win—for now.Suicide Squadopened to a record-breaking $131.5 million at the domestic box office, besting the previous record-holder for biggest August opening weekend of all time,Guardians Of The Galaxy,by more than $40 million. What’s more, the film received an average B+ CinemaScore from viewers overall and an A- from female viewers, confusing the hell out of publications (likeThe A.V. Club) that spent the last week furiously pounding out essays about how gross it is that Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn spends most of the movie in spangled short-shorts and a jacket that says “Property of the Joker” on the back.
Didn't you get the memo? we're DChads now.
Did you read my essay about Margot Robbie's short shorts?
Yeah but who cares
>being so ashamed of your opinion you have to hide it with spoilers
Never change cucks
Dude you are right
only DChads think it was good
Shouldn't you be trying to spin Ghostbusters 70 million dollar loss somewhere? Or aren't you done FURIOSLY WRITING ESSAYS ABOUT HOTPANTS?
>tfw don't want to pay for it but only find russian torrents
Did you see that big DC logo in the opening?
That's why
Nah. It's good.
SJWs hate it though
Nice try MCUck
>you need 16 million movies before you can make one movie
no. That's not how ensemble casts work.
But it isn't. It's pretty much the best cape movie this year. Have you even seen it?
It's like 5 dollars for a matinee.
>how can you not smile?
I was awkwardly wringing my hands as he did his Heath ledger impression, yes.
Oh baby the enchantress was one of the few things that kept me interested. Pass me a slice, am I right?
>Heath Ledger
confirmed underage
please support good films for once change.org
Sorry DChads don't read essays, we only ready GRAPHIC NOVELS
Im 22 m8 help me understand
Honestly I dont think the original cut of the film was worth a shit either. I think they tried to do a massive tonal shift to make it into something its inherently not.
Most people can notice this kind of thing, but it doesnt surprise me that idiots are taking everything in this film at face value. The thing is basically a walking corpse
>be a DChad
>want to check out this new cinemá between my reps
>Deaf Hoe at the ticket counter asks where my "skwad" was
>said I didn't have a Skwad, I was going to the movies by myself between sets at the gym
>Said they had a no singles policy in effect and I needed a Skwad
>so i slapped her ass and she let me go see the movie for free
such is life for a DChad
a shit ton of IMDB users rate movies before the movie is ever released, and an extremely small number of them didn't even see the movie via early screenings.
Did you forget BvS?
At least the female costumes were delicious. Dunno why they didn't just give Enchantress a dress.
His first appearance in the club with Common made me think of Jim Carrey The Mask.