/STG/ the revival.
Indiana Hopper edition.
Thought I'd try reviving these threads due to a post last night people seemed genuinely interested in participating in.
/STG/ the revival
Other urls found in this thread:
>massive post-show depression because of the realization that you will never had genuine young love like Mike x El
> Drunken wreck for literally one scene
> Instantly become a highly effective, open-minded cop from minute zero of the investigation
> Rushedly add a couple of cancer scenes by the end to create the illusion of having a character arc
Just to defend his character a bit, his deputies did say he was a big city cop who moved out the Hawkins after the death of his daughter, which possibly implies that he has more experience with difficult investigations seeing as the big city has way more crime.
Seems pretty obvious that Hopp was a local boy who boomeranged after his life fell apart. Joyce & Lonnie are so familiar with him they must have been classmates.
That's correct, but my point still stands that he was probably a cop in Indianapolis, which is why he isn't as po-dunk as his underlings are.
Sure, they even had the one scene in which he calls some former colleague for information. Still, his first scene suggest he'd be the kind of classic 80s character who doesn't give a fuck at first and then gets increasingly invested and ultimately gets his shit together.
The weirdest thing about his storyline is when he doesn't get himself killed the first time hebreaks into the lab, when it's been previously established they don't mind killing random bystanders at all
Dunno, guess I missed something about the show. The pace of interesting things happening was kind of slow and the presentation wasn't good enough to make me forget the pacing. Only watched because I'm a sucker for mysteries, but they didn't even really explain any of what was happening.
>but they didn't even really explain any of what was happening.
Did you watch more than one episode? Its pretty straightforward
Maybe he was a federal agent before? Possibly DoE or FBI that would lead him to have better investigation skills/fight skillfully/be generally badass
That could be a cool connection.
The last scene where he gets in the car reluctantly but nonchalantly with the feds makes me think he knew more from the beginning or whatever Brenner told him was enormously fucked up or spoopy
Yep. It hit me hard. Made worse by the fact I finished watching it on my birthday, when of course I was particularly reflective on how empty my life has been.
>name is Hopper
>he doesnt hop
You just KNOW
>but they didn't even really explain any of what was happening.
That's because no one really knew what was happening. Even Brenner. His project was never supposed to do something like what it did, he was trying to spy on the Russkies and he wound up tearing a hole between dimensions.
They probably felt he was more useful alive. Dead men can't get information for them.
I've known this guy as an actor for years but never really watched him in anything.
This character made me really like him.
>They probably felt he was more useful alive. Dead men can't get information for them.
That's my only problem with this show. It wasn't very "realistic" to keep any of them alive. Even for information.
For starters the big questions - what's up with El, what's the upside down dimension, how's the monster related to it
> That photo in the corner
Did the Chad get ALL the girls?
>For starters the big questions - what's up with El,
She's a telekinetic with the ability to travel to other dimensions. Developed through administration of drugs in utero.
> what's the upside down dimension,
An alternate dimension
>how's the monster related to it
It lives there
So what was with the egg he came across when he was in the upside-down? Was it the same thing the creature was huddled over in the flashback scene where El is in the dark place for the second time?
I'm guessing that's what the creature hatched from, and it has something to do with the larvae that slithers out of Will's mouth in the finale.
That was the only detail that I felt was really left unanswered.
The information that would lead them directly to El? I'm pretty sure they felt that was important. It didn't seem like they concerned at all with the creature itself, just getting her.
>what is s2
the Alien reference.
At that point, they had no indication that he knew where she was or that she even existed (which he didn't).
Just a side who literally assaulted his way into a top secret military facility. Nigga should have been erased from existence.
You can only stage so many suicides & tragic accidents before it starts to seem suspicious. Especially when people are already disappearing because of what they let in.
>what's up with El
She's a telepath/telekinetic created seemingly by accident because her mother took part in MKUltra experiments in college for extra credit.
Well, El *was* the primary purpose of the entire lab. Studying the "gate" she opened was secondary, and it was anybody's guess if there was even anything that could be done about the demogorgon. And, of course, there's the distinct possibility that Brenner actually was El's father, and that as twisted as his relationship to her was, just like Joyce and Hopp, he just wanted his child back.
The fact that he was suddenly punching out state troopers, cutting open seemingly dead bodies and broke into the top secret military facility was actually a very good indication that he had been in contact with the supernatural prisoner who escaped said facility a few days prior. He was their only lead at this point, and it is a lead that ends up paying of eventually. And if he did end up blabbing they could easily have discredited him what with recently finding Will dead combined with his personal history of loss and alcohol/pill abuse.
Hopper is suicidal, looking for ways to dull his memories. Whether that be substance abuse and loose women or work he lets it fully absorb him. He casually risks his life in the search for Will because he has no concern for his own future.
Pretty sure it is the same thing, hard to tell if it's feeding on it or inseminating/grooming it.
just a random thought, but wouldnt it have been cool if we could have had detective velcoro (from TD S2) instead of hopper? and his red headed fat kid as one of the gang playing D&D?
Hop was awesome. Yeah, he was in a dark place to begin but obviously the chance to save Will, and then EL, where he failed to save his daughter snapped him out of the funk, gave him a sense of purpose.
>tfw David Harbour would be better Indiana Jones than Chris "Meme Lord" Pratt
Post yfw Based Hop showed up in Skwad and it kinda felt like they could be the same universe. ST a prequel to the metas and inter dimensional multiverse of the DCU. Hop helps the government come to a peaceful resolution w the metas of ST in the 80s and works his way up to working w Waller
Part time.
what happened to /stg/? we had em daily
This proves only children like DC movies. What the fuck is this kid saying.
they got flooded with contrarian assholes who hated /stg/ and stopped being comfy. now everybody hates /stg/
that sucks i liked it, it was /comfy/ galore tbqh fampai
damn looks like i'm too late then. I watched the show a few weeks ago but missed all the threads it seems
Yeah this character turned around way too fast.
Is there any way to get into the discord or is that dead too?
a bunch of the main ones made a discord but it's fucking cancer/autism central
He didn't turn around, it's never implied he is a bad cop. He got an interesting case so he used that to occuppy his mind with instead of alcohol/pills.
There's a Discord for ST but I haven't been able to get into it. I missed the last open invite because I had to go out to dinner.
If Dan or anybody checks this, please open an invite so I can join. I miss getting to talk about this show.
We migrated /stg/ to the discord, and it's been there ever since.
That's about right desu.
I might let in another group of refugees on Saturday.
I'm pretty confident that Hop is much more than he seemed. The way he deals with the people at the laboratory and his fighting abilities/confidence are way too high for him to just be a big city cop. I'm pretty confident he's some form of government agent.
I cant even remember the last show I saw comfier than Stranger Things
Any rough estimate on time? I'll do my best to be online around then.
can you give a discord invite?
Kill yourself
I just want them to be happy.
I'll put up a link in a little bit since you're already here and asking.
That's much appreciated mate. I've been hoping for one since last week.
thanks familiori
pls do,i miss the comfy /stg/ threads senpai
5 uses max, GET IN HERE:
>demogorgon is attracted to blood
>it's always found in the middle of fucking no where
>it never hangs around the hospital
It only hunts in a certain area, near the gate to the upside-down
Got in! Thanks a lot mate, Happy to be with the /STG/entlepeople again.
>expired already
t thanks
Okay memesters, get in here:
An invite will be coming soon.
Fuck off with your faggotry you shitty tripfriend.
Just let us have our own general.
What did they mean by this?