I haven't been to Sup Forums in maybe a year. Catch me up, what's the latest in memes?
I haven't been to Sup Forums in maybe a year. Catch me up, what's the latest in memes?
HONKA HONKA is the new meme
>Dr Pavel, I'm CIA.
What did he mean by this.
what's that lad?
>extremely forced
Baneposting is still going strong 4 years later
Evansposting, though used mainly to trigger DCuks, is becoming quite the late bloomer
Bibbleposting is a welcome addition to Star Wars' line of memery
evansposting like pic related?
Who is the masketta man?
bibbleposting will be dead within the month its cringe tier
As ever baneposting, the king of memes.
>it's a Truman revisits Sup Forums after one year and is totally unfamiliar with the latest memes episode
>Catch me up, what's the latest in memes?
would you like to buy an anvil?
why hasnt there been a CIA and Evan mash up?
Its slutposting you fucking newfag, this is the easiest way to spot angry Mcucks
Slutposting was the original form featuring Based Renner. CE laughing is universally known as Evansposting (check 4foolz archive)
Just because you say something doesnt make you immediately correct
There's this meme
Universally ay? Is that how it got to reddit?
idg that meme what is it?
JUST is also hanging on, and can now include many more then JUST Brendan
A lot of big things happened.