How the fuck the soundtrack of this masterpiece was nominated for Razzie Award? Are those people deaf and blind?
How the fuck the soundtrack of this masterpiece was nominated for Razzie Award? Are those people deaf and blind?
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Mann somehow attracts normalfags eventhough he is one of the most patrician Hollywood directors out there.
You can be a good director while also making accessible movies.
thats because tangerine dream were unfashionable in the early 80's, thanks to the libcuck rolling stone propaganda war against prog rock bands and musicians who can actually play their instruments.
now, of course, tangerine dream are omg so retro.
Tangerine Dream was making kooky new age stuff in the 80s though.
I think it's great personally, but I can see how it was maybe considered kitsch at the time
Synthesizers were unpopular for a long time. They were either too geeky and weird, because of their association with science fiction, or too "gay" for most tastes.
"Kooky new age stuff" is like Enya and Enigma. Not Tangerine Dream.
Tangerine Dream's best OST is The Soldier, but Thief is a close 2nd
That is so weird. In my opinion the soundtrack elevates the film to another plane. It fits perfectly.
>tfw they start cutting through the vault door
I don't quite remember the soundtrack to This movie however it was true crime/heist Kino
Since it hasn't been posted yet.
The beach scene score, my god
The Thing's soundtrack was also nominated for Razzie
proof that the award means absolutely nothing
I get hard just thinking about this movie.
Currently writing a heist novel and listening to this on repeat
I am a TD expert
ask me anything about TD
remember, 73-86 are the only good years
>tfw I'm on my 4th playthrough of the (worthwhile) leaves and trees volumes
Brussels 76' and Montreal 77', mmmmm.....
Mfw sorcerer soundtrack
i have no face cause im on mobile
but still
This is their setup when they created the thief soundtrack
>dat ratcheting
Which albums do you recommend? I've listened to the Mann soundtracks and Stratosfear.
80's synth related, if anyone doesn't already know, the Vangelis soundtrack for blade runner is pretty fucking incredible as well.
The Razzie Award people must be utter pleb cunts.
One of the best movies ever, and the use of the music in the end scene is all-time.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Enya was later watered down pop 'new age'.
But New Age for a long time was weird synth-y post-hippie stuff. A lot of German kosmische totally fairly falls into that, it was formally the same, and coming from the same kind of culture and motivations.
I really like TD's soundtrack from Legend. Never seen the movie...just have the smooth soundtrack.
Watched this again recently.
Drive took so much inspiration from this. Anyone on Sup Forums into Drive really has to see this.
Yeah, I actually really like their slightly kitschy early 80s soundtracks, which kind of go into later-Moroder territory. Legend, Firestarter, The Keep...
my fav electronica at the moment :vangelis and neuronium.
Phaedra to Poland. In order. Then if you're feeling up to it, go through to Underwater Sunlight.
As for Tangerine Leaves and Tangerine Tree volumes, it gets complicated....
I'll make a list in a sec
People who were anti-synth were the worst.
>Never seen the movie
It's pretty good. Essential fantasy core, and tim curry plays the best movie devil ever.
Like Bay
I own the tape somewhere I've just never watched it
Also, if you like these, look into Klaus Schulze, Ashra, Manuel Göttsching, and then a lot of 70s / 80s New Age cassette stuff like what's posted on youtube channel Sounds of the Dawn:
Then of course there's newer bands/artists like Emeralds, Oneohtrix Point Never, etc.
Thief was super boring. Just another example of Sup Forums being wrong. But that said, the Razzies are shit and pick good movies all the time.
Mann sucks. Heat is overrated and he's the only director yet that's managed to have DDL and make him a completely unremarkable character.
I don't subscribe to the bay is bad meme, but he's not even close to the way Mann shoots, or directs the actors.
Look at collateral, 90% of that movie is Fox and Cruise sitting in the cab, talking. And its so well done, with great tension and suspense that when the movie finally has its obligatory action finale with a running gun fight through the city its less interesting than tight shots of two guys having a quiet conversation about things.
Why is Zeit their best album?
I could agree with that. But for me it was about the method and execution of the crimes and a freelance burglar/thief. And how he had to start over when he fucked up.
Man on Fire was great tho, at least an 8/10
>pleb and proud
Except most fans of the character and series haven't seen Mann's version
Paul Verhoeven got a razzie bro.
Like Cameron.
It's a shame too. You can watch red dragon and manhunter back to back, and even though they follow almost the same plot points, they're completely different movies, and you can really see how important a good director is for a project.
The movie is shit but based TG pulls through as always
wow, he made the second best Hannibal Lecter movie, good for him
Like Tarantularino.
my TD recommendation list I just wrote up is too long for Sup Forums
Gimme a min
Reims 74 - A real classic. TD at its most experimental
Croydon 75 - Quite the pounding adventure
London 75 - Two hours of experimental excellence.
Nottingham 76 - Really high quality. Classic mid-seventies TD. One of my favorites
Berlin 76 - High quality again. Short and sweet.
Germany 76 (vol13) - Another two hours of superb sequences and experimental goodness
Paris 76 - A good quality, long recording. Goes back and forth from great to ok.
Brussels 76 (vol27) - Spends a long time building up, but it's worth it. Pretty crisp performance near the end.
Brussels 76 (vol31) - The superior Brussels volume. An incredible wall of sound all the way through. Some extended guitar playing by Froese
London 76 - A floaty concert, with periods of strong sequences. More guitar jamming from Froese
Germany 76 (vol45) - poor quality recording, but goddamn if it isn't an adventure from start to finish. A real variety of sounds and themes throughout. Some of the most funky TD of the era
Manchester 76 - Some strong beats in this one
Washington 77 - The 'real' Encore. Clean performance by all
Montreal 77 - Encore, but a whole degree of power higher. A superb FM-quality recording, paired with the extreme energy of the music, makes for a memorable TT volume
Detroit 77 - What it lacks in recording quality, it makes up for in pure synthtastic excellence and great guitar sections
Seattle 77 - Not the best recording, but a good Encore era performance nonetheless.
Berlin 78 - The best live Cyclone volume. Lots of improv
So-so volumes (still worth a listen)
Orange 75 - Not particularly remarkable. Some interesting loops, but a poor quality recording
Bilabo 76 - Pretty poor recording. Lots of audience noise. A few great sequences, though
Amsterdam 76 - Nothing stands out. Doesn't really keep my interested desu
London 78 - Two hours of meh Cyclone improv
***Many post 1980 volumes are kinda redundant, as tracks are mostly similar from concert to concert, but whatever....
Berlin 80 - A MUST LISTEN. Extreme quality in both the recording and the music. A mind-blasting entrance into the world of digital TD
Brussels 80 - Lots of energy. The beginning of sequencer-centric TD. From here on out, hardly anything is played 'live'. Cursed sequence loading!
Preston 80 - Not as high quality as Brussels, but it's energetic - and the source of Football Museum, a great one-off track!
Newcastle 81 - Ok recording, powerful tracks
Firenze 81 - Great recording
Berlin 81 - Some unique tracks in this one
Croydon 82 - Another MUST LISTEN. The 'real' logos
Frankfurt 83 - Some high quality logos recordings
Poland 83 - Another MUST LISTEN. Make sure to have the extra long 2hr version, not the cut down version.
Germany 87 - The last of the good TD.
two chords, fuck I love this track
Should have been a jazz soundtrack
not synth
the razzie is the definition of a circlejerk award, the same things win the same awards over and over to pound in the fact they thought it was bad
people that take stuff like razzies seriously usually have bad taste, that's why.
Thanks. I'll download these from
>how could people think differently in the past?
>Director's Cut has the superior visuals & story
>Theatrical Cut has the superior soundtrack
Why cant someone just combine the two? Its like watching DBZ Dragon Box all over again.
Might as well DL the entire TT series. It's like 97 volumes.
There are torrents out there. Remember, it's all legal, since TD gave the go-ahead for the project. They are all fan recordings, you know.
Then if you're in the mood for some MORE TD, go download the Tangerine Leaves volumes. Many many hours of TD concerts from their prime 70s years.
They just aren't as good recordings as the Tangerien Tree volumes. But ignoring that, there are some superb concerts in there.
Red Dragon is a good movie too. Manhunter is kind of cheesy by today's expectations desu because of the slow pacing and outdated style of delivery for the actors. It even has 80s staples like the indulgent gratuitous sex montage
This is pretty lit. Is there more?
The Soldier is a Cold War action movie that feels "real" because of the grainy directing. It's no James Bond but that's a count for it. It works really well. With the weird crazy opening scene, the Tangerine Dream soundtrack is just the icing on the cake.
Will Tangerine Dream be in Lords of Synth 2? Maybe with John Carpenter?
What does past has to with anything? The combination of visuals and music in the film is great, and in no way worst of the year.
Popular attitudes. Those change a lot. Try reading an old book with a lot of "current" pop culture references for its time and notice how much has changed.
Is this yours?
So... The Room is a work of cinematic genius to you?
Their 90s stuff is severely underrated and underappreciated by nerds like you, just like Rush's synth pop era (their only good era)
TD's first three albums are also GREAT, especially EM and Zeit.
Rush had a synthpop era?
I'll have to listen to their things from that era. I always ignored them and their fans.
"Good" Rush is so painfully overrated. It's by no means the worst band ever, but everything is just so... sterile to me, if that's a good word to explain it. that Freaks and Geeks episode in which the dad makes fun of Neil Peart and shows how most people who consider Rush to be this divinely talented band are just people with little knowledge of music is amazing
I don't want to be that guy who shittalks icons, but still.
Red dragon isn't bad, but Manhunter is objectively superior. Tom Noonan as the tooth fairy, Brian Cox's genuinely creepy and intimidating Lecter. And holy shit William Peterson just blows norton out of the water, in manhunter you actually give a shit about Graham because the guy is genuinely damaged and on the brink of going crazy. Norton just acted like a smug douche.
And its just a visually stunning movie. I mean the sunset at the beach house shot is just incredible.
If you're the kind of person whose favorite 80s bands are ones like Joy Division, Siouxsie, Depeche Mode, New Order, The Smiths etc, then Rush will be a non entity to you
I can't speak for everyone, but Rush has this ability to make almost every song of theirs a fucking ear worm.
Jesus christ, if I hear 2 notes of "closer to the heart" I spend the next day and a half trying to hit that high note. And they're like one of six things that canada has contributed to pop culture so they're practically a national treasure to the canucks.
The thing is that I'm not really that kind of person. I like a lot of other prog and highly technical bands (although I do like The Smiths (and The Cure too)). It's just that Rush seems to be so devoid of life and energy to me.
Not a fan of the rest of the EP but I love this TD song
What is this genre called?
Manhunter had two Shriekback songs on the soundtrack. How did that band become so forgotten?
Hey buddy, I'm a fan of Optical Race and Canyon Dreams and the like; I just feel that when recommending TD stuff it's best to not overdo it quantity wise
And the pre 74 stuff is interesting, I'll give you that
I just don't find it compelling. Not enough hot sequencer action, wew
Tangerine Dream is good but like other soundtrack focused artists they have this lethargic quality that's like going into a slumber from spending too long around kitchen smells. It's tasty but energetically draining.
>Each film is different. Some give us all the freedom we want. Some work with us, they play instruments and we work out tunes together (Michael Mann plays guitar on Thief).
>Michael Mann plays guitar on Thief
A man of many talents. I had no idea. Shouldn't be surprising since he is always so heavily involved in the music for his films.
I like New Order and to a lesser extent JD, I like minimal synth, ebm, industrial and the like the best from that whole era.
Shit like this
Sounds like trance to me bro.
t. 90's clubrat
great movie and yes, he got the best with Cruise as himself and the insufferable nigger that can act for shit unless someone is yelling at him.
EM was actually my first introduction to TD, I was really into EAI and these goofy early synth improv records like this
>soundtracked focused
Ehh, I wouldn't call it that. Most of the soundtrack tracks were cut up chunks from other albums anyways.
On a different note, it's crazy how strong their concert game was in the mid 70s
Look at Brussles 76 and Nottingham 76 - two wildly different concerts, performed less than a week apart
Eh Steely Dan is sometimes a bit overproduced, but it's not like those other bands.
I find its really good for ambient music. I use it a lot at work because it helps me zone in on what I'm doing.
Stereotypes would have it that in the world of synth based music you're either a weird and dark New Waver who only listens to bleak and minimalistic music or a Peacock dressed Mall Prep who only listens to bombastic pop.
In any era's music, though, it's possible to appreciate both.
They have a lot of those same superficial technical flourishes and ornamentation. But I like it anyway.
I think it's largely because I don't take pop music very seriously.
>Thief is a movie from the 80s
>Ostensibly set in the 80s
>Everyone dresses like it's the 70s
1981 is definitely still the 70s Tbh
>that scene where you're looking up at the fat man and from the camera's perspective he is upside down, spewing insults
Pure kino
It works both ways, which is great
I find much of TD good for getting pumped up/working on stuff
Blasting Horizon, or Part 2 of Montreal 77, and I'm in jam-city
Oh btw, Baumann recently released his first album in forever
I'm a fan of his solo stuff
minimal synth, ebm, and industrial are hardly confined to the 80s
those genres are still going strong with a lot of new artists popping up the last few years
Yeah, but I prefer the late 70s/early 80s low-fi stuff, as well more conventional synthpop/art pop/new romantic.
Definitely seeing a return to that style in some corners
oh man, that sounds kinda like Suicide except competent enough to write songs with more than one instrument