Is he the greatest film soundtrack composer currently working?
Is he the greatest film soundtrack composer currently working?
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Yes, Hans and Junkie can't compare.
Honestly yeah
wish he could just kill nin and work with atticus ross full time
there was a time when he was a manlet twink.
Came here to post this
NIN feels sort of played out. wish he would dedicate himself to instrumental music entirely.
He's pretty good.
Trunt Roznar is a jenious
>there was a time when he was a manlet twink
still is desu
Waiting for Fincher to announce a new project so we could get another amazing soundtrack.
No, that's Thomas Newman.
fuck off, Edgar.
hes fuken jaked u loser
also, will he ever top the soundtrack to Quake (1996)?
I cant agree with this at all hesitation marks was a great album I want more nin
trent looks like such a normie now. what went wrong?
>Junkie can't compare
Junkie shouldn't even be in the same sentence as either of them.
Gone Girl is his best and should've won over Grand Budapest for score in 2014.
Ghosts is the best thing he's ever done.
I liked Hesitation Marks as well, but I feel like there's so much more potential with the instrumental stuff. HM was just good, whereas the soundtrack work he's done (and Ghosts) has been great.
Am I a pleb for going with Cliff Martinez?
That Knick score was mind blowing.
Listened to the soundtrack recently, really good stuff.
What else has he done that's worth checking out?
>Gone Girl is his best
No, The Social Network is. The Social Network's soundtrack is probably the best of this decade so far.
It's hard to say that one is better than the other, they're so different sonically. The Social Network score is definitely the most iconic.
Anything later Refn
Spring Breakers
Pump Up the Volume
Thanks, I'll check those out.
Its so beautyfull :)