How do you deal with depression or suicide thoughts?

How do you deal with depression or suicide thoughts?

Is there any movies or tv shows to keep away this horrible feels at least for a while??

I don't get depression or suicide thoughts

go see a talk therapist (not a psychiatrist who will just give you SSRI garbage that makes you feel worse)

Changing your mindset, trying to do something productive, there are many ways to deal with it but movies and TV shows won't help in the long run.

By being so apathetic that I don't even
Sorry don't care enough to finish that sentence

Watch French Anime, you'll feel better.

No, you should just end yourself now, or go back to Sup Forums. The choice is up to you.

you motherfucker

been there a lot of times. some bob ross and old simpsons have kinda worked for me. but yeah do this if you can hang in there bruh

Thanks big guy

if hes actually suicidal talk therapy isnt going to help but drugs might. there are so fucking many different ssris and if one gives you bad side effects doesnt mean the others will too


> tfw too pussy to end it
I'm so tired at this stage.


Fucking nigger faggot.

go outside and get some sun


Run, or swim. You'll be relieved and it'll save your mind. Start lifting, too.

Distracting yourself with movies instead of dealing with life's problems will just make those problems worse until they are no longer bearable

Figuratively speaking you'll be like pic related


No, there's only one way out of a depression.

Do you have a job?

I love my mom