What a shame
No Ghostbusters Sequel
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There is a God
That loss makes no sense.
It has to be higher right?
Even feig said he needed $500 mill to break even.
Something aint adding up.
cry more man babies
>pretending you only lost 70 million
wew lad
b-but they said Sup Forums was always wrong and btfo...
What do their farts smell like
I bet Melissa McCarthy wafts hers up to her nose when she does them
Cheesy potatoes maybe
Now I'm hungry
Ideal Nutbusters cast:
Alexandra Daddario
Jessica Biel
Kate Mara
Instead we get 2 fat bitches, a lesbian and a pensioner
GamerGate won.
We told you so.
but at what cost lad
No there isn't.
But how do we stop GooberGlavie from winning again AND stop them from raping all the women with their assault clips?
stop fighting them
if you kill youre enemy, they win
They could bust others from death...
Well going by the numbers, $144m production budget, $100m marketing budget, so $244m cost, then $180m box office, with around $90m going to studio from that, leaves a $154m loss
Then there are tie-in goods like papa johns, ecto-cooler, crystal skull vodka, and merchandising which even if they go on clearance the number important to the studio is units shipped, once in stores its the stores problem. Then there is tv deals and lisensing stuff. That somehow adds an additional $80m or so
That's what you get when you try to ride the wave of a fad and use the ravaged corpse of a beloved franchise.
Ghostbusters is still the highest grossing PG-13 rated Sony comedy with an all female cast.
Oh god really? It was fucking awful. Civil War was kind of dumb but at least it was fun. This was just awful in addition to being dumb.
>tfw ghostbusters is dead again
thank you based god
>budget: $144 million
>box office: $180 million
>spend hundreds of millions on advertising shitty papa johns and progressive commercials
>claim you are only gonna take a $70 million hit
What other Sony comedies are there other than Adam Sandler movies?
Yes there is.
According to box office mojo (as of August 10 2016)
Worldwide Box Office: $181,614,009
Production Budget: $144,000,000
That adds up to a $37,614,009 PROFIT
Don't you just love it when whinny manbabies write biased articles
And if you think only domestic box office matters then you are out of touch because China is the second biggest market for Hollywood movies and tv shows and the film isn't even out there yet!
Feminists told me to see Ghostbusters. So I didn't.
Feminists told me not to see Suicide Squad. So I did.
Evidently most moviegoers don't much care for feminist's opinions
What does Suicide Squad have to do with Ghostbusters? Or are you simply saying people don't give a shit about feminists and if anything want to spite them?
Also what do feminists have against SS? Is it Harley and the whole sexiness? Batman punching her in the face?
The best part is that the movie ended with the girls talking about all the new cases they would get now that they're famous. Seriously. I'm not kidding.
>pretending it's only 70mil
Top lel
Accounting the advertising budget the loss is way worse than that.
It'd be nice to see some media/entertainment outlets point out the fact that it's actually a billion dollar loss.
$70 million is only what they failed to recoup from the production and marketing costs.
Think about all the POTENTIAL money they lost.
The "nerd" market right now is fucking gargantuan. Almost every superhero movie that Hollywood shits out makes upward of a billion dollars, even obscure properties like Deadpool.
Now imagine what a beloved franchise like Ghostbusters COULD have done. Imagine a cast of A-list actors and comedians, with a hot/cute female secretary, and a writing crew with a good track record.
It would have been the start of a massively successful new trilogy. It would have been the biggest movie of the summer, and the highest grossing comedy of all time. There would have been all kinds of merchandise, videogames, promotions, and app tie-ins. They'd be making money in every direction.
Instead, the franchise is now completely dead. They'll have to wait a decade before even attempting to resuscitate it. It literally might be the biggest disaster in motion picture history..
Not playing in China and you apparently don't know how much money advertising costs you fat fucking retarded pig. Go tumblr off a mountain.
>They'll have to wait a decade before even attempting to resuscitate it.
Isn't it produced by Sony? Are you not familiar with Spider-man?
As for the potential I honestly think it is more a cult classic then a mainstream big deal. Sure everyone knows it but I'm not sure everyone cares enough.
>falling for the bait
Step aside son, let me handle this. I have experience, I've done 4 tours of duty in Sup Forums. These Sup Forums memers are NOTHING compared to what I've dealt with before.
*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...
But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.
And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.
See you on the boards...
Movies about ghosts are literally illegal in China.
And the movie cost at least 100,000,000 to promote.
AND the studio only gets ~50% of the revenue anyway.
So... yeah.
(I took bait didn't I?)
Both came out around the same time. GB was all about feminism and flopped spectacularly. A lot of feminists were bitching about SS because Harley is sexy and Batman punched a girl. So seeing SS exceed expectations at the same time GB flopped is a double-win for the Patriarchy
The resurrected Spider-Man because they HAD to. Their deal with Marvel includes a dormancy provision: if they go a certain amount of time without making a Spider-Man movie, the right's revert back to Marvel.
>crystal skull vodka
think that profit is exclusive to Akroyd per the contractual obligations I believe.
these estimates are leaving out the amount that must be payed to the creators of Ghostbusters as well.
>China is the second biggest market for Hollywood movies and tv shows and the film isn't even out there yet!
>the film isn't even out there yet!
I love it when people talk shit about shit they don't know shit about
Sony wanted this to be the Force Awakens of comedy. Now if that bombed like Sup Forums hoped for it would cause a huge meltdown in Hollywood. Besides the MCU, Star Wars is the one franchise guaranteed to print money.
What is the second grossing PG-13 rated Sony comedy with and all female cast?
what the fuck is that
Thanks for making yet another thread about this. I dont think we got the point the first 10 times within the last 4 hours
Someone who has retired and lives off their pension. You do have those in clapistan, right?
Damn you sexist neckbeards
>Feminists told me not to see Suicide Squad.
Who? When?
>Based Skwad BTFOing feminism
Is Skwad /ourguy/?
How much of this is fact, and how much of this is 100 different newsoutlets retweeting the same scaap of information given out a day or two ago, which SEEMINGLY becomes more fact simply because more news outlets are all saying the same thing differently.
Don't get me wrong Ghostbusters sucked and deserves to be mocked, but where are the real facts?
Sony IS the comedy. Its like a gigantic piece of meta performance art.
Feig himself said in an interview the movie needed to make a minimum of 500 mil, which should have been easy mode because its a BILLION DOLLAR IDEA!
what is a pension
Spiderman did made a lot of money before they rebooted/made sequels.
Don't want to check out the details, and probably won't be here to see your response, but feel free to check if there were any losses in a spiderman movie before making a reboot/sequel.
Don't care about the answer ehiter
I bet leafy and Sup Forums are responsible for this
Also in extension to this somehow the entire white race
I'm not OP, but let me tell you something you may not know:
There are people, out there, in the real word... that have... listen user... have... listen ok... have different time zones.
I don't have to be Sherlock to read your life.
You've been here, on the same board, Sup Forums, the last 4 fucking hours like a mentally ill retarded, and you feel like the repeated threads are's clogging your "Sup Forums experience" or something.
I just got back from work, but it warms my heart knowing, that in 4 hours, nobody will notice how much of a retard I really am.
You can't beat GamerGate
Nobody can
Idk if this is pasta or not but i laughed, enjoy the (you)
Who needs to when they're self destructive already?
Ghotbusters in a nutshell
>hire the most annoying fat actress whose career was dying, make her more repulsive and annoying
>hire a hot lesbian snl actress and make her look like Thomas Dolby
>hire that bookish literally who actress
>hire harambe's sister
>hire one of the boring hemsworths and not the king of comedy reboots Channing Tatum
>have worse cg than crazy frog
> shittiest movie title song of all time
>worst trailer voted of all time
And Sony STILL released it.
>video game shelved
My theory is that Sony is making garbage on purpose so they can write it off their taxes abd bank hard with PS5
>taking the bait
>GiggleGaggles win again.
>video game shelved
No, the game got released. And the devs bankrupted three days later
It's ok. We wouldn't think you were any less intelligent if you didn't say anything :)
So what you're saying is that this entire experience has been not only a waste of time, money, talent and energy, not only has it been the most toxic, backwards film since The Birth of a Nation, not only did it unleash the worst qualities of everyone involved, but they couldn't even manage to make a fucking sequel for the only fucking IP that Sony has full control over.
I completely avoided this entire phenominon because I know how toxic it was, but this is the fucking headline that made the mad. After ALL that shit, they accomplished fucking NOTHING. Paul Feig should genuinely be hanged.
Why didn't women save it?
Why didn't the little girl who deserved her own heroes save it?
Why didn't everyone who trashed James Rolf save it?
You left out the marketing budget and also forgot that half the box office for the first week goes to the Theater. They are in the hole. Also no Chinese release, portrayals of ghosts/skeletons/death are illegal.
They are the only people that actually went
To be fair they were already $14 million in debt to several chinese companies and ghostbusters was literally their last hope at clawing back
I wonder how that must feel, seeing the writing on the wall in the lead-up to release as the cast and all of the media shit on the fans of the series and nerds in general, your only hope of survival
What's weird is Ghostbusters was held up as some sort of SJW diversity champion despite starring three white people as scientists and one black person in a menial job; its only real feature was it being four women.
Suicide Squad featured four women prominently as well - two white, one black and one Asian and all as dangerous or competent. In addition it features three black men (Deadshot, Croc, and Enchantress's brother), a Hispanic man and even a Native American man (if briefly) in prominent roles. But more importantly it's diversity as a matter of course, not a matter of purpose. It's diverse because they cast diverse actors, not because they wanted to Make A Point. But somehow it doesn't get praised for that.
I haven't been following this, what does Suicide Squad have to do with feminism?
Let's start a Kickstarter
DChads win again
Why do we keep on winning?
>be DChad and Nintenbro
>be winning this hard
Feels goodman.
Oh, no.
I have a job you NEET faggot so I only saw like 6 posts about this today.
Basically, a bunch of pic-related because Harley is attractive and Batman punched her. Also Deadshot called his ex a whore or something like that
So which is more likey to get a sequel; Fembusters or Fan4stic?
So they put an end credits scene to get us excited and it doesnt happen...
anyone else thinks that as nerd culture keeps resisting SJW, they and the media will finally turns against it?
I hope for it, I preffer to be partially counter cultural instead of being another target demography.
Fuck you Suicide Squad was a hell fun movie. I loved it from start to finish
>Confronted by tepid box office for the reboot, the studio will instead focus on animated spinoffs.
Oh I am laffin
Feminists keep over-reaching. Their problem is nobody ever resists them IRL, especially not college-aged because 20 year old men don't want women to hate them. So feminists assume their movement is a lot more popular than it actually is.
So they try to take over atheism (Atheism+) and just piss of nerdy guys. They try to take over comics and piss off nerdy guys. Sup Forums is a lot more anti-feminist now than they used to be. They try to take over sci-fi, video games, etc. and all they're doing is pissing off men. Not only men, but young men who are mostly liberal.
The feminist narrative used to be that anti-feminists were all conservative alpha male types, and now they've got a large group of nerdy liberal males who hate feminism
They are making an animated Slimer spin off feature, from the team that brought us the Smurfs.
So every cloud has a silver lining...r-right?
That's based on Sony's claim that 300 million was their break even number (which trades found dubious) and the assumption that it's going to pull in another 50 million in France/Japan/Some other locations when it opens.
Sony said the 70 million dollar loss figure is too high because they still have revenue to make from toys (which were already placed on clearance by retail outlets) a theme park ride somewhere in the middle east and the video game (which had a peak player number of 16 and came from a company which is now bankrupt).
ITS 100M+
Hollywood accounting is a colossal scam
Fantastic Four but sadly doesnt look like
They also said the loss will be much smaller once you take into account how much of the budget was based on co-financing and product placement.
Article was written by a woman.
Sony was contacted and disputed the severity of the loss saying they still had more ground to recover due to merchandising and "location based entertainment".
Also that the loss was enough to put plans for a sequel on hold, while continuing with animated features or series to further "exploit the property".
>Sony won't comment on whether it has banished a sequel to the netherworld, but perhaps tellingly, a rep says the studio actively is pursuing an animated Ghostbusters feature that could hit theaters in 2019 and an animated TV series, Ghostbusters: Ecto Force, which is eyeing an early 2018 bow. Both are being guided by Reitman, who firmly is back in charge of the Ghostbusters empire via Ghost Corps., a subsidiary with a mandate to expand the brand across platforms. (It was former Sony film chief Amy Pascal who first embraced Feig's vision for the live-action reboot, not Reitman or Rothman.)
>Reitman, who firmly is back in charge of the Ghostbusters empire via Ghost Corps.
>The feminist narrative used to be that anti-feminists were all conservative alpha male types, and now they've got a large group of nerdy liberal males who hate feminism
this alot, SJW can't confront the fact that you don't have to be a westboro christian to be pissed with feminism and multiculti utopia. many people here think that they are taking over the west wordl but I sincerely think they are in decadence.
Ask the feminists. They've been ranting about how Ghostbusters failed due to "Straight White Men" and how Suicide Squad is "the Donald Trump of movies" and comparing it to straight white men, despite the cast being pretty fucking ethnically diverse and one of the biggest draw cards a female character.
>still not deciding to hire Murray back for a full live action
Just fucking do it
He is gonna die soon ;_;
They've made a profit of 1.5 billion off the first one already.
With all the tie in shit they've got from merchandising, it should be approaching or exceeding the half way break even point already.
>the media will finally turns against it
What, so nerds and geeks get persecuted like they used to and nerd plus geek culture goes back underground?
I'm ok with that.
>They'll have to wait a decade before even attempting to resuscitate it.
I don't know even if the general Nostalgia of GB will be able to live that long. If you were born when this movie came out, in ten years you would be 42 years old and people who were kids or teens when this came out will be close to having grandchildren.
Not to mention that the original cast will probably be all gone and the reboot has poisoned the well for potential new and old fans of the series.