How do lesbians even have sex like do they just lick each other until they get bored? how do they know when to stop

how do lesbians even have sex like do they just lick each other until they get bored? how do they know when to stop

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Until near mutual orgasm is achieved?

they dont have time for sex between all the fights.

Watch Zootopia and find out

statistically speaking most lesbian relationships are sexless.

They're also the most abusive relationships of any sexual pairing. In addition they have the highest obesity rates of any demographics in the country.

>ywn have meme sex with Cara while Annie watches

>I will never see that violent, loud sextape

Why, life? Why?


So what made Annie a dyke? Cant handle the pipe?

god michelle is either butt ugly or super hot depending on the lighting, i guess that reflects her bisexual nature

muff mash

clam battle

pussy press

bagina bump

fuck, man... :(

>A finger? Come on. I've had my finger in my ass but I wouldn't say I've had anal sex.

>Cara will never look down upon you with scorn and contempt

why live?

scissoring and fisting but this guy is right

funny it's mainly this faggot's fault that she turned lesbian


Tiny dick

So lesbians can have "beautiful sex" without penetration. But OH NO you can't make love to a child without RIPPING THEIR GENITALS APART YOU MONSTER. Such double standards

he cheated on her countless times with other faggots

its mainly that faggot that kept her in tact with reality

Strap ons too...

Well I imagine celebrity lesbians just hire guys to use as dildos

And dogs

She probably fucked Margot.

A woman as original and creative as Annie can't be truly feminine
I won't be surprised if she comes out as trans in a few years

Don't forget about the time she fucked Selena too


Consider that Kate Bush isn't trans though. I think she just likes puss m8 nothing beyond that.

wow it's fucking nothing

Kate now looks like one of these things though

Just watch Blue is the Warmest Color, it's quite educational about the subject

Who wins in a feet off?

Now this is kino.

man that's lame lel
fucking french faggots and they're pseudo arthouse

you could watch Dirty Dykes #58 and learn just as much since they're equally as realistic

kek. imagine gay dudes saying liking abs, pecs, hot dudes and dicks is objectification. Lesbians don't like women. They treat each other like beta bux but hate men too much to do it with them

>also the most abusive relationships of any sexual pairing
I've witnessed this first hand. My gf was friends with a couple of lesbos and they fought (literally) like crazy. They tried to kill each other a few times as well. One pulled a knife on the other. Another time one of them choked the other out till she was near death.

Cocaine is a beautiful drug!

How can a short thin finger compare to 7.5 inch of juicy cock


Those don't look like prosthethics. Sup Forums told me they were. Because the whole scene looks pretty authentic, as in they actually licked and fingered their cunts.

>7.5 inch
D-Delete this


mmmh i love thick eyebrows

>how do they know when to stop

As I understand it, that can be a serious concern. It requires communication.

Also, they're big on fingering. Lesbians keep their nails short.

the g-spot isn't that far in my virgin friend

They're diseased. Kill them.

dykes beat their bitches more often than men hit their women. Dykes are more violent and prone to fights.

Murder is the only answer. As many as you can.

I wanted to stab them both. Ever had that feeling?

im sure some dyke will chime in, that they don't fuck this way.

could you imagine hating women this much

Death, death, sweet death, sweet, sweet death will cleanse us of ever having to hear such vulgar descriptions.

But dykes are not women. NORMAL women are lovely creaturs. Sure they can be bitchy and loud and retarded but thats why they're awesome. Dykes are roaches, not even the cock kind.

Ease up there, psycho!

>throws baseball

Wanna talk about it, champ?

we have mindblowing orgasm after mindblowing orgasm where we are entirely entangled physically, emotionally, sensually, psychologically and spiritually for hours on end from both knowing the hypersensitive full body experience that is female sexuality

meanwhile men rut their penis awkwardly back and fourth and cum after 5 minutes and then cant get it up again and go to sleep lmao

here, look into the eyes of a woman who knows true satisfaction, something you'll never see irl