I'm not saying you're gay if you hate Suicide Squad...
But it's possible women just aren't your thing is all.
I'm not saying you're gay if you hate Suicide Squad...
But it's possible women just aren't your thing is all.
Other urls found in this thread:
we know what you're really after OP
Sup Forums is the haven of betacucks, OP. The sight of a woman or alpha male terrifies them. Why do you think there's so many BBC and c-u-c-k threads?
But I am gay and I liked Suicide Squad. I want to fuck and be fucked by this man
I'm with you OP, who is not faggot. Fridgesexual is where it's at!
margot robbie was sexy in this but i hated suicide squad its fucking terrible
>not Leto
I think Cara was miscast and I had a problem with Batman punching Harley in the face and people thinking that was funny along with Deadshots line of beating Harley and how he wasnt afraid of hitting a woman. It just didnt sit right with me.
>cant type cuck
typical DCuck
Batman had every reason to punch Harley in the face, she was trying to cut his throat with a huge ass kitchen knife
t. Robbie Collin
So you hate equality for women?
>nu-male beta trying to shit talk
lmao what a loser
Suicide squad fans are the juggalos of movies
Kys cuck.
It was meh the movies only good quality to me was harley because she was played well other then that the rest was blah oh and this is the most obvious ripoff in history too they didnt even try to hide it
Anyone got a link to download the movie in 720p?
the movie is made for the cuck audience why else would they include a scene where the Joker begs a nigger to fuck his wife/girlfriend?
Because the Joker isn't a character you look up to, you pedestrian piece of shit.
isnt she too young in SS to be a doctor?
also since when does the character like pudding? she called joker puddin????
>she called joker puddin????
Oh dear.
Someone please post the webm of her dancing
I love DC, loved BvS, but SS is legit hot garbage. Even worse, it's hot garbage sprinkled with great moments, that make you realised how great this movie could have been. WB top brass is simply incompetent and should be executed ASAP
Which one bro?
The one where she uses the chain like a machine gun
>Marvel fags on here try to convince you they wouldn't fuck this
She looks so hot here
Where my DChads at???
Is that thing real??
I think leto just might be the perfect human specimen
The way they cut the eminem song was so amaturish i honestly thought i was watching a youtube video
Ok so I'm not usually the first to cry shill, but this specific post seems very much like a shill. Like this seems to be the sort of thing Warner Bros' marketing team thought would coerce Sup Forums users into watching their movie.
>hirr i can find bad pictures of celebrities guys
>not liking based Jared Leto
Ywn see Jared Joker take off his jacket in front of you
>bad picture
you're the one that said it
>I think Cara was miscast
Nice meme
Still hot
There you go brother.
No its not.
Suicide Squad brought fun back into DC Films.
I am actually more excited to see a Suicide Squad 2 than I am of Justice League because SS was so fun and enjoyable. Loved it from start to finish
Nice! Tyba
How can a man dress so well?
This actor was so good in this film. Jai Courtney was also so good in this film.
Best make up and clothing design ever.
I can't believe there are people here who don't think he looks amazing
All I could think about throughout the movie was that I wanted to fuck her
i will never not look at that "damaged" tattoo and take him or his portrayal of the joker seriously ever again
like what a way to just throw any semblance of subtly or something to a character
>ywn wrap her up in a blanket and take care of her
How can you not love how classy he looks.
Can you imagine how smooth that hair is?
I can only imagine the horse dick. That picture fucked me up.
I laughed my ass off just reading this.
I'll watch it just for that
Honka Honka
>he will never fuck you on a bear skin rug
Why live.
>ywn have dinner with the Joker
What type of food do you think he would order?
crazy bread
Honest to God crab legs
Real talk, we got proof that the Joker has the biggest dick. Who's next, Flag?
>Perfect human specimen
>>CinemaScore from viewers overall and an A- from female viewers, confusing the hell out of publications (like The A.V. Club) that spent the last week furiously pounding out essays about how gross it is that Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn spends most of the movie in spangled short-shorts
Does it really matter when you're hung and beautiful though?
Someone should take DNA samples of leto for posterity
His brother got the shit end of the stick.
This movie was GOAT.
Can't believe Sup Forums is shitting on it. They literally had a thread hating on El Diablo for being racist, and defended Civil War.
She was perfect in her actual Enchantress scenes though. She was just a shirty Rita Repulsa
If we work together and spread this peition their will be no more bad dceu movies, this is your last chance
In my opinion get David Ayer to direct more DC Films. He was perfect for SS and he was brilliant in Fury.
SERIOUSLY he knows how to direct actors.
>WB is a bunch of fucking drunk basterds. The only thing they know how to do is get drunk, hire hacks like snyder
Jesus Christ... if you wanna make a petition to WB to fire Snyder, maybe do not write anything negative about the actual company...
I take it you have never worked in a work force before? Wow your petition is fucking pathetic and I do understand your views on Snyder but Jesus re write this!
Actually after reading what your petition said you are spot on with WB's problems.
Keep what you said but get rid of the swearing and name calling.
I hated to see Jimmy Olsen be killed off off in BvS btw
what did she mean by this?
This. Make Ayer a creative lead and stop meddling with his movies.
Pussy looks pretty tight
This so much. If all of you saw Ayer's original Suicide Squad cut, you'd know he is the best director for DC
>rewrite this
just sign it you whiny pleb
better looking that any girl id ever gotten, i more about cunt than ass and that one looks pretty nice for such an old woman (over 20)
>El Diablo
He's was a MS-13 style gangbanger with superpowers. How is that racist?!
Katana would be a better candidate.
someone post more best boy pls
you aint never saw it either
Virgin nu-males HATE this
The Joker was supposed to be naked there before the edits and stuff (see pic). I remember Margot saying something about it, too.
>A.V. Club) that spent the last week furiously pounding out essays about how gross it is that Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn spends most of the movie in spangled short-shorts
If your first reaction to seeing a woman in tight shorts is that it's bad or gross,you might be the misogynist,it's like a Rorschach test
I liked that bit with the knives, the music and the ah, Ah, AH. It would have looked too edgy with him naked
Do this people go outside? girls wear tiny shorts revealing half of each cheek, it's what they do and like
>be Frost
>come back home
>find your boss naked on the floor surrounded by random shit
Frost has a hard life.
Ah Kyle the cuck
>girls wear tiny shorts revealing half of each cheek
someones lonely XD
>field stripped guns
That would have been kino
Notice how he is the only person complaining about it
maybe the bad guys should be good...
Chicken tenders.
years of practice and failure
Will Sup Forums end up liking Suicide Squad?
It's a Warner Bros DC film and not an evil Marvel Disney film.
Harley Quinn is hot.
Unironically references cuckolding.
Literally everything else about the film.
Dont forget stealing concepts and styles from several mainstream and instagram artists
It's not his fault Hollywood pushed the anti-hero shit for almost a decade.