Are there any movies about the cruel double standard than women's virginity is celebrated but male virginity is mocked?
I'm not a virgin by the way
Are there any movies about the cruel double standard than women's virginity is celebrated but male virginity is mocked?
I'm not a virgin by the way
All non virgins should be on a cross
nobody cares
I'm glad I'm horrible with women, in a way. I can't imagine how humiliating it would be if a girl who otherwise liked me laughed at my less than 4 inch erection. Good thing escorts have to accept me as I am.
Lost it at 19 and didn't go to prom. Where is your god now?
I am medically diagnosed with a micropenis
2 inches hard
There has to be girls that are into that right?
>used to be upset about KV status
>starting to appreciate the perks of not being fleeced by the Vaginal Jew
I'm ready for wizardhood.
how do i become neet?
maybe if hes a shota
have wealthier parents and turn off your conscious for the easiest path to neethood.
I already fucked up
> 15
> perfectly normal sex life
Prom always seemed engineered for the girl's enjoyment to me. Unless she puts out I don't see why a male would ever subject themselves to that waste of time and money. Who wants to hang out at fucking school in their off hours?
Let's find out who the oldest kissless handholdless hugless virgin is.
I'm 28.
I got invited twice and turned down both because I'm not spending $200 to sit in a room of retarded 17 year olds drinking and grinding.
No, it's literally an untouchable subject. Adult male virgins are literally nobody's target demographic. No successful directors, screenwriters or producers are adult male virgins. No movies exist for the benefit of adult male virgins.
>women's virginity is celebrated
No it isn't.
Source: I'm a female 28-year-old virgin
nobody care's if you're ugly
y-you too
bost benis XD
26 hours 48 minutes until wizard status.
Ya dun goofed son
I'm dying
since you're not fat, 99.5% chance I would want to fuck you
I would fuck the witch out of l4d 2bh
>at least I went to prom (we were just friends, but not even really friends)
Wew lad, just fuck my shit up, just waiting til marriage.
Thanks matey, I feel a lot better now
Did you do some virgin wizard magic to tuck it in or do you have to actually have to dig it out your fat flabs?
What the fuck.
Fuck off
top kek
Consider being a trap, it might be the best out for you
I would kill myself but I am too much of a pussy
It really is unless you go with your friends as a group. Which is what I did. Was fun but I didn't lose my v-card that night partly because my date was a feminist and partly because I heard she had a prickly pussy
Buy a gun, you won't feel anything at all
>male virginity is mocked
Nah being a male virgin is whatever. Women actually find it a turn on.
Being a thirsty fuckboy is the real killer, and that's what most virgins are
Yo dude at that point I'd just go tranny.
>40 Year Old Virgin wasn't actually about adult male virgins.
I'm so sorry.
Why are women like this?
> tfw 24
> 6 more years until unlimited powers and knowledge
wtf is preckly pussy?
How much of a kissless virgin do you have to be to actually think this.
Awww yeah son. What school bruh?
jesus christ seek help, seriously
Why do women immediately resort to petty cookie cutter ad hominem insults once they can't defend their shitty behaviour and mindset because they have no actual arguments?
You're right. Saying 50% of the world population behaves in the pathetically nitpicked way of whoever made that pic, and believing it's true is so much better.
Why are women such angry reactionary virgins?
Please don't interact with the /r9k/
>50% of the world population
who gives a fuck what shitskin women do?
jesus christ is Reddit down or something? why are you here?
>Women actually find it a turn on.
>women actually find it a turn on
Im an 18 y.o. kissless virgin and Im actually 100% passable, women have complimented my appearance often. I refuse to believe this.
Why are YOU here? Kill yourself and do mankind a favor by not passing your insecure pathetic genes to the next generation.
The reason there are so few virgins in the world is because women are so attracted to them that they fuck them and they're no longer virgins get praxed faggot
This is literally the opposite of the truth
Being thirsty is the only thing that gets you laid ever. The reason I was a virgin so long is because I was physically unable to talk to girls or talk about girls with guys. Because autism
Numerous times whenever I got close to getting a girl all I could do was stare at the floor and panic
In order to get girls you actually have to make it obvious that you sincerely want to fuck them
fucking faggot you're the one white knighting.
or maybe you're a fat woman.
either way you need to get laid.
Do you have like a story or something to back this up? This might be my way out kek
jesus dude consider surgery
Triggered much? Are you the guy in this thread with the 4 or the 2 inch penis?
You didn't know this man?
Virgins have to hide their status because every woman in the vicinity gets hijacked by their vaginas to fuck the virgin. Have you seen a public vagina hijack? It's not pretty.
so you're a woman. got it.
pretty pathetic that the only beauty standard left is "dont be fat" and you cant even do that. You need to be smacked around just like your mother was. you're a worthless fat whore too.
post your self harm scars.
Kek okay now I get youre joking. You had my hopes up there for a second. Im about to start college, thought I might still have a shot :^(
It was about how an adult male virgin is a weird anomaly and he needs to get his life together and get laid. Not the message adult male virgins would want to hear. It was a movie about that demographic, but for the benefit of other demographics.
I lost my virginity when I was 13 to a 17 year old on a cruise ship. I lied to her and told her I was 16. It was a week long cruise and I had my first kiss on night 1, and sex on night 3. We fucked for the rest of the week whenever we could and she taught me how to sex. She lived in utah and I lived in Florida so we became myspace friends afterwards and she immediately deleted me, I assume because she saw my age.
No one believed me. I had sex a couple months later at a teen club in a bathroom with a girl my age and she was shocked that I knew what I was doing
Remember that ad hominem thing you said earlier? Nice to know you're also a hypocrite on top of a whiny pathetic bitch. Go post your picture in some mennist subreddit, I'm sure other betacucks like you will love it.
If you can get to the dating stage and let it slip that you're a virgin you're pretty much guaranteed sex.
But why?
Just checked and reddit is indeed down
Welp this explains the raging men-shaming feminist shitlib landwhale ITT perfectly
why are virgin threads so popular?
>Remember that ad hominem thing you said earlier?
no cumdumpster, I dont.
You're a woman, we get it. Only a dumb fat cunt would think that's a real thing. Go back to SRS or wherever the fuck you fat sluts get together to show off your menstrual art.
lol holy shit
26 here. Never spent a dime or any time on a woman. Eventually I'll have to have a kid though but hopefully not until I am in my thirties. Sucks being the only male in the family to pass on the name or else I could spend my entire life in peace and loneliness. I'll probably find one of them northern asians like mongolian or korean or maybe even chinese.
>It's a dumb whore can't tell the difference between an insult and an ad hominem episode
Because woman usually are unconsciously inclined to the idea of being important in one's life.
By being the first one to take your virginity she'd achieve that.
this is just sad
Interesting concept. Id assume saying youve never been kissed would be a turn off though, right?
30. Not sure if I win or lose. Didn't become a wizard.
Hi Muhammad
Because you're pure and innocent. Most of the reason girls don't want to have sex is because they assume you're using them or they assume you've fucked a lot of girls and are intimidated. If you haven't had sex they know you aren't going to run off because you're either socially incompetent or sex isn't that big of a deal to you (they'll probably assume the latter if you play it cool and don't sperg out), and you're a virgin you they have the upper hand on the intimidation front.
The only time virginity isn't a plus is if you're looking for sluts because they generally want to cum without having to teach you.
Another bonus in girls eyes is they can mold you into their perfect sex toy since you don't know what you're doing and you'll do what they like instead of trying whatever weird shit worked on the last girl.
You somehow got everything exactly backwards
I think this only applies to fat women if anyone
Cry more
Thanks for all the advice based user(s). Honestly im not much of a sperg, I think half the reason im still a card-carrying virgin is because I was really involved in academics in high school. Ive done like 3 years of college classes. Im probably not going to go around trying to lose it ASAP at my first party to some slut, Id like to find a nice girl and date for a while. One last question, any tips on finding a qt who hasnt banged like 10 dudes?
I think you're being pretty naive. Virginity communicates to a woman that no other women have desired you and you aren't "man enough" to handle her in a relationship due to your lack of experience. Think of the old trope about wearing a fake wedding ring to pick up women in public.
Explain then, because this is just paraphrasing what my friends female roommate told me. She's a dating type who hates one night stands and calls girls sluts if they don't fuck for love though.
>you actually have to make it obvious that you sincerely want to fuck them
How to do that without coming off as creepy?
lol nice bait
>One last question, any tips on finding a qt who hasnt banged like 10 dudes?
Schedule an arranged marriage with a 13 year-old.
Just FYI I'd gladly welcome Muslims if they were white. Their treatment of women is on point.
Oh never mind, maybe this advice is shitty. Now what do I do?
turn your autism dial to low, learn how to flirt with a girl like a normie, next thing you know you're 2 inches deep inside her senpai
>Tfw 8 inches erect
Thanks. I could still beat your ass though, faggot.
>taking advice about sex and relationships
>from a woman