When did you stop watching wrestling?
When did you stop watching wrestling?
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I only watched it once a month or so around 10. Stopped completely when Owen Hart died
When Raw ended Monday
Never watched it, I always thought it was for poor people
During the WCW invasion shit, whenever that was.
After WWE purchased WCW and split Raw & Smackdown into two different shows.
I never seen a single wrestling.
Its fake, why would I watch it?
Bait don't reply
If you don't watch anything other than documentaries why are you on Sup Forums?
When the jews murdered Benoit and his family.
After Shawn Micheal's left before Undertaker got beat. Not exactly sure when, probably when I stopped getting cable.
I never started. I did see one fight about some guy claiming to fucked a dead body of another guys girlfriend and I did own celebrity deathmatch but that was the end of it
When they framed Krispen Wah.
Right around this time. I think just before Wrestlemania 17, which is supposed to be the greatest wrestling event ever, but I still haven't seen it.
>probably when I stopped getting cable.
I haven't had cable since 2011
benoit was framed
Whenever I'm at a friends who has cable all I see are ads and bullshit. I don't miss it, but would probably still watch WWE if I had it.
They changed the date Raw airs on? 3 hours of wrestling on a Monday night was always something to look forward to.
About two weeks after the wcw invasion angle
03-04 I came back to watch a bit after Guerrero died. Then Benoit died and the two people I liked were dead and wrestling died with it.
Around the time John Cena came in and got his main event push. Every match was either X vs Cena or X vs Edge. Shit got tiresome
The Cactus Jack retirement match went all downhill after that
Stopped watching it when SmackDown and RAW were moved from free digital tv channels to pay channels in my country. I was pissed at first, but then I slowly stopped caring. I still enjoy the new WWE games though, they are great.
It was around 2007-2008. All I remember from those last episodes was:
yea around 2001-2002 when the Attitude era ended
I stopped watching after I turned 14
>that genius in school who knew that SHOW wrestling is fake and tapped himself on the back for coming up with that genius conclusion
i tried so hard to get into wrestling when i was 11/12, because my friends were into it, but it was all just soap opera bullshit and really bad fight scenes
i still have no idea what anyone, regardless of their age, sees in professional wrestling
loved playing pic related, though
Around 2002.
Just wasn't interesting, anymore.
Early '00s, I kinda want to try to get back into it but I think it's been far too long. Wrestling is a long story of rivalries and drama and missing out on over 10 years of it is too much.
Around the time you started posting on the wrong board.
Around Wrestlemania 3 after I turned 15
When CM Punk left. Fuck you /asp/.
Watching TNA right now ;)
>being a CM Cuck fan
The winter of 2011
~2002? I remember seeing Lita totally whiff a lariat and it just turned me off forever
until this year. Some how got thinking about Benoit (who was my favourite as a kid) and went and watched some matches and then just kinda fell in love with it again.
Probably around 1998 or 1999
I'll stop watching RAW and Smackdown after Shawn Michaels retirement, now i only watch some of KO and Bayley matches
>stopped watching wrestling when it was at its absolute peak
What did he mean by this?
me yous say?
right before the shield came out
jesus who's the dude on the right? He seems like a sociopath. I think he's gonna hurt someone one of these days
why you should watch movies ?
wresting always has and always will be for trailer trash
Around the time Rikishi got big
Stopped watching WWE a couple years ago, still occasionally watch weeb wrestling though
Don't bother watching the main event. It's overrated as fuck. Between Austin being the heel, his butchered theme song at the time, and Vince McMahon intervening and cheating for Austin, that match left a sour taste in my mouth like no other.
I stopped watching around the first brand split and started again when Bryan was gaining momentum.
WM 21 then I started watching again in 2011
WWE is fucking awful atm I only watch ppvs since raw is total shite close to switching to tna matt hardy is fucking killing it with his new gimmick.
It was actually Kevin Sullivan. Jews are trying to take the credit.
Same I have it a try when shane returned this year but it's mediocre at best
Oh man I was wondering if I had saw this one, checked the highlights, all those feels.
The Dudleys v Hardys vs Christan/Edge TLC, Big Show vs Kane vs Raven Hardcore Title, Eddie Guerrero, Taz/Acolytes vs Right to Censor, Beniot vs Angle, Taker vs H, Cold vs Rock, Shane v Vince with Foley as referee
A few of the matches weren't that good but this was the era I most remember. And after this I remember it began going down hill. Not that the inclusion of WcW & ECW members was a bad idea ... WWE just didn't handle it or the storylines very well.
I still remember one of the events where Shane was calling out members of his team who had lost their match and everyone was beating the shit out of them. Rhyno who had been one my favorites from ECW got called out and he prepared himself at the turnbuckle ready to gore them all and Shane told everyone to back down and let him go. I remember that being one of the few feels I had before I gave up on the show.
Hi Phil!
After the attitude era, saw only a few episodes after that and it sucked total ass
you dont know what youre missing.
Hi Carter! Don't you have BBC porn to post on Sup Forums?
Who /batteredwifesyndrome/ here?
WM 32
it was pathetic
pretty much after wcw was bought by vince, i watched some wwf for a bit but not for long
Are the Smarkbusters Sup Forumseddit approved?
Summer before 6th grade.
When I realized how hilariously, flamboyantly gay it all actually was. The drama is mindless retard-babble and everyone involved in the industry should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. It's a soap opera for closeted males and nothing more.
Daily reminder CM Punk left this for a boy.
I moved on from WWE aside from watching the occasional ppv (I don't pay for it) and NXT.
I do currently watch Ring of Honor, Lucha Underground and NJPW.
It does seem odd that he would settle down with AJ after fucking Maria Kanellis, Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Beth Phoenix, Traci Brooks, Daffney, and Lita.
But in all fairness she's pretty hot.
aw man but muh psychology muh big slams aw man it was so VIOLENT
He literally got bored with banging just the hottest skanks, and decided on the one that was actually wife material.
cant wait to see that fag get his ass busted in ufc and come crwaling back to vince
When I came out as heterosexual
>phil jays here are you ready to prep him
When I finally mustered up the courage to tell my parents what my uncle was doing to me
>Mom... Dad... Uncle Jerry keeps making me watch boring fucking wrestling with him. I think he might be gay.
When they stopped airing Smackdown on UPN.
No, when he said you ready for Monday Night Raw he meant it ;_;
stopped around 08 started again in 2010 then stopped in 2012.
When WWF became WWE
When Vince completely mishandled the WCW/ECW invasion storyline, burying almost every piece of new talent except Booker T.
One of those shows should've become Nitro or Thunder, and Heat should've become ECW. House shows would be wild cards (literally, shittons of people would up to see muh dream matches). Would've been best for the business.
Stopped during Triple H's reign of terror in 2003, even a 10 year old jimmy could see how badly he was trying to be Flair (and failing hard).
Started watching again in 2006 for no real reason, quit when my favorite wrestler became violent murderer his family man.
Started again after the pipe-bomb promo, stopped after CM Punk walked out.
>literally cucked by CM Punk
Never started. It honestly even looked too dumb for me 20 years ago when I was first left to watch TV without mom seeing what I was watching.
Pretty close to my experience.
It got really bad after you stopped watching, then briefly amazing, then fucking 09 bad again, in some ways it's looking up now, in other ways the product is fucking awful.
right after the Edge/Vickie drama which was the last kino storyline WWE ever saw
Actually he just got played big time by AJ Lee.
>Looking for someone willing to train her in exchange for sex
>Turns out Jay Lethal will
>She pretends to like him
>Even goes on vacation with his family
>Date for a year or so
>Gets called by WWE
>Leaves him in the fucking dust
>Immediately starts fucking some literally who named Trent Barretta (among others)
Hopefully he looks back on slamming her ass fondly and wasn't heartbroken over it.