This is the kind of music you get when you hand out participation trophies for being black. Nobody tries anymore...

This is the kind of music you get when you hand out participation trophies for being black. Nobody tries anymore. Why should they? If you dare criticize their music, you're probably just a racist. It's a shit album, but they're black? Give it a perfect ten. Best new music!
No white person would ever reach this level of fame for releasing music of this caliber. No white person could have made this album. This lazy fucking album is a direct result of cuck music reviewers handing out perfect tens to horrible albums because they need to meet a diversity quota, or appeal to a different demographic.
For once, I actually agree with melon head.
>tldr this shit sucks and participation 10s are ruining music

Other urls found in this thread:


what did he mean by this?

This, but unironically.

>This is the kind of music you get when you hand out participation trophies for being black. Nobody tries anymore. Why should they? If you dare criticize their music, you're probably just a racist. It's a shit album, but they're black? Give it a perfect ten. Best new music!
I hope this is what he actually says in the review

what's up with this faggot? he interviews sam hyde but then seems like your typical libtard everywhere else?

I always agree with Anthony, why don't you?

>no one talked about this album until the melon reviewed it
>music critics can't control our opinion


kys yourself for b8ing, but pic related is as bad if not worse and these guys are as white as a Mormon youth group stuck in a blizzard

This is unironically the worst song I have ever heard in my life. This shit sounds so fucking amateur, and this album had a huge budget. This is what passes for music in 2017.

Safe, boring, and uninspired will NEVER be as bad as outright fucking awful and grating to listen to. White people can definitely make some boring music, but nothing compares to headache inducing shit like this

do better bitch

Jesus Christ

p4k literally gave it a 6, but hey, facts have never stopped dumbass reactionary hot takes before, why start now?

he had a lot to say about it

>mfw I'm a multi-instrumentalist and I've studied music theory
>mfw unlike Lil Yachty, I know the different between a cello, a flute, and a clarinet
Nigga, it sounds like he made this shit on a cheap laptop in Audacity, using a free drum machine app.

it's more of a bell curve with p4k. almost everything is a 6.

>participation trophies
That's modern hip-hop in a nutshell, and cucks will argue that we're experiencing some kind of hip-hop renaissance, but the reality is that the music isn't good or original. Its just receiving more notoriety from left-leaning publications as music and politics begin to merge.

We need some new revolutionary musical genre to replace rap as a major focal point of modern music. The well has clearly run dry for the most part. Same as rock music; it had its major explosion of popularity, then other things moved in to take its place as the centerpiece. There's still good stuff coming out, but let's not pretend rock is at nearly the same height of focus it was at in the past.

What's another opressed minority that makes music?

Is it our time, esé?

we had our time for like 3 years in the late 90s and early 00s. all we got out of it it was this
we failed

>People are complex and can't be neatly orgainized into 2 groups

Whoa who'd have thunk it

What went right?

Music seems stagnate, like its been whittled down to just pop and pop rap, and really bad electronic music called EDM.

And even those genres arent as great as they used to be.
Pop music, even if you hated it, you could admit that whitney Houston, and agulira, and carey could sing and had talent.

And rap used to actually have substance, be lyrical, now its just a loud guy mumbling into a mic over a really bad and repeatative beat

and electronic music, oh god lad, what have they done to you.....

and what is rock music today, tame impla, cold play, diiv....... all soft faggotry, no energy, also the cool kids decided it isnt cool anymore.

I really think we have reached the end of music.

or maybe capitalism just sucks and caters to markets instead of making anything of actual quality.

>all that guilt by association


>greentexts on twitter

>I really think we have reached the end of music
That's what it feels like, mate. Nothing has any punch to it. Nothing makes me feel anything. No sadness. No angst. No fun. No joy. Music feels lifeless now.

Lmao, it's like he's trying to copy Kanye but unlike Kanye has absolutely no talent

>watching the modern analogue of Christgau
leave the board

what the fuck is up with your spacing? also, i'm not one of those guys who likes to spout memes, especially to be dismissive, but your post screams wrong generation. top 40 has gotten worse because people have slowly been moving away from it. now, with the internet, they can almost completely abandon it. the only people who still listen to it are the people who can only handle radio pop. there are more niche markets now that can be sustained because of wider access to these artists.

Things have degraded, become lower quality, the music landscape has become less diverse, the only music that gets promoted is the most bland.
No one takes risks anymore.
It all blends together, oh you want your pop song, or your rap pop song, or your pop song featuring rap.
And if you dont like that you can go to an EDM show were the music sounds all the same and the crowd is filled with hollow men that are only there to get high.
And were is rock music, oh they say its dead.

I have no trouble in saying that i dont get excited or care about like 98% of modern music

i mean i agree there has been a steady decline in quality, but even big names in the indie sphere can make some amazing stuff. sufjan stevens has made some of my favorite albums, and i believe popular music peaked in the late 60s/early 70s. there's still a lot of good shit out there.

I've lost all respect for p4k after this

This is just really fucking boring. Like, REALLY fucking boring.

I started reading ready to desagree with you, but you are completely right

Man, I hate Rob Thomas, but from a songwriting standpoint, it's amazing how this song basically has two different Choruses that fold into each other. Also, the lyrics on the chorus are pretty damn good

All of sam hydes "opinions" are ironic and he knows that. Apparently you don't

>album barely scrapes a 2
>still mad
imagine feeling this entitled

low key kinda lit tho

>No white person could have made this album.

Riff Raff is good though

fucking kek

Society as a whole is being devoured by capitalism right now.
The invention of the smartphone should have never happened.

We got Cypress Hill, esé.

It's like you guys are just finding out what we've already known for a long time.

The problem is shit can't fail like it used to. Artists can literally make it of being known with free streaming like Spotify. Also reviews were a lot more of a way to know if something was good or not rather than just an extension of the self congratulatory wank that is entertainment journalism in the internet age.


I want to vomit

>he don't, that's a flute

Sup Forums was right

>This is what passes for music in 2017.

This too:

P4K can''t give nigger artists lower than a 6.

i fucking hate lil boat as well but i really wish he hadnt put tago mago in frame for this one, it makes me feel bad for also owning it on vinyl. fuck, why does he put his record collection in frame anyway? is that not impossibly corny?

Yeah he doesn't need to show it, I guess his 15 year old fans cream every time they see a *classic album*

desu i watched all his record collection videos when i was like 16, still watch his vinyl updates sometimes. he's not very good at it

What the fuck you just sort of ruined Fantano for me.

Sargon of Akkad is the edgiest of all edgelords. Absolute fucking faggot.


show me one reviewer who has given this a 10

also white people make worse albums all the time, ever heard of Slim Jesus, Stitches, Yung Lean, Lil Peep etc.

is this the most lo-fi song of all time?

Im afraid not dude.

>t. rockists

Have you ever tried listening to something that isn't played on the radio? lmao

replace yung lean with post malone

>Sargon of Akkad is the edgiest of all edgelords. Absolute fucking faggot.

if you want to see sargon's head start malfunctioning and go on a permanent loop talking about MUH MARRIAGE (the blacks) then go to 1hour7minutes (1:07:00)