ITT: Books that had terrible adaptations to movies or TV shows
ITT: Books that had terrible adaptations to movies or TV shows
The sequence was even worse.
I honestly think they had something to make a new Harry Potter out of, but they butchered everything these cunts.
Well it's not like the books were that good to begin with.
I agree, but they were still better than the HP books.
Ok calm down their chief, lets not get silly now.
It had some redeeming qualities
OP should clarify this thread.
GOOD books that had terrible adaptations.
>try to hide her tits
>fail miserably
You just have to deal with them
>The greatest sci-fi series of all time will never get a good adaptation.
and just like that, a flood of memories comes rushing back.
What the hell they couldn't even spell dragon right? I hope they fired that guy.
I want to deal with them using my tongue.
You mean couldn't spell "Aragorn".
everyone would realize how much Star Wars ripped it off if they did that and suddenly nostalgia glasses everywhere would get shattered
no biting allowed ok
I hope you're only talking about the book and not the pretty lame show
>implying the books weren't already a shitfest
But I didn't say they weren't.
Only the Goblet of Fire is bad adaptation
>I can't read the thread title: the post
This movie is I Robot in name only
What did he mean by this?
ITT: People who've never read the books but say they're shit anyway.
>Half Blood Prince
>Not a terrible adaptation
That was unwatchable.
Deathly hallows adaptation was shit though
It wasn't THAT bad.
The fact that this won best special effects over fucking Transformers shows how up its own ass the academy is.
Fuckin Will Smith
Deathly hallows part 1 had more of a kino feel to it than part 2
yeah but they changed a bunch of shit