So we're getting a new Rogue One trailer tonight. Expectations? Chances of seeing Vader?
Tease for tonight:
First teaser:
Sizzle reel:
So we're getting a new Rogue One trailer tonight. Expectations? Chances of seeing Vader?
Tease for tonight:
First teaser:
Sizzle reel:
Other urls found in this thread:
Odds on for Fade-to-Black at the end, then Vader's breathing kicks in.
vader died already
trailer when anyone know the time it will hit?
It'll be original and creative than episode 7 even though it's closer in time to the original films.
No one knows. It'll be on tv during primetime NBC Olympic coverage which started 20 minutes ago. It will probably be on the official youtube channel seconds after if not before.
*More original than episode 7
Another Death Star? Another Vader like antagonist? So sad what Star Wars has become now... baka
Apparently the new design is a Rebel drop ship called a U-Wing.
Not a fan desu
it takes place just before A New Hope
9 EST.
This looks pretty good.
>Takes place right before ep 4
>Introduces shitloads of shit not seen in ep4
>The empire represents white people
>The empire is evil
>Therefore all whites are evil
Bravo jewlywood
The movie takes place before a new hope lad.
So wait... i thought vader was dead....howw is he in this movie? Did they recast rey or is she juwt supposed to older? Is luke gonna be in this new trailer or they just skippin the training on the island?
this takes place before Episode 4
>glue the x-wing doo-dads on the back of the snow speeder and give it fans.
This had to have been the logic.
Obvious bait.
Shit like this doesn't happen 3 times in one thread
After the first trailer all I hope I had for this shit died. What the fuck went so wrong?
Who cares??
Star wars died with Boyega
You fucking racist
Elaborate, what do you think its wrong with this movie? No jarjar?
looks like an escape from new york rippoff. even that shot of her in handcuffs is a direct rippoff.
>I rebel
I love feeling villainized when I watch movies. So glad there are no white male heroes in this.
Are you my sister ?
>This is a rebellion right?
It's shitty dialogue m8.
We get it user. Stop posting.
Did you even watch the first trailer? Holy shit
I came In your sister
You're this triggered over literally two words in a teaser cobbled together from available footage 8 months before the release date?
A nostalgia driven, forgettable, slickly made action flick.
Star Wars became legendary because it was something new. Disney will rape its corpse untill the money runs dry and kick it in a ditch.
so basically the rogue one plot is escape from new york set in the sw universe with a girl lead
And no villains of color. Make sure of that.
You plebs know that the Behind Enemy Lines / Secret Mission trope has existed essentially as long as war films have right?
>Chances of seeing Vader?
Yes we will cos the new trailer which Disney showed an audience weeks ago at that event has Vader in it
Do you ever go outside and talk to people irl
>muh tropes
Fuck off you raging faggot.
I can gaurantee that this line will be missing in the official version
>The filmmakers didn't want to explain exactly what's happening here, but they confirm: yes, that's a Stormtrooper doll, a galactic version of a toy soldier. And it will have special significance in the story.
His performance wasn't bad but his character was one of the worst things ever put in a star wars movie.
>shilling this hard
yes but no.
even the set ups look identical.
Do you ever stop taking Disney cock in your ass? This movie looks like shit.
What? Is it just the word that triggers you? Fine.
You plebs know that the Behind Enemy Lines / Secret Mission plot device has existed essentially as long as war films have right?
>Trooper finds the remains of a pro-Empire village bombed by Saw Gerrera's people and uses it as propaganda against the Rebellion
ofc we do, kylo
It had his shadow, not him
Dont really have high hopes for it. Reshoots usually mean the death of a movie. Do we even know what Disney didn't like about it? I'd say that the movie was a bit darker than what they had in mind but episode 7 had solar system genocide so I don't know what could be worse than that
We'll see the emporer and Vader. If it's not in the trailer, it'll at least be in the movie where he's resurrecting Darth Plaguis/Snoke/Animas Dad to learn parts of the force he doesn't know to stay immortal.
"the little girl will be missing her doll, we should return it to her"
Tonight when?
Maybe we can just assume that most of the shit that happens in this movie is a colossal failure and they just decide to not use these ships anymore? Who knows. Why does everyone have to fuck with the continuity
9 est
those arent even the right tropes, thi.
she will be a recently apprehended criminal of note, sent to do a mission, for a pardon or something, like the snake pliskin plot in escape from new york.
if you cannot see the similarities, then you are film illiterate.
Tell us more about your extensive knowledge of reshoots.
I'm guess Mads gave it to the protag as a little girl before leaving her to make the Death Star
I'm just saying that most of the time when reshoots are done it just ends up being a piece of shit. Is that not true?
>Reshoots usually mean the death of a movie
There has more than likely has not been a tentpole movie in the last 5 years that DIDN'T have reshoots user.
It is commonplace in every big budget movie now that studios have enough power to write it into actors' contracts.
Or you realize that Tatooine, Death Star around Alderaan and Yavin IV aren't the only parts of the universe where things are happening that relate to the story at hand. We know A- and B-Wings exist in the Rebellion's arsenal prior to Yavin, and they aren't shown in ANH either.
so literally right now?
>i rebel
No it's not true. See:
I saw the trailer when it was leaked on vimeo like two days ago.
How do you people not see those threads?
Not that other guy but the fact that the reshoots and rewrites were handled by someone other than the director doesn't look great.
But people were saying that the reshoots were to lighten the movie when it could just as easily be the opposite.
Because you made it up
The "Rogue One" reshoots are concerning, though. They changed the ending, and they're not even being directed by Gareth Edwards. Dan Gilroy took over.
>made it up
Fucking dumbass.
>implying everyone watches shitty leaked camrips of trailers
No it's just 90's born faggots with confirmation bias on the internet.
E.T, Jaws, Apocalypses now, Blade runner, Rocky all had reshoots.
That's concerning as fuck.
The re shoots are being handled by Edwards, they just brought on an additional second unit director who is literally the same guy Edwards has used for second unit in all of his movies.
You know youtube links have a preview that pos up, right?
Maybe you don't.
>misuse of cia
>unaware of
>rag-tag band of diverse rebels
>Conniving but impotent FUCKING WHITE MALE and his faceless mooks
getting a bit tired of this shit senpai
Ultimately, it doesn't matter.
If it's good, it's good.
That said, Suicide Squad had reshoots that were talked about in the media, handled by Ayer and we all saw how that turned out.
Might as well ask here while we wait..
Is The Clone Wars and Rebels TV series worth a watch or completely toddler crap?
Is based Hayden coming back? If not I'm not interested.
fucking loser
I remember when the live chat for the TFA merchandise unveilings got hijacked by Hayden fans.
Except this is all complete bullshit. TONY Gilroy handled second unit during the reshoots and is also editing alongside Edwards which is exactly the same as with Godzilla.
>Chances of seeing Vader?
Vader is dead you fucking idiot.
This takes place when he was still alive you fucking idiot.
As a force ghost
Jimmy Smits is back lad.
Some autist spotted him in the trailers.
He died in ep 6... this is ep 8...
>Hayden fans
I didn't know such a thing existed.
It was ironic
>When pressed for specifics, Smits played coy before revealing a little more. “Can you say the word, ‘cameo?’” he smiled. “Can you say the words, ‘small part?’”
He'll be in one scene
No this is a spinoff and a prequel to Episode IV
its ep 8 you fucking idiot, can't you count?
When the last movie took place after he died and this movie comes out after? Are you actually brain damaged?