holy shit Sup Forums was right this was incredible
can't remember the last time i saw a smart, genuinely hilarious movie like this.
holy shit Sup Forums was right this was incredible
can't remember the last time i saw a smart, genuinely hilarious movie like this.
>I've never seen a Shane Black movie
It's okay. Not his best.
i literally never have.
what should i watch now?
I dunno
Holly annoyed me so much
really ?
Iron Man 3. It makes Sup Forums so mad.
Anyone know how old Holly was during filming?
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. It's another one of his movies and the beats are very similar. I might have enjoyed TNG more though. Obviously opinions on that will vary.
Sup Forums can have pretty good taste when we don'talk about capeshit or other block buster trash.
Gee I wonder how hard it would be to google TNG's production timeline and her age and make a fucking guess.
Lazy fucking nigger.
15 kek
essential reddit core
Watch Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
It's better tbqh even though I can't stand RDJ
Sup Forums used to have great unique taste before the reddit invasions of 2013-2015
I mean, not impeccable or necessarily patrician, but certain movies that ticked all the boxes that males in their early 20's would like. Movies like The Thing and In Bruges were the most commonly recommended movies
This movie was honestly fucking terrible in more ways than one. Can't wait for the shills to fuck off about OMG ITS SO GREAT every day. And no I don't watch capeshit trash.
lethal weapon
What didn't you like about it?
>The Thing
A movie on IMDB's top 250 movies of all time and
>In Bruges
A very popular entry level pseudo-underground movie.
Yeah, we were really unique back then.
I saw it in theater and wanted to leave 3/4 in because the story was all over the place, the plot just stunk, I didn't care about a single character, and most importantly and this just may be my own fault, I didn't laugh once. Every joke or gag felt incredibly forced or predictable and had no sense of good comedic timing or writing behind it. I left angry for having paid to see it.
>story was all over the place
Most mysteries have similar stories where things only make sense at the end.
You've never seen the Lethal Weapon series? Holy shit man you gotta get on that.
>and no I don't like capeshit
There's your problem Snyderverse is objective kino
you know what I mean
not necessarily """"""hidden gems""""" but there was a definable taste that wasn't complete shit
I wish this had a better director (no offense shane)
Its the best film I've seen all year but with a better director it could have been all time classic.
Shane just never builds up momentum and some scenes go on too long.
I hope he doesn't put a sassy kid in Predator
Holly is a cute
My problem with Sup Forums now is that there's so many levels of irony and sarcasm that you can't find anything fucking real on here anymore. The problem with a board like this on Sup Forums is that for people to properly discuss art you have to feel okay being vulnerable and exposing a part of yourself.
People are so fast to call you a pleb or to tell you to kill yourself that no one wants to have real discussions because most of the time when you try you'll just get blasted by some user who's too afraid to feel something and have an honest dialogue with other people.
I always hoped the anonymity would foster that kind of discussion but it really doesn't.
you just gotta wade through the bullshit, newfriend.
Shut up pleb. Kill yourself.
Wow, thats exactly what I've been thinking I just didn't know how to say it.
I've been on various boards of this site for about 9 years. I obviously still come here pretty frequently but I do wish there was more honest film threads. I create a handful every week and normally wind up having a few nice conversations about it but people prefer Bane posting and post-ironically hating/loving various movies.
this is why i'm only here to shitpost
this board is a last stage cancer patient
>it's a holier than thou effortposter trys to make everyone feel bad post
go back to redd*t
just saw it
it was like a light tarantino movie, not bad
I don't think I'm better than anyone. I just think that there's a lot of people on this board who have deep and honest opinions and creative thoughts that came here because they wanted to talk about them but had that willingness to be open essentially beaten out of them by people who for whatever reason feel the need to attack that.
It's easy to attack and insult, it's much harder to create and be open with others. I should say, I don't think I'm better than the attackers either. I feel the same way when I see some people making efforts towards things. Especially on social media. I want to call some people who are posting about being out there 'hustling' to get more stops on their sales route etc. losers when really I should congratulate them and be inspired by their efforts. I'm working daily to be better about things like that.
*Tips fedora*
I agree with you Sir
Same here. One of the best films of 2016.
Gets the comedy exactly right
No one here is creative or smart. That's why we're here.
Not creative or smart enough
Also a lot of fatties. non-mainstream Internet social outlets are always filled with FATASS MOTHERFUCKERS.
I have no clue why, you rarely see these fat bitches outside, only on the internet.
I bet of the 20 posters on this thread at least 15 of them will be fat as shit.
I am indeed fat as shit. Well, probably closer to chubby but still I wouldn't fuck me.
I disagree, not that it really matters though. Even if 9/10 are bad there would still be better posts than this board gets now.
it was boring as fuck
the loli and the missing girl's feet
is what kept me interested
russel crowe cant comedy
goose tries too hard like in that bathroom stall scene
you don't get it, probably because you're a part of the newer wave of posters who don't understand why Sup Forums is the way it is
the derogatory nonsense is necessary to weed out normies or people who can't actually engage in real discussion
if you post sincerely people will probably not tell you to kill yourself, and if they do they're either memeing or your opinion is just hot garbage and you need to be ok with that
just because youi're trying to kill Sup Forums doesn't mean it's dead
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is hilarious
The comedy in TNG simply doesn't work
You try too hard at life lardass
Saw this last week. Kept me interested but it wasn't anything really special. Some major jokes just felt so forced; like they were supposed to be the 'standout' scenes. Goose is great though.
I'd give it a 3/5.
>engage in real discussion
The point is there is no real discussion to be had my young padawan.
>cant prove me wrong
>shit posts
you can even see it in the trailer
struggles with the door for so long its not funny anymore
Nah, as I said up above I've been on this site for around 9 years. There's a reason 90% of the shit on this board is just the same threads over and over and it's not to 'weed out normies' as if there's some collective conscience that operates this place in any given direction.
I actually thought the bathroom scene was much better executed than I figured it would be from the trailer. Honestly the whole trailer wasn't appealing to me at all but the movie really won me over.
on average? no. is it because of the haughty taughty attitude or because most people here are kids who have garbage taste in tv and movies and only meme about shit that there's nothing to discuss about?
I've noticed that in threads about good movies or tv shows people get along and actually contribute positively. Probably because of the low mean age around here, the only qualty discussion that happens en masse is about LOTR or Harry Potter. The problem is the community and its taste, not the negativity
>you just gotta wade through the bullshit, newfriend.
OK, now what?
There's definitely good threads occasionally but the age range you're talking about is also the age range that's most likely to do the mean and anti-creative stuff that I mentioned up above.
>Muh secret club
Go die, faggot
>just because youi're trying to kill Sup Forums doesn't mean it's dead
How can you kill something that has been dead for years?
I liked it, overall a great film.
i never saw it because i have no place to torrent now
it sucks