Times you cried because of a movie
girls not allowed, men only
Times you cried because of a movie
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Such an emotional scene.
Brings tears to my eyes everytime.
End of Waltz with Bashir
how the fuck they gonna race by taking different paths?
that was the point of the last scene. Dom tries to leave without saying goodbye, Brian catches up, tells him one more, and then they just SEPARATE? i wanna see who wins.
Vin of course, he's alive
This movie tears me up.
The end of Marley and Me.
Fuck that film. RIP doggo, it's been more than 10 years and I still miss you.
Not even joking.
I was so fucking sad watching this for the first time.
I still cry when I'm watching this movie again.
Multiple parts, and especially the ending of pic related.
>"Noodles I slipped"
>YESTERDAY during the age transition for Noodles
>Noodles meeting with Max and declining to kill him, all the while YESTERDAY is playing
>Max killing himself in the garbage truck
>Flashback to Noodles going into the opium den
What exactly happens in that movie to make you cry user?
I like the part where he abuses Madonna
lmao i remember watching this in highschool in a class with a teacher i hated and i tried to not like this movie because i was a edgy faggot but couldnt help but like it
cinema paradiso ending
and titanic xd
every time
>think I've made it through without crying
>gets to the part where she drops the diamond in the ocean and imagines her and Jack kiss while everyone applauds
holy shit it's so god damned moving, Cameron you genius
I was watching the blu-ray commentary and I still choked up when she blew that whistle. It's amazing how well that film works. JC is a genius.
Schindler's List
The end when it shows all the Jews who were spared from death.
So much for German efficiency.
This is basically the only movie I've cried at
People who say this thing induces crying are NOT kidding. It seriously fucking does.
Street Fighters
That glorious speach, man
The ending of Umberto D.
The Straight Story
Green Mile
Ah yeah, The Green Mile is a doosey.
Also this movie. Scenes in court rooms seem to really fuck me up for some reason. Adam Sandler acted the hell out of this movie. It doesn't have a super strong start, but the ending is really terrific.
Anybody else seen this? I've yet to meet another person who's heard of it let alone seen it.
Fuck, forgot the picture.
Can't find the particular scene
Hold me bros ;_;
I only recall crying to gladiator and the last samourai when I was younger. Recently Ive shed a tear at vanilla sky's ending, don't remember anything else.
I know it was an inoric thread but whatever
>b... but le ebin 12 years :^)
Marley and Me is always the killer to me.
Ending of De-Lovely.
Well, I mean it was more like weeping I guess, I just teared up. But that counts, right?
An episode of DS9 you plen
too good for this world, too pure
I hate this board
Don't worry user, I cried too. At a fucking Adam Sandler movie I cried.
Adam Sandler is actually an amazing dramatic actor.
Punch Drunk Love
Reign Over Me (I posted that movie up above actually)
These are all great movies with some really crushing shit in them and amazing performances by Sandler. I wish he'd do more of them but he doesn't seem to get the greatest reviews when he does them. PDL I think was his best rated dramatic movie. Reign Over Me was basically panned.
First film that made me cry as a full grown man.
How the fuck do people cry at this movie? It was sad there at the end but you find out it's a dream moments later. If it became not a dream and that actually happened maybe.
The end of Tombstone when Doc is in bed. Tears well at "I don't want to play anymore", fucking buckets when the pamphlet reads "My Friend Doc Holiday"
Good to see someone agrees
I should watch PDL
Just at the whole 'family comes first' bit, as that's all building up, you're thinking 'fuck man, this nigga gon' wasted his life'
After Littlefoot's mom dies. He thinks he sees her but its just his shadow.
Every. Goddamn. Time.
dont know why you cried pussy his kid won a tank
Fuck you for reminding me
I was still a kid
Good scene. Really doesn't leave her on a good note though.
what movie is this?
>Just at the whole 'family comes first' bit, as that's all building up, you're thinking 'fuck man, this nigga gon' wasted his life'
Well maybe I wasn't in the right frame of mind when I first watched it and after knowing the tweest it doesn't affect me anymore. I was sad for sure, but not moved to tears. Maybe I was still processing and digesting when he woke up. I dunno.
I don't think there's anything wrong with you or anything. Some people just tear up more easily than others. My girlfriend started crying at the end of Return of the King on Sunday and she's seen it at least 30 times.
Why didn't he save her? :(
bridge to terabithia
>bridge to terabithia
thank you user. i appreciate it
Here you are bro:
walkway to bonertown
>Ducky's voice actor was murdered by her own father
I wouldn't say "cried" but certainly choked up and a little teary eyed.
Also the cemetery scene of Saving Private Ryan. Tell me I'm a good man.
Can't really think of much else right now.
Pic related. Say what you want, this movie was so depressing and the ending was the icing on the sad cake. I bawled like a baby.
Oh God. This.
>Just at the whole 'family comes first' bit, as that's all building up, you're thinking 'fuck man, this nigga gon' wasted his life'
>not the part where he sees his last moment with his dad
The opening to Star Trek 2009 gets me teary eyed, and I let loose at the end of Edward Scissorhands
so much this
>"Yes, baby?"
>"What happened to you?"
the final scene
Super same here.
Sure, various movies made me cry or shed tears before, but I saw this as a 20 year old male and quietly sobbed for like 20 minutes, through the ending credits and sitting on the dvd menu.
Oh maaaaaaaaan
Yeah my gf said I would bawl by the end, bitch was right
London, london everywhere...
This. As a kid I didn't think much of it, little foot loses mom, finds friends, over comes obsticles, happy ending. Watching it older, the entire movie is meloncholy as fuck, i cried like a bitch at that scene in particular
watched that shit when I was like 13
I had a bad taste in my head for like 3 days after
Fuck i started to tear up rewatching this clip
Also the Good Dinosaur
How come kids movies are so sad
every fucking pixar movie. even finding dory I misted up with the rock scene. all those rock trails....
I don't cry. I watched buddies burn to death in their trucks. I held guys hands as they bled out. I almost never cry.
but pixar movies get me every fucking time.
that was a good movie.
My cuck!
The most a movie has got to me in a while
I always tear up at least once whenever I watch Casablanca.
Usually at the scene when Rick gets the letter from Ilsa at the train station.
The only time i teared up worse, was when I started to tear up so bad that I started to sniffle a little towards the end of Schindler's List when he laments the minute price of a person's life in comparison to an item of luxury.
Oh, and the end of The Return of the King.
Sad old people reflecting on their lives always gets me.
Not a movie but
When the old lady drops the Fox off in the forest in Fox and the Hound
And when the mom drops off the robot in the forest in AI
That's it.
This movie fucking got me dude, the last part almost broke me into pieces
The part in seven samurai when kikuchiyo raises chiaki's flag after he dies
only time I've cried from a movie and the last time I've cried in years
The only movie I ever cried at was 102 dalmations. Like maybe I teared up sometime but this is the only movie I literally cried at.
I went with my little cousin to the movies to see this, he was complaining about some pain in his elbow but the doctor appointment was 3 hours later. Not a lot of pain mind you. So we went to see this while we waited.
We left the theatre walked like two blocks then he died. Is this a trigger? Anyway that's my story.
Normally I don't cry over WW2 movies, and I wasn't very fond of Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Then a couple years ago, I had a history class trip to Berlin in which we visited the old Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Visiting the old barracks and the jail building reminded me, despite the Sup Forums memes, of just how physical and real the Holocaust was. So as I watched the film with my gf, I couldn't handle the ending. The worst part was the shot in pic related. So much hopelessness captured in a single image.
Every fucking time.
when norton's character found his little brother dead in AHX
>Not crying in that scene
You know which
Finally got to see his family again
the edition in this scene is just too perfect
Gets me every time.
i cry at the end of just about every movie because it means i have to go back home to my bitch wife