Im... well actually I'm doing alright today

Im... well actually I'm doing alright today...
So ask someone with Borderline Personality Disorder anything!
What are we all up to this fine morning/evening Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Is Vriska Serket your spirit animal?

I just searched that up cos I'm bad... I uh... I guess she is now that I think about it.

I'm bored on psychedelics what to do?

Yes I'm asking Borderline Person for trip advice
So? What to do?

I dunno I don't do drugs. Go for a walk and see what shit you can see? Or blast some tunes and have a rave in your house by yourself.

Let's just turn this into a Homestuck thread

Post dick


Where do you live anyway? You're always heading to bed at like 12PM my times

Should I have watched this... I feel like I should of watched this to be on Sup Forums


I feel like I should find more Konoe pics

borderline personality disorder was proven to be a dilusion of bipolar disorder victims. you should probably get help for that. if a doctor told you different, he is a quack.

Homestuck is a webcomic friend, I don't really know how Sup Forums feels about it anymore since it ended

'straya mate! I'll be staying up later tonight tho cos of the weekend and I'm not doing anything all weekend

briefly describe a good day and a bad day. please.

I dunno where you're gettin that info from. I don't believe you :P

Ah I see. It sounds slightly familiar but I haven't read it


Shit no wonder we're almost never awake at the same time, I'm from Michigan
You probably saw it back in it's heyday when everyone hated it and it was absolutely everywhere. Everyone's sorta forgot about it now though

Good day: I get out of the house, see friends and my mood stays at average or slightly high. It's been happening a lot lately

Bad day: I wake up with a dry mouth and an inability to get out of bed. If I do get out of bed and see friends and my mood goes too high, my mood crashes and I feel horrible. If a friend does ANYTHING to piss me off in that time I will probably explode. That was me yesterday, luckily Sup Forums pulled me out of the low moods

Haha yea that's why I post late here. All the western countries are awake and all the late night lurkers of Australia are up late

k thanks

I only just started waking up early for my job and to hang out in these threads


Also have you read/watched One Piece at all?

Oh yea that's neat. I think Futaba may be my new best girl. Speaking of, I'm download Persona 4 now so I'll give that a go when it's done. Looks like she's only in 5 though :c

I watched like the first 2 episodes of the anime when I was bored once but I never got into it. The current anime I'm watching now when I get bored is Gurren Lagann because Yoko.

Futaba is best girl and is only in 5 but P4 has it's own variety of girls, and the MC is the best one since 1/2.
I just bought the first two volumes because my friend showed me LongLong Island and I fell in love. Never could get into Gurren Lagann though because mechs turn me off in every way

How do you think your mood comes across to others on a bad day if you haven't been pushed over the edge yet?

>Capital first letter on disorder names
>Always using capital i
>AMA kind of threads

Hmm, you similar to someone.

He's said SchizOP was the reason he made these before you know

Also when you have "exploded" what do you think the best way to clam you down would be? Asking because my girlfriend may have BPD

Being mentally ill doesnt make you interesting

Nice try.

I'm only asking so I can try support my girlfriend the best I can when she has an episode. I understand she has an issue and know she doesn't mean it I just want to be able to do my best to support her when she's having a rough time

Become a ninja for me desu

>P4 has it's own variety of girls
Good goooood
>mechs turn me off
Same here, I was so close to giving up on the anime on the first episode but it was just likeable enough for me to get into it. And because Yoko : ^)

Well I like to keep my bad moods controlled and internalised as much as I can so to others, it's barely noticable at all. The only one who can notice is my best friend who was also diagnosed with BPD. Last time I went out with her and a few friends she would check up on me if I acted ever so slightly off and it made me feel pretty good. I don't get many people caring about me to that extent.

Hmm who do I remind you of user? If I had to guess I'd go for SchizOP but I don't go on their threads much so I wouldn't know if they tick all the boxes

I did say that on one of my previous threads

It really depends on the person and mood. If I were to get mad and explode right now, I would want hugs and care but that's cos I don't have a gf because I'm forever alone ;-; But some other times it's good if I just go off and do my own thing like watch a show or play video games alone until I wind down and calm.

I've been searching so long for this image. I always follow this guide to be a ninja, In fact I'll quickly become one now and take a pic.

>Borderline Personality Disorder

So, what? You almost have a personality? Is attention whore really the personality you want, though?

I think all the Yoko porn will do it for me, I even bought Gurren Lagann DVD's before I knew what it was about and I've only watched one of them once

kill yourself

I have had some success talking to her when she's in a bad mood and she seems to let me in and we can talk about it. Other times I can't seem to get her to talk to me about it, I try not to be pushy but I do try check up on her when she's acting off. It's like sometimes she wants me to help and she feels like I'm on her side whereas others she thinks I'm also against her and won't open up to me or even tell me anythings up. I can understand if she doesn't want to open up but what would be the best way to support her in this kind of mood?

Here ya go. I'm not good at making non-deformed ninja masks but oh well. If my hair was blonde I reckon I might pull off a good Sheik. Sorry if I took long to take the photo, I hate taking photos of myself

Heh I don't do this for attention, I just do it to talk to people

Yea overall I really am a boring person. I just like to educate people of the disorder and hopefully talk to some like-minded people


You need to eject, user. There is no future happy ending for a relationship with someone with BPD. I learned the hard way .

There's also the occasional time when she explodes and ends up attacking me, I always try be passive when shes like this but it feels like she finds seeing me hurt funny which can push me over the edge and we end up arguing. Any tips on how to deal with this (I'm not entirely mentally sound either)

you certainly would make a good trap

>not doing it for attention

If that were true the you wouldn't bring it up at all. You want people to acknowledge you on an anonymous board, so you make yourself unique by bringing up your 'mental troubles'. Poor you. I bet you're self diagnosed as well.

But when she's in a good mood she's perfect, she has a perfect body and I'm in love with her personally. If anything she's more into me then I'm into her

These threads always attract at least one faggot

>implying everyone in this thread isn't a faggot.

>implying Sup Forums isn't only faggots


When she's in her closed mood, just let her know that you're there for her in every way if she needs you and then just tell her you're gunna give her some space for a bit to calm. My best friend (I'll call her G in this thread from now on) did this with me once and the thought almost calmed me down straight away, then I went and distracted myself and I was all good.
>There's also the occasional time when she explodes and ends up attacking me
When we reach breaking point, we lose all reason and sometimes we act quite sadistic, that's when you follow through with what I said above because we Borderlines actually get a good kick out of arguments. I don't know why but it just fills me with adrenaline and it's sort of sick. So it's good to just not let it phase you (as much as it may hurt her) and just leave her alone for a bit

I'm sorry but your ninja mask isn't enough.
Goodbye Sup Forums

Hah I would. Maybe one day

Oh shit man it's Sherlock you got me all figured out
>Inb4 sarcasm
Seriously though, what's up user you seem upset? Did something bad happen? I'd be happy to help if you wanna talk about it.

Thanks alot op you've honestly really helped, I need to work on giving her space, a small issue is I have trouble leaving her alone because she self harms and when I've done so in the past she's done alot of damage to herself. I can sometime gauge her mood and leave her knowing she'll be safe but is there a good way of giving her space without physically leaving her alone?
I'm going to work in the arguing, again thanks

have fun

How do I get this one friend of mine with bpd to open up more/trust me?
She's always nice and listens to my problems so Id just like to return the favor and try to help her


Quality ninja!
Now go upside down like me desu


Not op but I've been in a very similar situation
The best advice I can give is to always make sure she knows you're there if she needs you, if she's having a bad time and feeling alone she might just talk to you. Opening up about your own shit to her can help alot because it can help you find middle ground and if she has similar experiences she might just open up a bit too. Just make sure she knows you have emotions and issues yourself even if they aren't as serious as hers and she might just find them relatable and open up a bit herself, she just needs to trust you before she opens up

I'm glad I helped! I know what you mean with the self harming stuff, I've been in the same situation with G, and I can't self harm because I have a fear of my own blood and veins. I can't think of a very good way to prevent it other than checking up on her every few minutes. It could either annoy her or make her happy that you care so much. Maybe make sure she keeps the door open and just wait in a seperate room close to where she is.

This is pure beauty

Get to know her own disorder and when you do, let her know that you understand and that you will truly always be there for her. And try to remind her as frequently as possible (daily or every few days) because we tend to lose sight of the positive things people say when we aren't feeling good

I vote best ninja buuuut reaches a whole new level

Yeah I usually check up on her every few minutes when we're not together, I'm know she likes it most of the time as long as she isn't trying to get her college work done, and we call most nights so she can talk to me if she has a bad dream or just needs to wake me up.
I've tried staying in another room when we end up conflicting, I'm not sure whether she'd prefer I do that or try be with her and comfort her

I will fight for best ninja

Haha! I laugh at your pathetic attempt

Do you even have a weapon worthy to fight my katana the sword of Bishamon

My bro just texted me this. I'm scared, are one of you guys my brother.

Yea idk man it all depends on the person, you'll just have to judge that yourself

The background alone wins me over. Plus you have nice eyes and the red hair is always a plus

Good thread on Sup Forums for once
Ty OP and ninja posters I do like you very much.

Oh shit nevermind this one wins. Ninja's have to have weapons. The word Bishamon sounds familiar but I can't pin down what it's from. I give props to for his confidence and ability to hang from the ceiling though

I can also drink using only my mouth

Don't underestimate my edginess
I'll use the eyes and background to my advantage

Lets be friends desu it's a ninja eat ninja world and there arent a lot of us.

How does it feel having a made up illness

No, thank you for checking out the thread and posting! It's good people like you and the ninja that make this thread so great

Ninja truce, it's hard to hold 3 katanas anyway

Not too bad. Recovering. I did too much at the gym yesterday, so I'm laid back catching up on a couple of shows.


I'm more a ninja wire guy myself

Supreme taste, user. Subaru is a top tier waifu.

Good good, It's always good to take a break and relax. But I take a break way too much xD. What show's you watchin user?

Damn right

No thanks :P


I'm a little confused but still, impressive.

Ninjas are masters of smoke

post butt


I don't know about that one dudes and/or dudettes. Like I said before I hate taking pictures of myself. And I don't want my butt on the internet even if you can't tell it's mine

You already took a ninja pic what's a little bit of booty on top of that



Why are you still here? Life sucks enough with good mental health...

Are your parents rich?

We gotta check your trap status anyway

Well ninjas in Border Personality thread that's something...

I like it here

Not too long ago I was asking myself that. But I'm just looking forward to the future and helping others. Because when the people around me are happy, I'm happy. And no parents are divorced and both are poor.

Booty pics are something I can only do when I'm super happy or super horny. It heavily depends on the mood. Atm I'm pretty tired and I don't even think I'm gunna jerk off tonight which is a big thing for me.

You never know what might happen in my threads. It spices things up a little

Haha I said one day. That day is not today (I think)

Have you tried cognitive behavioral therapy?

this whole thread is A U T I S T I C

>facebook memes
>not autistic

No but I'm interested in giving it a go. Just a little anxious I guess

Kek nice meme

why is it that if someone disagrees with you, they're suddenly the enemy? I'm not meaning to be rude, it's just something I've noticed about people with BPD

the most average human being does this, thats why the world sucks

I haven't noticed that in myself you fucking cunt
In all seriousness, I dunno we just hate when people prove us wrong so we try to completely rule out the possibility. That and we also like to start arguments I suppose.

You should man it helped a friend of mine with bpd a lot.