/Perfect Movies/

ITT: post perfect movies

I don't mean "kino" art films, i mean comfy movies to watch with your friends or girlfriend

>pic related

Art films need not apply

Other urls found in this thread:




was just about to post that










Don't deny it.


that and the Avengers desu


Avengers 1 is like the perfect popcorn blockbuster.

The comfiest. I put this on all the time to go to bed. One of my all-time top 5'ers




Not a huge fan of this one. I see why people like it but it just didn't click for me

>Sup Forums suddenly isn't contrarian and has good taste


its when you strip away all the bullshit and get people to stop shitposting.

sure film is an art, but fine art can be fun and popular, that's what most of Sup Forums doesn't understand

This is the GOAT Christmas movie. prove me wrong

Protip: you can't

>This is the GOAT Christmas movie. prove me wrong
We're you meant to post Die Hard?

>no one posts robocop
>or robocop 2

hadn't gotten to it yet, thanks for posting though

*enters garage*
>Woohoo! Now with this awesome sporting car we can do the coolest things! Such as:
*stares to the camera*
>Time Travel!
*hops into the car*
>And now, after pressing this button down here, we'll be able to travel through time!
*clicks big red button*
>Yeah! Lets go meet The Beatles!
*enters in flash light and goes back in time*
*arrives at isolated farm*
>oh no! It looks like the time travel went wrong!
*checks wristwatch*
>what happened Marty? There was a problem?
>we shouldve arrived at night of october 23 in 1965, but it looks like we are in 1237!
>wow marty, that's bad!
>we are out of luck!
Thats literally all the movies about

ok what's your point? you can pick apart basically any movie in that way


So you haven't seen it?

Jurassic Park isn't perfect considering that out of nowhere huge drop.


>Thats literally all the movies about
Yes, I remember the time Doc and Marty tried to meet the Beatles.

The comfiest of them all