Rate my gf

Rate my gf

Elle is 10/10

Elle is pure lewd
Post more Elle please I need to jerk off



-3 for the nigger

She looks bald

she shouldn't do get hair like that. It me her fivehead stand out


>asymmetrical Jew eyes
>bottle blonde
Elle is trash

Yep, mad because she was sitting on a nigger's lap. Shutup neckbeard.

Pure 9/meth.


Niggers like to fuck trash, so that is fine by me.

looks like the kind of chick that yells that she will put a voodoo curse on you and actually means it.

LOL your little dick would jump up faster than you stuff mooncakes down your throat of if she accidentally rubbed up against you passing by


holy fuck im dead


Got titts OP?

I wish

Jesus Christ I lost it