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Star Trek General
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So I'm on ds9 s3 and Tom Riker does this, fucking lol
>tfw you will never have or need removable sideburns
Yes, that is a brilliant moment
It must have been Frankes fucking around, I mean what's going to happen? Miles turns around
>hold on a sec where are your sideburns?
>this isn't Will its Tom! Imposter
>just had a shave chief
>oh right, sorry
What Star Wars movie is pic related from?
JJs alternate universe Star Wars, I'm surprised you don't know about it
And the latest movie wasn't the shitshow I was expecting. A few of the action sequences felt flat, but otherwise it was a decent movie and a okay trek movie. On par with III and Generations.
Please dont call these generals.
Yea agreed perfect comparison
heh… memes
Would you rather call it specifics?
I loved that whole sequence way more than I should have.
So Ezri or Jazdia
Only correct answer is yes
how do you have a 45 min ep with a swarm and it makes sense, then a 2 plus hr movie with a swarm and it's completely nonsensical?
Jadzia a best
I thought this was a CD key at first.
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
Practice? There was a lot about that movie that doesn't make sense. The whole "use music to jam the swarm ships" was dumb but you knew the moment the music kicked in someones shit was gonna get wrecked.
And fuck me if I didn't love every stupid second of it.
what about TAS
should I dump some DS9 webms?
Why do people say Enterprise is bad? I'm in season 3 and it's really not that bad.
I've only watched TOS and TNG though. Some DS9 but I got bored.
It was fun, it's only now going over it I realise how much fucking nonsense their was, it really is a lot like generations
what do you guys think is the best movie overall?
i feel like its gotta be either this or wrath of khan, first contact gets mentioned as a contender but while i feel like it does do a lot right to make it a good movie, it gets a few things badly wrong; mostly picard.
tuc is my favorite so i admit to being biased but id be curious to see what you guys think. tmp and tvh are good too for their own reasons but not great and i have to admit that 09 worked a lot better than i expected, but what came next.. lol. none of em match tuc and twok though.
More like Banjamin Fatso
I really like all of the originals, 2 is prob the best, but I'm always up to rewatch 5
TWOK is probably objectively the best, but my favorite is TVH
I enjoy all the TOS movies though even Final Frontier
So in the newest movie, there was mention of only 3 survivors of the Franklin. Was one of them the chick that set them up?
Also, it lead to a great line by bones.
someone post the ds9 viewing guide jpg
My list is
ST: First Contact
ST: Insurrection
ST Generation = ST: Beyond
ST: Into Darkness
ST: Nemisis
Six was the first I remember seeing so it's got a lot of nostalgia and it's a hard toss up with two, Rura Pente drug on just a bit too long and brought it down a bit otherwise it would be best in my mind.
That said I loved all TOS movies.
I'm halfway through DS9 Season 1 and am finding it difficult to get into. I keep hearing it gets really good...when exactly?
hang in there
there's some good stuff in season 2
I enjoyed the first couple seasons personally, I hear others say season 3 is generally when it starts getting really good
S1 is a bit of a slog, if your really having trouble you can read the s1 wiki and skip straight to 2, still you should try and watch at least the pilot and the last few eps of the season
All three survivors were monster mash and his two commanders.
The bitch was just one of their victims they blackmailed into being bait.
This one?
Here you go
There a few key episodes near the end of season 1 and season 2 onwards is it rise to greatness.
The Enterprise pilot sait it was the first ship to be approved for human transporting right?
Season 1 is 95% shit and you might as well skip it.
Season 2 has a handful of gems.
Season 3 gets the series started in earnest.
Seasons 4, 5 and 6 are where the fuck it's at.
This is coming from a fan who holds DS9 far and away above all else.
Fuck ezri marry jadzia
Past Prolouge
Captive Pursuit
The Negas
In the hands of the prophets
>Optional ones include Battle lines, Progress, The Storyteller, and if you like Q, Q-less.
I really like this aesthetic
Skipping a top ten all time episode in Duet
Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.
Any other good trek threads in the catalog worth participating in? This one has a beyond image so it's obvious it was posted by viral marketers.
Yes, because the viral people then proceed to dump DS9 webms for the rest of the thread.
No, that was the no-standards Sup Forums trektards who will post in any thread remotely about star trek no matter what's in the OP.
Sup Forums has had trek threads hit bump limit which were started by OPs stating that all star trek fans are pedophiles. trektards have no impulse control.
Duet is overrated.
Anyone have an Enterprise watchlist?
Perhaps you don't understand.
I am OP. You will see this since I only can bump the thread every 15 mins or so. And I am the one dumping season 1 DS9 webms
i wanted to lick her feet the entire movie. she was so beautiful.
Oh, so you're just a useful idiot. That's not better than being a shill. Fuck you, I hope you die. LLAP
He tried to flee Terak Nor during a rebellion by filthy bajorians, instead of dying like a Cardassian
You have a special type of butthurt. Might need some prep H for that if you get triggered by the posting of a character from the current Star Trek movie in a fucking Star Trek general.
I always thought this Bajorian was a qt, shame she had to be plot eliminated.
Counterintelligence strategies aren't really applicable to geeks chewing the shit about star trek. Just sayin'
>Its a "Alien Grill in a wheelchair episode"
This has to be my least fave episode in season 1.
Any webm requests?
I just saw Beyond and I loved it. It had its issues of course but it was much better than the other nu-trek movies and Pegg's writing got the fuckin job done.
I wish Krall had been fleshed out more but it was great hearing Enterprise elements like the Xindi and MACOs being part of his backstory.
>Falling for the Asian woman meme
Poor Miles
DS9 request to be clear.
Tom Riker taking his sideburns off
post Garak
Well, O brian must suffer.
Even had a qt Bajorian he could of easily had fun with.
Any specific Garak
Will do, warming up the webming machine
Even molly hated him, poor Miles
>sweetly want to come to daddy
>Molly gives look of pure hatred for the gaijin
>ok honey maybe later
Poor, poor o'brien
Here is Garak first appearance. Let me know if you want a specific scene.
>Mr. Worf... fire!
Episode? (if that a request)
Perfect, I'm not even sure why this is so funny, it's gold
thank you kindly user
>Riker reveals his final form
Buying blu-ray sets is for chumps.
>C...can anyone please link to funny TNG bloopers?
The new movie is absolute shit.
It's the lowest point in the history of the franchise.
Hated every minute of it.
That is objectively incorrect, nemesis was the lowest point followed closely by into darkness
>lowest point of the franchise
>not Threshold
Nemesis is shit. Into Darkness is also shit, but not as shit is Beyond.
They're so gorgeous though. Too bad I'm in the process of moving and mine are boxed up.
No, Into Darkness and nemesis are worlds worse then the new movie. V is also worse for that matter.
Please tell me how it is worse then Nemesis KEK
>tfw when there will never be a movie about Dukat and Damar's adventures in the Bird of Prey
If you honestly think that, I don't see much point in debating with you, your opinions are shit
You've got 15 minutes of screen time to make that fan film.
>Thanks to him
forgot pic