How do i become a pick up artist?

How do i become a pick up artist?

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By shooting yourself in the face. Chicks might give you a pity fuck. You'll be dead, but sex is sex.

What a fucking faggot, i couldnt believe how stupid this show was when i saw it, niggertier faglord type shit

But it seems like it actually works though

i don't think you want to be this, bro

Get as many vaccines as you possibly can.

Thats because youre stupid enough to believe a reailty tv show from like 2006 on vh1 how old are you

26. And he still does talks and shit though. It just seems like it legitimately helps guys get laid


Because people are stupid enough to pay for it he has created a product and a market, i cant believe im giving you advice but just treat who you want to fuck like a normal person, be yourself, test waters with light flirtation, dont be overly sexual in any aspect unless its warranted, keep your political views to yourself, dont be nervous theyre just human after all

Based on this picture, you just have to look like a complete and total douchebag

I've been being myself for the past 26 years and I'm still a kissless virgin

Lmao at the guy on the far left wth the random tie. What the fuck.

Kill yourself and hope in your next life you are better looking with a big cock and game cuz it ain't happening in this life friend

practice on ugly girls

Go to where girls are
Talk to them

Im not good with people though

half of them look gay

my advice is too fuck an ugly girl, get mojo, than get confident, get girlfriend, it will boost confidence for a while, than give 0 fucks
when 0 fucks are given women might come

they look so sad, frustrated and wanna-be alphas. Women can sense that, you know.
Nyaw, to answer your question: don't. just don't ffs. Act like a normal dude and let go of your desperation, I got laid the first time at 22 and I still don't regret it or chase pussy to make up for the hurr durr lost years.

find a QT black girl and game her up

i think op wants some qt black nigger dick

By not having a girlfriend.
None of the PUAs have had a serious relationship ever.


I don't want a serious relationship i juat want to fuck

buy a hooker

PUA used to work but women aren't the same as they were in 2006.
Tinder is where it's at now. There's numerous guides online for how to be successful on Tinder.

fuck I wish women were not the type of people that you need fucking manuals and tactics for. That just makes it all look like a game with no real emotion involved. Glad I'm bi cause fags at least have a natural personality with emotions and stuff. And the ones who only want to fuck at least they admit it.
>inb4 faggot lel

I can't believe someone else watched this show.

was it about funny hats and stuff?

Nah, it was a show about a man in a funny hat trying to teach autistic guys in their mother's basement to get out of their shells and trick women into fucking them.

But all it really did was turn them into fuck boys. But I might be biased because I don't believe in formulas for getting women.

Be attractive, fit and confident. Talk to every girl you are interested in. You will get really good at it. The key is to speak enough to make it not awkward but less than being a spaz. Spazes get friend zoned, quiet guys get creeperzoned.

the only formula is "ask them out and don't scare them (you can scare them later in bed wink wink)". It's a number's game. You won't believe how many ugly/poor fucks are with some good-looking women just because they were the only ones to approach them and they were desperate enough to settle for them ugly fucks. And in some cases they stayed together just because she said "eh not bad a dick is a dick"

Watch all of the Simple Pickup videos. Practice. Profit.

This, it's just a matter of confidence and not being a sperg.
Don't fear rejection, and dating becomes a numbers game.

You go back in time to 2010 before people figured out how autistic PUA shit is.

No, the PUA strategies never worked at all. Ever.
They're just sociopaths who power trip on scamming desperate guys out of their money. Some of them are even gay-WTF do they know about landing women?
Everything they do reeks of "I'm completely fake and have no idea what I'm doing." And real women can smell the bullshit emanating from them a mile away.

If you want to be attractive to women, the recipe is simple: be fit and trim, be dressed well, be confident and decisive, make them feel comfortable and desired, and be doing things. That's it.
Notice I said simple, not easy. All of that can be HARD to get all together, but it fucking works.

Want to know the best pick up line there is? It's:
>Hi, my name is (your name goes here), what's yours?
That's it.
Anything else is just bullshit.

If you really want to get a girl then watch this video.

What is a "spaze?"

plural of spaz

Someone who get excited ove shit they shouldn't. Most girls don't want to deal with it. Then again some girls do. But they aren't the ones you want to keep around because you will constantly have to do something bigger than the previous gesture you used to get into her pants.

They aren't. But you do have to have skills to successfully navigate relating to them, and those skills have to be developed with time and practice. You just have to start with the basics and work your way up.
Finding decent women, learning how to talk with them in a way that doesn't send her running for the door, how to best present yourself, where to take them on a first date (hint: think lunch not dinner)-you've got to learn all of that for yourself.


Let me add on. Girls who grab your attention aren't usually the ones to go after unless you are the most attractive guy in the room. Girls who dress slutty might be good for a one night stand but aren't always good at sex. Girls who are hot but blend in are usually the ones you go after but this could also mean they are in a relationship and they usually are.

Where is the none of the above?

This post made me laugh. Those guys look goofy as fuck... what the fuck is going on, chicks dig this shit?

1) Find an artist
2) Lift him/her off the ground


faggot lel

"Spaz", short for spastic.
Basically the kind of person who is so astonished that he's actually TALKING to a desirable girl that he all but jizzes in his pants. It's one of the ways a person with no confidence reacts, the other one being to clam up and stare desperately from across the room.
Of the two strategies, being a spaz is less toxic, because you're at least talking to a girl. Even if the way you do it is wrong, the impulse is right, and the right approach can be learned and refined over time. It may be wrong, but the second best thing you can do in a situation is to do the wrong thing-at least it's a decision. The worst thing you can possibly do is nothing.

look at the newer stuff from real social dynamics on youtube
but not too new when they talk about that social circle nonsense.
you dont need that.
but the getting over aproach anxiety, collecting a lot of references and getting used to rejection
actually helps
a big part of it is getting in "state"