Who was in the wrong here?
Also, Seinfeld thread.
Who was in the wrong here?
Also, Seinfeld thread.
What happend there?
He has a point, they all lead to the same water treatment facilities
George doesn't see a problem with peeing in the shower, asking "it's all pipes, what's the difference?". Elaine is grossed out and is reprimanding him.
george because he's a balding manlet and elaine was too cute
he peed in the gym showers
I pee in the shower all the time
I don't see how it could be bad
Public showers, George was wrong
Anyone who agrees with Elaine isn't Pensky material.
>Public showers
I think you're right.
Also he should have drank more and nobody would have seen his clear piss
Everyone pees in the shower. But if you're in a public shower blasting yellow pee then you're a dick.
redditors easily spotted
George is a "Chucker" after-all.
Underage degenerate spotted
go back
Except I don't
No, thanks
>doesn't pee in the shower
>needs to save as much as he can so he can drink it
faggot. kill yourself
Peeing in the shower is a lot more efficient. Don't have to waste water flushing.
Nope. I'm with Elaine and Jerry on this one
I don't do that
No, thanks. I love my life too much to ever wanna commit a selfish and cowardly act like suicide
I don't worry about wasting water. I ain't gonna step on my own piss
Why do you even try to be part of the conversation if you haven't watched the show faggot?
hey man not everyone can recall every moment of every episode
Why not? You have a shit ton of soap in there with you, you can just wash it off, not like pee is the worst thing you could step in during the day either
Peeing in the shower is Indian-tier. Not for civilized men.
I step in shoes on top of socks. My bare feet shouldn't be touching filth
sometimes I piss on my gf in the shower
Urine is sterile and it's all pipes. Anyone who disagrees with George is a nazi.
He was wrong, but unless he was peeing directly on that other guy's feet that other guy was looking at him in the shower and that's also wrong.
but the nazi's were right
>Urine is sterile
It's a waste product comprised of minerals and toxins from another person's body. It might not be deadly but it's not like it's tap water.
male urine is completely sterile
female urine is not.
It's okay for men, it is not for women in public showers.
You're a pussy, pee in the shower and stop being a bitch
Urine is sterile
>it's not like it's tap water
It's not like you're drinking it.
It's a matter of respect and basic human dignity. Not something cretins would understand.
No, thanks. George is a gross man. I try not to be
Who cares?
The pee washes away and is out of sight and out of mind, theres literally no negative to peeing in the shower. Now peeing in the pool is a different argument in which It's fucking gross, no matter how many chemicals are in the pool to kill the germs.
You're a trip so you're already less of a man than he is
>implying the average person is deserving of respect or dignity
Stop being a complete faggot 90s kid for just one minute.
I got one.
Was Kramer wrong to talk Mickey into heightening?
>wanting to step in the urine of other men
You're the faggot, faggot.
- Born 1988
I'm the pisser, not the pissee.
Except I man up to my problems and attempt to fix them, unlike most suicidal cowards here. I'm a Macho Man
Well obviously. All the progress little people have made over the years, and he goes and blows it by pulling a stupid stunt like that
You're both idiots. You pee DIRECTLY INTO THE DRAIN! Your body never touches pee!
It's just wrong okay?
>having a trip
>actually replying when called out
>bragging online
I ain't no bitch
It's bad because you don't actually have a shower.
I get annoyed when degenerates need to push their degeneracy on the rest of us
>everybody piss in the showers!
>everybody picks and eat their boogers!
>everybody waits months to change their sheets!
>everybody uses the same towel for more than a week!
etc etc.
no, no, no, no. most people don't. Most people were taught hygiene by their parents.
you sound like a nigger
George was in the wrong, yes its fine to pee in the shower i do it all the time but in a public shower like a Gym its kinda rude
Ideally it should but public showers don't always drain that well. It's not uncommon for water to pond in places.
You're such a mary.
I bet they're all double dippers, too
No, I'm Hispanic
You have sheets on your bed? lucky
So, you ARE a nigger.
I loled
No. I'm Hispanic
What's this got to do with Seinfeld, though?
I've diarrhea'd in the shower a couple times
>he doesn't realize that non-whites who aren't asian are all niggers
Okay there, Sup Forums. Take some deep breathes before you spill more of your shitposts around these parts
>he thinks I'm from Sup Forums
>he thinks the majority of real humans don't feel this way
Gee, you sure do love greentexting a bunch
I'm a normal person, and us normal people don't feel that way at all
peeing is wasteful
How was Jerry supposed to know Elaine would laugh about it?