Yo mods, can we get an answer?

Yo mods, can we get an answer?

Also, mods can do whatever they want on Sup Forums.
They can ban me right now for no reason.

never forget

ayy, someone ban this faggot?



cucks do it for free


At least get rid of some of the real shitposters if you have time to ban dumb shit like that

fuck off
mods ban this faggot

how to fix Sup Forums:
make it blue

Actually that's not a bad idea

/r/, /s/ and /soc/ threads need to go already. loli and shota threads can stay because they have no place elsewhere. The mods just need to make some new rules that make Sup Forums still the chaotic no rules place but not for retarded idiots mindlessly posting porn and demanding more while the threads are at their image limit (go on any porn dump thread and derail it to the image limit, you will understand what I mean.)

And maybe make a separate /sixx/ board for that one guy

there is soon going to be a new Sup Forums spinoff with Sup Forums's format anyways. Let's see how that is going to be.



We could tweet the owner of Sup Forums with this image and tell him about the faggot mods?


> dubs
> cuck confirmed

Someone please ban this man.

Are you the power tripping mod who won't own up? Just quit if you don't know what your doing.