Vin Diesel found himself the subject of some rather bad publicity following an explosive Facebook rant posted by Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson who labelled his male Fast 8 co-stars 'candy asses'.
But the action star's week went from bad to worse on Thursday when reports emerged that the Fast 8 crew are siding with his rival in the row.
Sources from the multi-million pound production told TMZ that Vin was often '30 minutes to an hour late to shoot scenes', adding that the star's tardiness was apparently down to him simply remaining in his trailer.
According to the U.S, website, production sources said the Rock has been 'upset with Vin's work ethic for a long time', with the muscleman apparently pushing his set start times back to 10am as 'he didn't like' the earlier 7am start.
Listed as a producer on the film, which co-stars Charlize Theron, Scott Eastwood, Michelle Rodriguez and Jason Statham, Vin has apparently let the title go to his head, with TMZ alleging he would 'goad people including The Rock by criticising their acting'.
But in stark contrast, the crew says Dwayne is the 'ultimate professional' who 'always nails his scenes and is 'easy to work with,' reports the website.
In response, Diesel reportedly stormed off the Fast 8 set just 'minutes' after filming his final scenes,TMZ previously reported.
He reportedly gathered cast and crew to say he was leaving and his speech included the words, 'Daddy's gone'.
Who gives a fuck you imbeciles? God, why doesn't hiroshima just create /cel/ already?
Gavin Cook
Fuck it.
Without Vin this franchise wouldn't even be. Let the man be.
Connor Campbell
Team Rock or team Diesel
Hunter Sanchez
vin diesel may be a cunt, but i've lost respect for le rock for airing his grievances over social media and not even naming the guy
Hunter Price
reddit is not back up I see.
Nicholas Richardson
the rock was plural about his "male co-stars". who else was he talking about?
Cooper Baker
this, both are bitches. I bet Vin was playing videogames or sleeping like the nigger he is. I can't pick a side tho
Tyler Reyes
This. A real guy would squash beef, one on one. Not air shit like a whiny high school girl
Dylan Hernandez
>i've lost respect for le rock this implies that at some point you actually had repek for a meme actor. I've lost all respect for you . s m h 2bh f a m
Isaac Moore
>Vin has an emotional breakdown after Paul Walker dies >struggles to start working >everything reminds him of Paul >The Rock calls him a candy ass instead of helping I expect this from Attitude era Rock, not current Rock
Isaiah Johnson
Vin has infinite good will from me after this
Colton Powell
And nothing of value would be lost.
David Anderson
For all you know the user you replied to is a meme actor.
Aiden Ward
friendly reminder both vin diesel and paul walker hated the rock and thought it was a mistake that he was brought on to the franchise.
that's why the rock was noticeably reserved/silent compared to his other co-stars about paul after his death. they hated each other.
Blake Myers
Did roiding make the rock's anger problems even worse? Even as a kid he was an angry fag.
Christian Ward
>Diesel reportedly stormed off the Fast 8 set just 'minutes' after filming his final scenes
what a Beta
Adrian Anderson
Michael Russell
Both rock and vin have gay rumors surrounding them Might this be a lovers quarrel or two catty gay men fighting?
Angel Fisher
Christian Martinez
friendly reminder the FF franchise wouldn't exist today without the rock bringing it back to relevancy
>Vin was often '30 minutes to an hour late to shoot scenes', adding that the star's tardiness was apparently down to him simply remaining in his trailer. shitty tanks probly
Jack Wood
Are you saying that Paul Walker was killed by the rock?
Vin all the way, don't care if he's wrong I got his back.
Nathan White
>muh false drama >muh attempt to make this shitty series make even more money than it deserves
Kayden Collins
Diesel - Sup Forums Rock - Reddit.
Only newfags will disagree.
Liam Richardson
Diesel - Reddit. Rock - Reddit.
Only Reddit will disagree.
Kevin Morales
Reddit - Reddit. Reddit - Reddit.
Only Reddit will Reddit.
Easton Brooks
faggot like you need to die
Josiah Evans
Hello, Reddit!
Bentley Watson
Matthew Jones
kill yourself nu male
Jeremiah Mitchell
This is pure gold.
William Torres
Jayden James
>shitty series t. Narc
Nathaniel Adams
>He reportedly gathered cast and crew to say he was leaving and his speech included the words, 'Daddy's gone'.
What a fucking faggot.
Jordan Sanders
Please, Tyrese and Paul were much closer friends, and we haven't heard anything about him losing his cool or acting unprofessional
Jason Turner
if this is true vin diesel's career is over
Benjamin Cox
if Vin Deisel ever gave me an acting note I would gouge his eyes out
Sebastian Roberts
Sebastian Fisher
Noah Martinez
This is bullshit though Paul thought that adding a lot of new characters was gonna be stupid (They were going to develop every character in the Rock's crew at first which would've like doubled the character number) which it was going to be, he was fine with him after a draft rewrite.
Jackson Thompson
This is all made up, they sent Vin to talk to Dwayne, but not because he was the source of the drama but because they're both producers
They weren't squashing beef between them but trying to solve the conflict and considering their later IGs they probably agred at least on something
I wonder who the cunts are, besides Scott Eastwood
Cooper Diaz
>squashing beef No, please keep coming up with the most homosexual euphemisms, they really sell it
David Bailey
>IT'S ONLY POPULAR BECAUSE THE ROCK IS IN IT! Keep sucking that day wrestler dick why don't ya.
Nolan Kelly
Diesel v Rock: Dawn of Carkino
John Bennett
Andrew Sanchez
(you) (you) Nice try, Vin!
Leo Morris
>reddit is not back up I see. yeah i can tell.
Caleb Diaz
Of course everyone's going to side with the darker guy over the [not actually] white man. Keep reading your libcuck 'loids, fish.
Bentley Nguyen
Vin Diesel found himself the subject of some rather bad publicity following an explosive Facebook rant posted by Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson who labelled his male Fast 8 co-stars 'narc'.
But the action star's week went from bad to worse on Thursday when reports emerged that the FBI had apparently kicked in the door and raid the Rock's home in the middle of dinner.
William White
I almost had you, Rock
You never had your shoot. Vin.
Aaron Scott
Yo man he was in my franchise
Robert Russell
Michael Brown
Nothing worse than someone who can't show up on time on a team project.
Zachary Gray
for the love of all that is holy, /cel/ when
Liam Murphy
This is why Arnold is above all these so called "nu-action stars". At the end of the day they are just glorified niggers.
Adam Ortiz
Something Awful
Austin Watson
>Could have ended the franchise on a high note after one of the main actors dies >Now the legacy is ruined in this drama
Caleb White
Diesel and Walker weren't friends. No one is friends with Vin Diesel, he's an insufferable douche. Walker was probably rolling in his grave when Vin made those "muh brother" comments after the accident.
Angel Miller
someone post the meme magical WebM
James Johnson
I'm siding with Vin here. Sure, I've never seen a F&F flick in my life, but Vin's made some other swank flicks and The Rock is a reddit guy, therefore I'm with #Vin.
Nolan Jones
/cel/ when
Ian Russell
Fast / Furious movies are pretty great, actually.
Hard to say why some dumb things are awful and some are vital and totally a 'thing', but these movies are the latter. I think some shit is just garbage hackwork, while some is dumb but also like a genuine force coming from some place that certain people are actually feeling and it just hits the mark.
Mason Carter
vin diesel sucks
Christian Johnson
Asher Edwards
Paul Walker died for this.
Jacob Clark
Vin isnt black you retard
Ian Murphy
whatever Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Luke Kelly
>getting worked into a shoot by The Rock
Connor Reyes
Honestly, I think this drama is 99% cooked up by some execs that just want Vin out of the franchise and replaced by The Rock who is a big time yes man. They are immediately creating a negative persona about Vin Diesel and the Rock hasn't even NAMED him yet. He's likely creating or demanding more money or trying to influence the script or who knows what behind the scenes and the producers don't like it.
Sebastian Wood
I hate to say I agree. I haven't liked the guy in any live action film he's done. Come to think of it, I haven't liked any live action films he's stared in. I liked Groot though.
John Cooper
Starting at 7:00am is way too early imo. Dwayne just likes it because he's an autist who thinks waking up at 4 in the morning to work out is normal.
Gonna side with Vin here.
Tyler Martin
I don't see how anyone will watch a Furious movie now without Paul or Vin.
I wouldn't. I don't even care anymore now that Paul is dead, I cared more for him (as a character) than Vin in this shitty franchise.
Leo Diaz
or they know their audience and want this to go viral, and its all an act, the same way professional rasslin drama is all an act, and they're using some manufactured drama as free/cheap advertising.
>are you vin diesel? >"no im bigger and better looking"
what did he mean by this?
Evan Johnson
Rock is a fag
Sebastian Ramirez
He is the wheelman
and kermaperse
Brandon Hall
All these >Rock is gay Posts.
>implying Vin isn't twice as suspect
Nicholas Mitchell
Vin had a hard life
Andrew Taylor
Show you who's boss of this set.
Jeremiah Brooks
>whining on social media instead of confronting Vin
Nah, the Rock is the candy ass here.
Mason Wood
You know candy-ass means the ass is sweet, yeah? This entire thing was the rock complimenting vins bum butter flavour, candy-apple.
Ayden Torres
The Rock is just a giant lump of muscle.
Vin is an artisan. You don't prepare for a role by lifting weights, you prepare by becoming another human being.
Vin understands this.
And if he needs an extra three hours to dig deep and find out what motivates "Man Who Drives Car And Says 'Family' Repeatedly" then so be it.
James Bennett
Itt: nu-males fighting over some shitty """""actors"""""
Ryder Campbell
>artisan >stars in fast and furious joints
Jack Campbell
>Two actors in upcoming film fake feud for publicity which features scenes of their two respective characters also feuding
More at 11.
Ian Kelly
Ayden Thompson
vin is fag who plays dungeon and dragons lmao
Kayden Gray
paul's ghost
Andrew Watson
The rock and super action soldiering is made F&F even worse desu
Luis Campbell
It's a tight race cause no one really cares
Anthony Cooper
More like reddit
Ryan Johnson
I'm team instinct haha lol XD
Gabriel James
Of course Diesel doesn't like getting up at 7am. Guy probably spends all night playing video games, which is also why he hurries off the set afterwards.
Christian Sullivan
This is sad, I would have hoped that they were friends
Angel Richardson
Sebastian Perez
eh i dont know why they added dwayne johnson anyway. Vin diesel was supposed to be the tough guy, then they eclipsed him by adding the rock. paul walker, his buddy dies and he probably lost all passion.