What's the most ultra-violent anti-SJW movie ever made?
What's the most ultra-violent anti-SJW movie ever made?
what's the laziest attempt at a stealth-Sup Forums thread ever made?
WE threads
>Sup Forums
It's Sup Forums.
>kills all right wing leaning people
>anti sjw
Wew lad
it was alright, dragged on a bit though
cinematography was pretty stellar but felt a little bit out of place for its subject matter
and the end "finale" was a big ball buster
>screencap some current event article (bonus points for clickbait headline from clickbait website) or tweet
>put "what are some kinos about [pic related]" or "who will play him in the inevitable biopic" in the post
Rampage I guess
Postal by Uwe Boll
I saw this movie at Bonnaroo a few years ago and Bobcat was there to talk about it. It's not a great movie but it sounded like a fucking blast to make.
Falling Down
Raimi's Spiderman.
Army Dog, especially the scene where he pulls his gun out in the middle of the gay parade and threatens to shoot all of them. Director really went way over the top with that scene
London has Fallen
what about that film where all the SJW's go on a trip to the forest to save trees or some shit and they get eaten/murdered/raped by pygmy's?
American History X
Why is the McDonalds moon guy associated with violent racism? I always see him in pictures killing black people.
YTMND memes
The Green Inferno lol
Eli Roth might be one of the worst modern figures in horror I've lived to witness
I listened to him on the Brett Easton Ellis podcast... he seems really smart. Who knew?
This. This is how to tell if someone's a normie or not
>burd is red
Rewatched American History X recently, they've really dug themselves into a hole with that one. Derek is spot on pre butt loving
are you that much of a pleb or is this trolling?
>What's the most ultra-violent anti-SJW movie ever made?
What's got to go wrong in your life that you're looking for edgy violent movies that pander to your fear of sjw-boogeymen
I can only recommend listening to his album "Whitopia".
Sup Forumsacks are truly the dankest memesters. He's also pretty popular on /k/.
fucking cringe m8
The rape was reality. In reality, ideals flip-flop like fuck, when it's all said and done, most people just want to know; "What's in it for me?".
>Sup Forumsacks are truly the dankest memesters.
yes, taking the MC Hawking joke which was stale in 2006 and adding racism and not even bothering to rhyme half of the time is definitely top meme work
>fucking cringe m8
I thought him finding out Cam didn't really do any rough time was a big factor in making him realise that he's a pawn for him yet they just gloss over that but in terms of like the Rodney King scene he's exactly right.
Also the kike was definitely just trying to fuck his mother.
top tier cringe.
>Muslims crashing a plane into world trade center
>making fun of jews (wtf uwe boll?)
>a guy getting ass raped by a monkey
>a black cop looking after a disabled guy by making him sleep in his shed
>Osama and George Bush are friends
>A fat wife is a slut who then gets blown up to bits as her guts fly everywhere
Seriously this is the most WTF movie ever made
Also pic related is an awesome peace quote from the film
Literally SJW: The Movie.
Yup Uwe Boll re-acted out 9/11
>a young girl is angry about her abusive father so she teams up with some ex business man to get revenge on the world
Literally SJW: The Movie
American Guinea Pig Bouquet of Guts and Gore
without a doubt this
and one of my favorite scenes which sadly only exists on the Director's Cut edition (The Unrated edition is not the same thing)
>"Go back to Mecca and run around your big black box
WTF UWE BOLL!!? Seriously this film is the most offensive thing.
>"Your money's good for an American. Even though you're black
No wonder Uwe Boll is blacklisted from Hollywood topkek
Dirty Harry
>not posting essential fedora-flicks
cmon Sup Forums
>m-muh ebil corporations deforresting the amazon ;_;
>lies about her friends getting slaughtered to protect muh nobel savages
>we're not so different...
It isn't really anti-sjw, although I always did feel like God Bless America took a lot of cues from this film.
Green inferno it was alright the end is pretty shit though
It isn't all that violent overall either, aside from the finale.
I love this film
I always thought the loner that ranted about degeneracy in modern life and fantasised about going on a killing spree resonated pretty closely with Sup Forums types.
Reservoir Dogs. It sexualizes women, shits on waitress, uses the N-word, it has homophobic slurs, all male cast, ableism, anti-semitism, etc.
The 4th Rambo movie was fuckin legit.
Roll for this
>there aren't people on the right who react similarly.
Did somebody say ultra violence?
>friendly reminder that the lads interrupt ol billy boy from raping a chick just so they can beat his ass
He's ranting about the filth that he sees rather than talking about hating niggers, he even makes a point of saying he'll pick up anyone. For example, the dude talking about what a .44 magnum could do to a woman's pussy is a motivating factor.
The only correct answer.
Sure it is Sup Forums
A dude finds a mermaid in the sewers. She is in horrible pain and screams for help, but the due decides to paint her likeness 'cause how often do you see a mermaid in real life? She develops blisters and oozes puss, so he takes her home and puts her in his bathtub. He then uses her blood to finish the painting and then she dies.
Amazing family movie.
HOLY FUCK the 4th Rambo was based as fuck.
Love that shit!
Seriously? Details nigger, I love bts stories.
Punisher War Zone
Also Starship Troopers and Robocop if you are one if those people that can set aside the obvious satirical elements and take things more at face value
I like this movie. It's self-righteous but it has a very good feeling to it.
This movie has the key to defeat all liberals and whiny minorities, but it will be forever lost under its initial coat of edgyness.
looks like dr house cleaning the window
How to train your dragon 2
>good guys are all white
>one culture
>bad guys are multicultural and led by a dark skinned guy
>even the two giant dragons; the good one is white and the bad one is black
Why is Uwe Boll so based?
Africa Addio
>tfw his new movie is about a guy who assassinates the president of USA
>stealth-Sup Forums
0/10 Apply Yourself
He was just a whiny white kid who got a gun, if anything that piece of garbage was pro-SJW
They Live
>Whining old liberal: The Movie
>if anything that piece of garbage was pro-SJW
You have to be out of your fucking mind to classify this as pro SJW...
People should have to take an insulin test to post on Sup Forums so Sup Forums can stay out
Off the top of my head?
Hardcore Henry.
Dirty Harry for sure. The failures of the liberal and forgiving justice system are rubbed in your face every scene.
This movie had a gay bird in it
especially the 3rd one
Suck a chode you fuck
Battle Royale
I almost forgot this title, was a good movie
>only one "Death Wish"
da right is good and da left is bad xDDD
American History X
MoonMan MoonMan can't you see.
that was the point
the white (red bird), the gay (yellow bird), the nigger (black bird)
join forces to take down a bigger enemy, the muslims (pigs)