Ask someone who just saw Sausage Party anything

Ask someone who just saw Sausage Party anything

how was it?

How was it?

Do we like it?

Why do you enable Rogan and his half retarded friends to get high and shit these abominations out on us?

Why didn't you go on tuesday to an amc theater for the $5 matinee price all day?

Pretty shit tier. Even for a Rogen dude weed lmao comedy



2-what transpired in the orgy scene

In the orgy scene, does the Twinkie get fucked? By who? Thanks in advance

What do you think of Trent Reznor?

I agree

No AMC where I live senpai

Why won't any of my friends respond to me on facebook? I'm not a complete loser, I have a job and I'm a well read pretty polite guy, whats so fucking wrong with me?

Your theater makes you sit in a certain seat?

He does get fucked, don't remember by who. I think the Grits character?

The scene was so quickly edited it was impossible to tell who was fucking who and where

Nope, don't know why it says seat. It's actually one of the only theaters in the area that doesn't have reserved seating.

Thank you

B-but it got 83% on rotten tomatoes...

I didn't even laugh once. I usually at least get a good chuckle or two out of these but this on was pretty bad. The movie was just racial stereotypes based on what culture the food was from.

Is the movie one long running joke of "It's a CGI feature that looks like a kids film, but the food yell fuck and do naughty things" or is there more to it? I'm not saying the comedy needs to have a message to it ir make some sort of statement while still remaining funny, but are there at least a variety of good jokes to warrant sitting through it?
Also how long is the move?

There really isn't much more too it. They go on about co-existing here and there. (The jewish bagel and muslim pita bread learn to be friends)

There are ham fisted references to Palestine and Sex before marriage and stuff. A lot of food puns too. but basically the main gag is that they're cute and say fuck yeah

Also it's about an hour and a half.

wow that sounds bad to sit through.
thanks fellas

is there much of the thicc human housewife woman?

Is the movie worth it for brutal sex and brutal violence?

This movie was actually pretty terrible. On top of that, all the "ideas" were trite and ham-fisted. The fact this is considered a critical success honestly blows my mind.

It's like every Seth Rogen movie ever, but worse. If Superman is the gold standard, this comes nowhere close.


No, but it shows her camel toe a bunch

The Sex was a minute long, and the trailer scenes showed all the gore.

Will this do for adult animated features what Deadpool did for R rated films?

This sounds all fucking terrible.
Thanks bros.

Even if they're garbage movies, I hope studios recognize that cartoons aren't just for children.

Also nice trips.

>I hope studios recognize that cartoons aren't just for children
same here friendo

Hi OP, I'm so sorry.

I'm waiting outside the theatre for my relatives, walked out around a half-hour in. I don't know what I was thinking. To anyone who's curious, spare yourselves. It isn't worth it.

Do they get ate?

granite 8? granite mall?
