What did I do?

What did I do?

Caused the event that resulted i the Waco siege and the death of innocent children

What did I do to cause it?

Scoffed at federal law.

You stormed the Waco compound while armed with intent to overthrow the current leader under the guise of "investigating possible criminal activity"

You subjected a 12 year old girl to awkward fail-sex with you and shot at FBI agents. Oh and killed some kids or something.

Is there proof of sex with a child or just slander?

Voted for pedro 8 years late.

You're a true hero sir.

The age of parental consent for marriage was 14 at the time in Texas

Fake news hurt me first

holy fucking autism. stop. seriously this is cringe at it's finest.

I saw this live om TV, David

Without you I would never had heard about Waco, Texas. I think of it as Wacko, Texas

You were just fine until you wanted to put a machine gun in the bell tower.

There was a documentary in which the victim (now older at the time of production) describes the event.

>now older at the time of production
No shit, the kid got older?

You need Jesus.

Waco inspired Tim McViegh to bomb Oklahoma which inspired Eric Harris to shoot up columbine which inspire Seung-Hui-Cho to shoot up vtech which inspired Adam Lanza to shoot up Sandy Hook.

Just saying


shot up a movie theatre

Shaving Ryan's Privates
a classic among real men

kek so hard