What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


How can she take it?


How can white men even compete?

How can white men even compete?0

Nice trips, brah.

>It's another "BLACKED" episode
Truly the best in this season, right Sup Forums?


Yup only reason I continue to watch it

Did she deserve the critical backlash she received for filming this scene Sup Forums?

I've got a biggest white dick out there. No nigga can compete. I will save the white race!

Why do Sup Forums's mods not care about this stuff? If this were any other board all of this shit would get pruned almost instantly.

What's their endgame? What are the mods up to?

They enjoy it, silly.

Shut the fuck up, reddit.

lol white c u c k detected get fucked homo

>Did she deserve the critical backlash she received for filming this scene Sup Forums?

She deserved it about as much as when an artist starts doing furry to pay the bills with STEM NEET bucks.

Some people don't like it and that's okay, if it hurts her bottom-line enough she'll regret her decision.

if this is her the bitch looks like someone erased system32 from her brain.

>if it hurts her bottom-line enough she'll regret her decision.
Doing interracial almost always destroys a career.

I sure hope BLACKED is offering these women a hell of a payday.

Kek yea yea white boi

Don't worry about it white boi..this our board now. Superior big black bulls roam this board, and we run this shit. You just asking too many questions white boi..just sit back and watch me pump your women with superior big black cock seed

No you don't, faggot.

She agreed to be in interracial pornography, just how smart do you think someone like that can be?

Inb4 Sasha grey philosophy quotes.

she looks gorgeous.

I wouldn't last 30 seconds with her, I can't imagine how those niggers last hours for a shoot.

it's the mods making these threads, newfriend

>No fun allowed

I hope I never get so pathetic I start caring about what race a PORNSTAR fucks.

Fucking autism.

Mods get really tired of doing their job for free, and people don't respect Sup Forums so it gets spammed a lot of shitposts so it's a lot of work to clean it up. So they don't bother doing it, its pretty self explanatory.

>I sure hope BLACKED is offering these women a hell of a payday.

The production values are good but the director is objectively terrible, I'd say they're getting paid pretty fucking well.

And I doubt they mind if it destroys their "career", most of these women are small-time porn actresses that just want to make a couple quick ones before quietly exiting the scene to be a "normal" girl for the rest of their 20s, it shouldn't be a surprise that most of these women don't look like bombshell bimbos with huge tits and that's because they're not looking to make a career out of it.

The way that makes any sense is they're "average?" They don't come across as someone trying to become a big-name in the industry.

burn the coal, pay the toll

Big tittied plastic bimbos are kind of an old school stereotype now. With the Internet and the long list of different preferences people have you can find work with any body type/race/hair colour.

>I can't imagine how those niggers last hours for a shoot.

Black men typically have to go for quantity over quality to pay the bills in porn, not everyone can be a BBC hot-shot.

Most of these guys are exhausted from sex, I'm talking "they probably fucked a woman in the other room just before coming into this one."

you will never hit pussy this kino



youre welcome for the white genes american niggers

>Doing interracial almost always destroys a career.

Where did you pull this BS stat from?

this is what niggers would be doing if we didnt enslave them and rape their gross women for some reason

>she looks gorgeous.
you are fuckin sad. you probably think jennifer lawrence is gorgeous also.

it's just part of the standard career progression for females

you do this:
start with
>some form of nude modeling
>masturbation scene
>some sort of mild fetish porn
>interracial (with blacks)
>asian porn
>real fetish porn
as your value slowly decreases past 25 years old

obviously some people are bound to have shitty careers and those are the ones that have to go to interracial first

big stars like caprice and lisa are still in the vanilla area while everybody else moves closer and closer to the bottom like faye reagan is


>With the Internet and the long list of different preferences people have you can find work with any body type/race/hair colour.

Very true, and I guess I'm just being kind of terrible at explaining my point because I'm not arguing that the big breasted bimbo should be making a comeback.

I'm arguing that the types of girls that are going on BLACKED were never really "committed" to being porn stars, they don't have to worry about losing their viewers from an interracial scene because they weren't looking to make a career out of this in the first place. If you're going to drop out of the industry, might as well get the big fat black paycheck that will kill your reputation because they never wanted that reputation.

Of course this is all pure conjecture, I just notice a trend where BLACKED picks women I've never heard of, and never hear of after their scene. I guess that's part of the reason why I like BLACKED - I'm not particularly fond of the objectifying undertones of the black conqueror slaying a white pussy, I just appreciate seeing girls that have differing body-types shot in high resolution getting pounded by a thick dick.



>The production values are good but the director is objectively terrible, I'd say they're getting paid pretty fucking well.

That's something I don't understand; the sound is good, the sets are nice and the cameras are quality, but what's with the fucking director that insists on those awful angles?

And what's with the dead look every girl that gets on BLACKED has? None of them seem into it, all of them seem like they're clearly just going through the motions thinking of that paycheck. You stop the scene at any point and the girl's just got the fakest pleasure face and a look in her eyes that just says she's somewhere else.

Do white girls really hate black dick that much?


>it's a BLACKED thread that turns into a nuanced porn discussion


Imo, all of these Blacked/Tushy/Vixen and the new ones that keep springing up (saw one the other day called Holed??) are fucking killing porn. Congrats, you learned about depth of field. Technically "well made" =/= decent porno

All of these scenes are still boring as fuck with retarded angles and absolutely laughable storylines shoehorned into the beginning.

Why isn't she wet?

When you watch others fuck, you are the cuck.

Nathan Abrams on Jews in the American Porn Industry

>The hardcore pornography industry in film and image format is in particular associated with the United States and many of the most powerful people within the industry in ownership and distribution roles have been Ashkenazi Jews

Pornography, Sex Slaves, Prostitution…Why are These Businesses Dominated by Jews?

Study Archive of Jewish Pornographers in Modern Societies

Anti-Pornography Activist

The Effects of Pornography

Porn Addiction Destroys Relationships, Lives

Pornography's Effect on the Brain - Part 1

Pornography's Effect on the Brain - Part 2

Pornography's Effects on Adult and Child

Study: Watching Porn Boosts Support for Homosexual Marriage

Your Brain on Porn

>When your favorite JAV star gets BLACKED

me on the left

Alexis Texas fucked Goro but she won't fuck niggers

sexy soles

>All of these scenes are still boring as fuck with retarded angles and absolutely laughable storylines shoehorned into the beginning.

Fucking this, every scene in BLACKED just screams "wasted potential," it's like a bunch of apes got some high-quality, properly calibrated cameras and just started aiming at whatever.

It just makes it glaringly obvious the crew and director are probably film school dropouts.

What's the difference between Vixen and Tushy? Looks like the same thing to me