Which celebrities have committed heinous crimes and gotten away with it?
Which celebrities have committed heinous crimes and gotten away with it?
Orson Welles may have been the Black Dahlia killer.
>On the day of Short's murder, production on The Lady From Shanghai was shut down due to a strike caused by Welles, contrary to union rules, working on construction of the carnival funhousc a set. The coincidence of that hardly needs commenting on, but the macabre parallels between aspects of the set and The Dahlia murder are, to say the least, unsettling. In a sequence, cut from the film at Columbia President Harry Cohn's insistence, Rita Hayworth is shown standing in a chamber of horrors surrounded by grotesquely dismembered mannequins. The walls are daubed with disturbing, violent images and anatomical drawings, one of them a partially flayed cow with a woman, cut clean in half, lying on top of it. Elsewhere there areseveral clowns' faces, one imprisoned in a metal birdcage One of the images painted on the Wallis of a bisected skeleton, its arms and legs posed in positions eerily similar to The Dahlia's corpse. In a production still, Welles and make-up artist Bob Schiffer are shown applying make-up to the face of a mannequin, giving the impression that its cheeks have been slashed into a wide, gory smile. Elizabeth Short's face was mutilated in the same way, her cheeks lacerated from the corners of her mouth to form a ghastly, rictus grin.
>Bette Short was seeing a man called George (Welles's first name, used by certain of his intimates) and ate in a restaurant that Welles frequented, Brittinghams's near the Columbia studios; that the body was left, carefully arranged, on the former site of The Mercury Wonder Show on Cahuenga Boulevard--where, of course, Welles had so famously sawn a woman in half; and a collage message from the murderer sent to the police with the girl's address book and birth certificate, which heavily features the letters O and W.
Killed a nigger
Corey Feldman claims that Charlie Sheen molested Corey Haim in the mid 80s.
what's the crime?
According to numerous blind items and rumors that have persisted for years now, Chris Evans has been known to behave inappropriately with many of his younger fans. It got so bad Disney tried to bar him from certain promotional events, but Evans' reps strongarmed them.
Corey Feldman claims a lot of things. Sheen's into traps, not shotas
Killed a man and two children.
Is also directly responsible for Max Landis, which is arguably the greater crime.
That's allegedly why they flirted with the idea of killing Cap off in Civil War, but I guess Evans won that fight. It's also why he's not cameo-ing in Spider-Man. Too many young actors on set.
Woah. I remember those "cunny" posters posting, I think it was Chris Evans hanging out with some teenage girls.
not litearlly
Mathew Broderick, Klaus Kinski.
Jose Gonzaelez/Invader #1
And Carlos Colon
That was Robert Wagner and you know it. Wood barged in on Wagner and Cowbell blowing each other, and Wagner heaved her over the side of the boat to avoid a messy divorce.
Lena Dunham molested her sister and Amy Schumer raped a guy in college.
No one cares though, because they're outspoken feminists, and unfortunately we live in a time where to dissent against a feminist is a crime worse than death.
Do you trust Himmmm?
>Corey Feldman claims that Charlie Sheen
It wasn't Charlie Sheen, it was the fat guy from Friday the 13th part 3.
What did Kinski do?
Molested his daughter
under rated comment
That's just some shit Werner said after he was dead.
uh, no, that's what his daughter said
He's in prison now for a different crime but he did get away with murder that one time