Post ONE more based actor than this one, i fucking dare you all

post ONE more based actor than this one, i fucking dare you all

Iris Elba



Like the wooden base of a statue


>single ungroomed nose hair

>dating a tranny

yeah nah m8


This hunk of man

jelly fag detected




>getting to succ on titties and nuts




Christ, it's as if he became one with JUSTed Matthew Perry.

seconding this, just watched mad max trilogy this week


Can't fel the Mel

i'm the guy famalam

I think the generally liked and agreed-upon actors here are Keanu, Gosling, and Viggo.

Keanu is a badass. This is not up for debate.


Our guy.

Keanu is a man that only showed up once in a generation.

>wife dies
>child is still born
>never meet your father
>sister is really sick
>donates large amounts of money because he understands that isn't what life is about

love you senpai.