Are we all destined for the same fate?

Are we all destined for the same fate?

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Why isn't anyone saving Marlon? He need t help him.

nigga i'm already there lmao

>His second wife, Movita, actually put a lock on the house refrigerator. But when she awoke one morning, the lock was broken and Marlon’s teeth marks were found on a round of cheese. The house maid told Mrs. Brando that Marlon made nighttime raids on the icebox routinely.

eating endangered birds to extinction and melted chocolate in coconut halves on your private island?

probably not

>Brando also loved to frequent hot dog stands late at night, particularly the L.A. hot dog joint Pink’s at 3 and 4 o’clock in the morning, where he’d wolf down as many as six hot dogs at a time.

>Not surprisingly from these gorge-fests, the costumer on “Mutiny on the Bounty” (1962), James Taylor, claims Brando split 52 pairs of pants during the shooting of the film, due to his wild swings in weight. This necessitated a stretch fabric be used on his wardrobe replacement clothes. He split these pants too. During this time, Marlon was also once observed taking a 5-gallon tub of ice cream and rowing himself out in the lagoon to indulge himself.

>On the set of “The Apaloosa” (1966) Marlon’s double once had to be used in long shots simply because Marlon had eaten one of his gorge-fest lunches.

>fucking over fate before fate fucks you over

>By the 1980s, it was reported that one of Brando’s girlfriends had left him because he wouldn’t keep his promise to lose weight. He always seemed to be dieting, but the pounds weren’t coming off much. Unknown to her, he had some of his buddies throw bags of Burger King Whoppers over the gates of his Mulholland Drive estate.

>Later in the ’80s, Marlon was routinely spotted at a Beverly Hills ice cream parlor buying five gallon containers of ice cream- which he would eat all himself. Reportedly, one of his favorite “snacks” around this time was a full pound of cooked bacon placed in an entire loaf of bread. During these years, the 5′ 10″ Marlon’s weight would balloon up to an incredible 350 pounds at one point.

What the fuck was his fucking problem?

>Are we all destined for the same fate?
Which fate? The one of the photo of Brando sucking cock?

Not at all, so long as you dont get complacent.

>Unknown to her, he had some of his buddies throw bags of Burger King Whoppers over the gates of his Mulholland Drive estate.

Can't make this shit up.

Yeah. I am wondering too. He must have some kind of biological or mental disorder.

Being top of the world and having nothing but indulgence left.

Like Mr French Champagne peaking in his mid 20s

Even before he let himself get obese and balloon up to over 350 lb., his eating habits were legendary. The Men (1950) co-star Richard Erdman claimed Brando's diet circa 1950 consisted "mainly of junk food, usually take-out Chinese or peanut butter, which he consumed by the jarful." By the mid-'50s he was renowned for eating boxes of Mallomars and cinnamon buns, washing them down with a quart of milk. Close friend Carlo Fiore wrote that in the '50s and early '60s Brando went on crash diets before his films commenced shooting, but when he lost his willpower he would eat huge breakfasts consisting of corn flakes, sausages, eggs, bananas and cream, and a huge stack of pancakes drenched in syrup. Fiore was detailed by producers to drag him out of coffee shops. Karl Malden claimed that, during the shooting of One-Eyed Jacks (1961), Brando would have "two steaks, potatoes, two apple pies a la mode and a quart of milk" for dinner, necessitating constant altering of his costumes. During a birthday party for Brando--the film's director as well as star--the crew gave him a belt with a card reading, "Hope it fits." A sign was placed below the birthday cake saying, "Don't feed the director." He reportedly ate at least four pieces of cake that day.

>particularly the L.A. hot dog joint Pink’s at 3 and 4 o’clock in the morning
Orson Welles used to wolf down 15 hot dogs in a sitting.

>Big Bug Man is an American animated movie starring Brendan Fraser and Marlon Brando. The movie is a Studio-Free Studios Production, and it was originally supposed to be released in between 2006 and 2008, but there is now no news on its release or distribution. The movie is Marlon Brando's last known film work.

>Brando was originally asked to be the voice of Nicholas Dunderbeck, but Brando thought it would be fun to voice the old lady Mrs. Sour instead.

>Mrs. Sour is only in three scenes, so it took only one day to record the voice of this character.[5] According to the director Bob Bendetson, Brando wore a blond wig, a dress, white gloves, and full makeup while recording the voice of Mrs. Sour. Bendetson believes this was part humorous, and part wanting to get into character. Bendetson said "About halfway through he took off the wig because he was getting too hot."[5] According to the film's executive producer Gabriel Grunfeld, Brando described the part as "the most fun I've had since playing Julius Caesar." Grunfeld said that even though Brando was frail, he was full of energy and invention.[4]

>The recording took place in Marlon Brando's home, on June 10, 2004. Brando was on oxygen six hours a day.[5] He died the next month, on July 1, 2004.

>On the set of The Appaloosa (1966), Brando's double often had to be used for shooting after lunch, and filming could only proceed in long shots, as Brando could no longer fit into his costumes. Dick Loving, who was married to Brando's sister Frannie, said that Brando used to eat "two chickens at a sitting, and [go] through bags of Pepperidge Farm cookies." It was reported during the filming of The Missouri Breaks (1976) that the environmentally sensitive Brando fished a frog out of a pond, took a huge bite out of the hapless amphibian, and threw it back into the drink. Living on his island of Tetioroa, Brando created what he called "real-life Mounds Bars" by cracking open a coconut, melting some chocolate in the sun, then stirring it into the coconut for a tasty treat.

>full pound of cooked bacon placed in an entire loaf of bread

Don't post it. This is a sfw board. It's bad enough pics show up.

The absolute mad man

>Brando fished a frog out of a pond, took a huge bite out of the hapless amphibian, and threw it back into the drink
>Brando created what he called "real-life Mounds Bars" by cracking open a coconut, melting some chocolate in the sun, then stirring it into the coconut for a tasty treat

good lord

you guys can't post stuff like that without a pic

it's fake

Like this?

>he's a big bug guy

I'm the same way desu I raid the fridge almost immediately following a trip to the grocer only i'm dead thin. I rationalized it as having a desire to want a constant taste in my mouth so I tried sucking on pennies and batteries (in vain). Maybe it's my body trying to find nutrients

Brando did it as a joke, wasn't meant to be gay.

It's probably never been released because Brando out did his Godfather scenes and Coppola would never let some animated movie get more aclaim.

user you're born alone, and you're damn sure going to die alone.

>sucking on pennies and batteries
Nigga just chew some gum or jerkey holy shit

>Me on the right

>your favorite actor sucking a black cock


>The friends where Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty
>Some fast food worker back in the 80's had Jack and Warren order 50 bags of whoppers and no one will ever believe him

>was one of the most attractive men of all time, starred in several all time classic movies and was revered, fucked all sorts of dames and a few dudes too
>later in life completely stop giving a fuck, indulge in pure hedonism and never care what anyone thinks
>die shitposting about yourself on movie forums

I could only dream of a life like his.

More hilarious Based Brando eating escapades, please.

I liked Brando but this thread made me love the guy.

>tfw brando and bowie will never shitpost on Sup Forums

Dude, you need to look up his antics during the filming of Doctor Moreau. Legendarily hilarious.

>During this time, Marlon was also once observed taking a 5-gallon tub of ice cream and rowing himself out in the lagoon to indulge himself.

Sounds comfy as fuck, senpai.

No bully but vegan gum is tough to come by and tofu jerky tastes like shit I know what foods to eat to keep fit but I'm always wondering if I missed something essential like D vitamin.

post em you faggot

>' In what was possibly Marlon’s strangest eating exploit, it was reported that during the filming of “Missouri Breaks” (1976), he fished a frog out of a pond, took a bite out of it, and put it back in the drink'

Jesus fuck what


>Around an hour before lunch, the duo would emerge and tour the set, while Brando suggested various ideas he’d had for the general improvement of the movie, and the script would be rewritten to accommodate.
>Some that made it into the finished film include: Moreau covering his face in thick white make-up outdoors, Moreau occasionally wearing an ice bucket on his head, and Moreau never appearing without an identically dressed midget – the original Mini-Me, right down to the tiny grand piano – after Brando took a shine to a two-foot-tall actor in the supporting cast.
>One of the few Brando brainwaves that did not end up on screen was the actor’s suggestion that Moreau would wear an elaborate hat throughout the film. In the final scene, this would be removed – revealing him, in a dramatic twist, to have been a dolphin all along.
>Brando had his dialogue read aloud to him line by line via an earpiece during filming. Sometimes the signal would be drowned out by a local police scanner, and Thewlis would later reminisce about Moreau shouting in the middle of a scene: “There’s a robbery at Woolworths”.

Maybe you should realise veganism is for dumb cunts if you suck on fucking pennies and batteries.

>tofu jerky tastes like shit


>implying any one on this board looks as good as early brando

>implying you all arent already fat brando

Wtf happened in the 2000s with shitton of bad animations fuelled with celeb voiceactors like foodfight and sharks tale

Toy story made money and Shrek made even more money.

Every Brando fan should watch Lost Souls documentary of making of the island of dr. moreu

>Dick Loving

Hollywood execs will be the doom of the industry

Damn his wig is so obvious

brando was proto-just

Computers became way cheaper and animation technology moved on far enough to make the crappy stuff affordable to small studios.

They just have a metallic taste that i'm fond of, but I cut it out when I realized it wouldnt help

>tfw you become a legendary actor, incredibly rich and famous, live in a mansion in LA and you cant even enjoy a fucking burger because some bitch is whinging at you.

>Can't even enjoy a fucking Gross of burgers
Fixed that for you

You must mean proto-based

Because you're probably deprived of all kinds of vitamins and shit from having a dipshit diet. It's called pico, and can be brought on by malnutrition, or autism.

He's smart enough to know that hes getting bitched at the same amount if he eats 1 burger or 50.

Calves do the same thing with iron bars before they're made into veal

I'm screenshoting your posts for further arguments and proof Vegans are brain damaged. Thanks for the laugh.


Schizophrenia probably

This is honestly pretty haunting

You might have a tape worm

what's going on here?

me on the right

Nigga make some vegan lollipops and mix the vitamin pills in

Did he go bald? Look how skinny he is now.

I look like young brando but with out the manly yet cute face.

Fucking nice.

Could you imagine Brando taking off some big gaudy hat and becoming a dolphin at the end of the movie without explanation as to why it happened? Like the hat had some sort of Frosty the Snowman magic in it that turned a dolphin into Marlon Brando or something.

post pics pls

You and your friends are always joking like that, in bath houses, Greek Bath Houses.

There is literally nothing gay about a brojob.

the JUST had been passed on to Brendan from that point

I never thought it was pico, I talk to my physician regularly about it and he tells me i'm doing well, its only the urge to eat that I tried to suppress by sucking on metallic objects. Like I said it didn't work and I stopped.

I don't follow

If you want to cherrypick the argument then be my guest

you deserve to suffer

same thing happened Orson Welles. Once you hit the absolute top there's only one way left to go so you might as well go down enjoying yourself.

you probably need iron, only way to get that is meat or cum

he thought it would make a hilarious picture at the time and didn't know it would be taken out of context and make people think he was gay or something

Orson became a fat drunk, but I don't know of anything he did that was as insane as some of that shit.

How is that not gay?
Its a real pic with real brando and a real dick?

>In the 1980s some of Brando's friends noted he would use a full stick of butter on the pan when making grilled cheese which consisted of an entire loaf of bread and entire stick of cheese

You're probably anemic. People with anemia often eat dirt and pennies or chew ice

If sucking dicks meant you were gay, then I'd be the kind of the faggots. But I'm not.

how is putting your lips on a dick gay? he is just messing around with a bud

>implying sucking a dick is gay
it's only gay if you like it retard


>350lbs was considered morbidly obese and was a national curiosity 20 years ago
>today 350lbs is on the low side of average
Brando was ahead of his time.

Vegan? You need iron supplements my dude

it's happened to me dozens of times

He needs more than just iron supplements. Also a brain transplant

It's not gay as long as he said "No homo" right after sucking the dick.

I was worried about iron but thankfully my favorite meal is yellow rice with beans and spinach. When I get a checkup my doctor gives me the o.k.
In the first couple months I was prescribed iron pills because I was basically fucking my diet up , not eating right because I hadn't totally thought it through.

Oh 4han, never change.

>Brendan must now find a fresh victim to pass the JUST on to before it's too late

sounds like a Stephen King story

nigga how the fuck do you eat that much ice cream