

doge was most definitely kill



Not watching that.

Somebody should shoveldog your face

I seriously hope your entire family is murdered by muslims.

why didn't he just step out of the way

why do i tend to have more empathy towards cats & dogs than fellow human beings? is just unnatural


Not defending her shitposting tho

doggos and kitties just want to be cuddled and be there for you, they're honest

meanwhile humans are pieces of shit who will always lie to your face just long enough for you to turn around so they can stab you in the back and do nothing but shit up the planet

at the very least no people were harmed

>Sup Forums threads
>Sup Forums threads
>Sup Forums threads
can't wait for the ponyfags to join in so Sup Forums can official become the worst possible mix of boards shitposting

too bad humans created civilization and the internet so you have a place to trash talk them, faggot.

You wouldn't happen to have the Turkey one with the single person getting run over do you?

>too bad humans created civilization and the internet
Both rather obviously tremendously terrible ideas Tbh

what is the official worst possible mix of boards shitposting?

i always thought it was Sup Forums

Fuck off with your edgy shit posting go to Sup Forums or Sup Forums newfag

that faggot has smoke coming out of his ears lmao

i really want to see this


Is he ok?

yeah come on pal i go on the blue boards for a reason, I got my fill of gore when I was 15

Why do this?

That dog dindu nuffin.

dogs are haram you filthy kaffir

lmao dumb ass dog

Nah, they're alright.
Cats are better but dogs are still great animals.

That's gotta hurt


it was doggos fault for being retarded, natural selection

Why is his tongue coming out of his neck?


What was it? thumbnail looked like someone lighting up a guy's dick so I didn't watch it

pretty sure it was genital mutilation, can't be bothered to watch that shit

Some dude starts carving off part of his cock while he just stands there.

Oh shit