How come Disney is trying to be soo diverse that we have somebody from every shade of color as a protagonist in Rogue One, but the bad guys are still predominantly, scratch that, entirely white.
Disney's diversity quota fails to reach the Evil Bad Guy Antagonist
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Don't ever trust whitey
Ben Mendelsohn is great.
Why the fuck does everyone on Sup Forums care about what race who is?
who cares
Did Peter Cushing ever give such a hammy glare to let the audience know he's an antagonist?
It's probably just a specific take for the trailer...well, hopefully.
I don't, I just feel like if they are gonna be *inclusive* with the protagonists, they might as well do the same with the antagonists.
Either do it all way or don't at all.
Funny, just like SJWs.
it's pretty glaring desu
white guy=evil
heroes=not white guys
this is the same bullshit they peddle on the nightly news
spoken like a true cuck
Because being a good villain requires intellect
He's a Jew.
So that's kinda diverse.
But he's an Australian Jew, so no one notices.
>Australian Jew
Is this the mythical creature who can destroy this website with a single post?
inb4 a cuck posts sjw_wearing_normal_person_mask.jpeg
>hollywood casts minorities and women in questionable roles
>SJWS: racism!!
>anti-SJWS: stop overreacting!
>hollywood casts white men in questionable roles
>anti-SJWs: racism!!
>SJWs: stop overreacting!
>literally modeled after nazis
>asking this question
you're obviously a poltard stirring shit up when you don't know the source media
Because (((reasons))).
Because the emperor only hires white dudes. That's his official, canon preference
Now that's some poor false equivalence my r*ddit friend.
They are pretty fucking godly shitposters irl.
Check out John Saffran.
Australian Jew version of Tom Green.
One episode he went to Israel. He claimed he was doing a serious Australian news report on IVF. Went to a Palestinian Sperm Bank and swapped his Palestinian camera mans sperm donation with his own, then they went to an orthodox Jewish sperm bank and did another switcheroo.
Some people felt this was morally dubious, but you hope the kid/parents see the funny side of it when they grow up.
This newfriends still haven't figured out Sup Forums and Sup Forums are an extended board
The empire is canonically white males while the rebels are hodgepodge retards. It's always been Nazis vs "scum".... Haven't you seen the movies?
kek seriously what is it with Aussies and shitposting
The fuck are you talking about cunt?
There have been black villains, Asian villains and animal villains, that are voice by POC.
There have even been Jewish villains in the media.
To say that Disney is all (racially diverse heroes! All the black people are good guys) SJW bullshit, I advise that you look at LUKE CAGE or maybe some of the shows and MOVIES which have white heroes.
>ITT triggered stormfags.
The Australian Family Association described the show as "filth". Spokesman John Morrissey said it would be the lowest point in Australia's television history.
"It's offensive and it's in bad taste and it's certainly not something that kids should be exposed to," Mr Morrissey said.
Safran masturbates to the image of President Obama in a Palestinian sperm bank.
And he coaxes a Palestinian film crew member to masturbate to pornography in an Israeli sperm bank.
The episode where he puts on black face and pretends to be an Aboriginal and hangs out with a Black Power group in Harlem and repeatedly questions the "blackness" of the light skin group leader.
>New theme song for the empire in rogue one leaked
I seem to remember there being one vaguely brownish female extra working a console for the Imperials in once scene of Ep 7, but yeah otherwise they were white.
Because the Empire are evil space racists, and have been for some time. The rebels are the scrappy underdog fighting the bad guys made up of different races to contrast with the clean, white, industrial look of the empire. Makes them all look the same, and so dehumanizes them? It's just a visual in a movie for neckbeards goddamn.
The fuck are you on about lad?
There were legitimate middle easterners and Indians in the first order.
Also, the bad guys were Brits. You don't tell me that villains with British sounding voices don't sound bad ass.
nah Sup Forums shills can fuck off
How the fuck is he white? He is like swedish or some shit.
I remember reading in an interview that in the first movie for the darth vader helmet the prop guys literally went to some kind of WW2 regalia store and bought the first german helmet right off the shelf and then used it as a base and painted it in black
Which is what makes me wonder why people are getting triggered ITT.
Just a bunch of butt mad septics I suppose.
>this is my safe space
the First Order guys were actually quite diverse though the main ones (Hux, Ren) were certainly white
It's suicide squad done right.
>muh diversity quota!
Grow up faggot. You weren't even alive when diversity quotas were truly being pandered to. (the 80s and 90s)
>hurr space nazis are evil
When will the above-mentioned meme end?
No idea. But it's fun having China as neighbors.
>"In many serious essays written by Westerners, Australia is mentioned as a country at the fringes of civilization," thundered the Global Times, a jingoistic tabloid that China's Communist Party runs.
>"This suggests that no one should be surprised at uncivilized acts emanating from the country."
>I don't
>I do
>the main protagonist is also white
>so is the secondary protagonist
>so is the upper brass in the rebellion
but yeah lets not talk about that.
grrr ooo evil hollywood only making whites bad.
He's an Australian. Grandfather was a Polish Jew. Other Grandfather was an Irish convict.
Oh stfu you know damn well if he was any other race other that white
Sup Forumstards would complain
really stfu
The empire is supposed to represent the
Third Riech
So you actually agree then.
He should've been a blue Chiss. Such a missed opportunity.
>I'm feigning ignorance at being btfo
See! He's not shite, he's whateverthefuck.
Golly you sound triggered.
Ben Mednelsohn is one of the most talented actors in the world. That nigga deserves 5 emmys for the first season of Bloodline, he is fantastic
>in the media
Talking about Star wars not >in the media
Because the empire was always that way. The only time when the rebellion was also all white was A New Hope.
Tell me its not true Sup Forums will get triggered no matter what race the Protag is
>top 20 movies of 2016
>1 white female lead
>4 non-white male lead (assuming The Rock counts as non-white)
>6 animated or CGI main characters
>9 white male lead
Yes, white males are so under-represented as heroes in modern movies
>literally everyone is a human + dark c3po
people don't understand diversity in star wars.
Are you fucking retarded? Are you seriously asking for them to change Grand Moff Tarkin's race?
Never ever complain about movies changing the race of characters again you retard.
when will Disney stop using it? Never. At least until it's not politically relevant like maybe after the 2016 US elections
95% of the world population is men though
they're talking about Disney, faggit
>Woah look at these superficial similarities these two things are exactly the same
t. numale
>white males dominate the box office
jesus fuck all you people do is whine about sex and race
Sauce friendo?
>these superficial similarities these two things are exactly the same
Isn't that what drives racism?
What else is there to argue about in life?
That episode was fucking hilarious.
>his attempts to rap
Im so sick of meme politics.
This is on you millennials, learn how to express your opinion beyond a snarky cartoon.
Do you even know that the original political cartoons were designed to pander to the illiterate and uneducated masses who scraped together a few cents for a newspaper?
and here we are. 120 years later repeating the same old shit.
epic macro brah.
thrawn was in the unknown regions during this time period
Honestly don't mind. It's cool for white actors who want to play a villain.
The villain is played by a Jewish guy
No he wasn't because the EU is kill
Not canon
welcome to Sup Forums.
You can cast any race as anything and this place will lose its shit.
So let me try and get the Sup Forumsbeards straight, you want Empire characters to be black? Wouldn't you cry about how this is white genocide if Disney did it?
Anyway, Disney EU actually is making new black empire characters (pic related).
well at least the character exists
Pic related is never wrong. Horseshoe theory is real when you compare SJWs and Sup Forums neckbeards
>tfw thrawn is canon now
what now, nigger tits?
the empire had a human speciest policy, not a racial one
the would have been plenty of black empire soldiers
His character exists, and the only thing about his Legends self that we know so far is back is the art shit and being Grand Admiral. Everything else is still Legends.
he looks pretty evil
you should focus more on the mary sue protag Sup Forums
>implying Ben Mendelsohn won't be the best part of this movie
Ben is easily one of the top 5 best actors in the world right now.
>All humans are exactly the same except for uh melanin I guess