how the fuck did he survive two brutal grizzly bear attacks without real medical attention?
How the fuck did he survive two brutal grizzly bear attacks without real medical attention?
By being a fucking badass
Mary Sue
Love, TARS, love
By not being a useless millennial fuck
Finn here
Go learn some basic bear wrestling
freezing cold stops infections?
The pelts protected him, did you not pay attention?
Why else was the big guy so crazy about getting his pelts?
Swede here, pls no more mudslimes over the border
its dem john wayne genes true americans have
Pick 1, Sven
We don't need one when we got bears, but you fuckers secretly trained them in bear combat.
he had a doctor in his group who stitched him up
he also had a native american shaman give him herbs
and he wanted to live so he can kick Tom Hardy's ass
did you even watch the movie
*Tree nigger give him herbs
He didn't bleed to death, he didn't get an infection
>thinks racism is still funny
the edge
reddit is that way bud
>It's 2016
you know this actually happened in real life right user?
well he was on the verge of death the entire movie. the bear let up because he knew Hardy was a punk ass bitch, so he ate him, just a little bit tho, just enough to keep him alive. by the time bearnigga was done he said "deuce up homie, get homeboy also sorry for fucking that ass" after bear left he was dying and shit and just like bear said, homeboy found him and left him to die because he a punk ass bitch see? Dicaprio also saw Hardy kill his mexican son so that just gave him more drive to survive. leo took bears words to heart through the entire movie and fucking survived and killed the FUK outta Hardy in the end. did you see that niggas hand get chopped off? who you think taught him that? bear. see how you like your bitch ass body parts dismembered, homeboy. in the end, leo looked to the sky and thought nicely of his mexican wife and son, and thanked bearnigga for helping him understand and see that Hardy was a hoe. he also thanked him for only eating him halfway, he still mad tho just a little but what can a dude do?
>complains about racism on a Malaysian webcam app
The cuck
The real life story was more unbelievable because he had absolutely no help
kek what the fuck are you on
Sup Forums is that way >>>>
>literally happened in real life
In the book he put maggots in his wounds to eat the dead flesh.
seriously you need directions to reddit?
Fuck off reddit