A big thing that stuck out from the article is this blurb about Wonder Woman.
>What are you even doing? I wish to God you were forced to live out of a car until you made a #1 movie of the year. Maybe Wonder Woman wouldn’t be such a mess. Don’t try to hide behind the great trailer. People inside are already confirming it’s another mess. It is almost impressive how you keep rewarding the same producers and executives for making the same mistakes, over and over.
>Maybe Wonder Woman wouldn’t be such a mess. Don’t try to hide behind the great trailer. People inside are already confirming it’s another mess.
Here is an honest question, why should DC or MARVEL try to produce good movies if retards are going to throw money at it regardless? Look at Suicide Squad, normies love it and will buy the dvd when it comes out and then the bluray extended legendary ultra director excellent cut!
Its a business, they will keep making money. Dont expect execs to give a shit about real fans, this has been happening for decades with the gaming industry.
Sure I would love to see good capeshit but im no fool, and honestly they can shove their cinematic universe up their asses, im just going to torrent everything and watch movies that actually deserve my money in theaters (Mad Max:Fury road, Jason Bourne).
They know they are making shit but that shit makes them billions of dollars, the only way they would actually stop is if normies refuse to go to the theater anymore but that aint going to happen because there is a sucker born every minute.
Parker Jenkins
Rushing it into production months before BvS even came out was DCEU's biggest mistake
Parker Cruz
>I wish to God you were forced to live out of a car until you made a #1 movie of the year.
Protip: The #1 movie of the year is Finding Dory.
And anyway, you don't have to turn out megahits to remain profitable. Fucking weird, rambling article, phantom.
Josiah Watson
Reads like a nu-male beta faggot rant.
Michael Wood
What the hell is Pajiba?
Josiah Williams
>You just don’t get it. And it’s not just DC movies, it’s your whole slate. Jupiter Ascending. Get Hard. Hot Pursuit. Max. Vacation. Pan. Point Break. Fucking PAN, you jerk. People lost their jobs and you decided Pan was a good idea. You think another Jungle Book is a good idea.
Fucking S A V A G E
Wyatt Smith
Wonder Woman was always a shit character before they even tried to rush this movie out. It seems she only exists to introduce the actual interesting stuff going on around her. The gods and everyone that serves or opposes them.
Carson Sanchez
Surprisingly decent site, it turns out...don't agree with OP's rage piece in the slightest, but poke around, and there's some interesting articles.
Too bad the name sounds like it comes from a poo-out-the-loo country.
Brayden Jones
How brave of you.
Seriously though, we're living in a time where bad word of mouth and bad internet presence actually makes people not see movies. Its true they are still successes sometimes but it wont last so it would be in their best interest to make good movies regardless. Movies like Independence Day Revengence and Ghostbusters might have been really big hits five or ten years ago.
Thomas Ramirez
It's funny because people are already saying Wonder Woman is turning out so much better than BvS and SS. I have high hopes. Gadot was good in BvS and her parts were good other than the sexting with Batman part.
Julian Myers
She was good because she didn't have to speak
Nolan Moore
>Protip: The #1 movie of the year is Finding Dory.
its still civil war
foreigners dont like pixar that much
Jayden Evans
Alright. Here's what I know.
>Wonder Woman is, as people have said, kind of a mess. From what I'm hearing, the pacing is sluggish and the tone isn't consistent, with a lot of dark and gritty WWI imagery awkwardly intercut with a lot of humor (Etta Candy and Steve Trevor's buddies are all comic relief).
>Justice League probably has burned through $250 million already. It's gonna look visually impressive, but Snyder is already shooting A LOT of extra material, it's gonna end up being severely edited for release.
>All post-JL movies are getting rewrites with Geoff Johns' supervision, so they can nail a consistent tone. They think they make the Flash a Spider-Man level character and are cruise-controlling his movie to be very teen-oriented. They're letting James Wan do his thing with Aquaman because they honestly don't see much merchandising potential out of him and Wan has a solid record. Their biggest bet by far is Bataffleck, they're thirsty af for that movie even though Ben Affleck is taking his sweet time.
Other stuff I've heard
>Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is bland. Not fantastic, not awful, just middle of the road.
>The new King Kong movie is apparently great, but they're struggling with getting it to crossover with Godzilla organically. The new King Arthur movie is a dumpster fire, though.
As for other studios
>Doctor Strange is testing well, but the budget is out of this world $240 million without marketing. Marvel is ready for it to underperform slightly in order to get Strange's foot on the door because he's basically going to headline the MCU alongside Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Winter Soldier once the original core four (Cap, Iron Man, Thor and Hulk) are gone.
Lincoln Martin
>Fox is not disappointed with the results of X-Men: Apocalypse, but Deadpool wised them up to the fact that they could be making more out of the franchise. Since Singer wants to pursue other projects, they're focusing on Deadpool and New Mutants and taking their time mapping out some new X-Movies that have an aesthetic more in-line with what Deadpool had. They're seriously considering using Tim Miller to help Simon Kinberg be their Feige.
>Wolverine 3 has a solid script based on what I've heard, they're expecting good things from it. Gambit is a mess, though. None of what they drafted is working and the movie is living on borrowed time.
>New Line is trying to lure Channing Tatum into their Shazam movie, while Marvel is apparently wanting to make a play at Dwayne Johnson since his DC contract hasn't been completely figured out yet.
Ryan Perez
Why would marvel just recast the characters if the original four are leaving? I thought Evans was re-upping after he crashed and burned directing that romcom
Thomas Turner
Because in the end WB's movies don't perform?
Blake Jackson
Enough with the capeshit. This tumor has killed blockbusters. It's all fucking videogames shit.
Camden Smith
more please, this is so juicy
Lucas Jenkins
>believing this shit
Landon Long
Source: Your Ass
Hunter Adams
I disagree. Suicide Squad was really fantastic and such an enjoyable experience
Carson Campbell
son, blockbusters are all tumors.
Josiah Bennett
The Suicide Squad is way more interesting than the Justice League. I really need to see them again
Ian Richardson
I honestly don't care. I just like hearing about this shit, true or false.
Christopher Rogers
>Captain America Gone and replaced by Captain Marvel
>Iron Man Gone and replaced by Iron Man Women
>Spiderman Soon will be gone and be replaced by Black Spiderman
I can't wait to see Marvel start to fail.
They fucked up big time by rebooting Spiderman in the Avengers. They first fucked up by cancelling Raimi's Spiderman 4.
Andrew Adams
This is not a surprise. Snyder fucks up so much and yet gets to stay
Robert Richardson
Because you're decides what is good and what is not by some website.
Carter Rogers
>why should DC or Marvel try to produce good movies if retards are going to throw money at it regardless
But didn't BvS under perform?
Robert Mitchell
It is true.
See Let's hope Thor 3 is the last Thor film.
I want DC to take over and Marvel cinematic universe to be buried.
Just reboot Spiderman again and make the Sinister Six movie!!
Andrew Edwards
Snyder isnt making WW
Jonathan Jones
Captain Marvel is going to be the biggest pile of shit. Of course it will get 90% on RT whilst Wonder Woman will get 12%
Jonathan Hernandez
Amy is that you?
Isaac Smith
Oh boy Kevin strikes again!
When is he going to be fired for fucks sake
Asher Roberts
>They first fucked up by cancelling Raimi's Spiderman 4.
It's amazing how little you know about anything.
Isaac Bennett
Jeremiah Collins
Why does he look so much like he should be leader of the Japanese mafia?
Hunter Taylor
I could write a article and it'd have more sauce than this
Mason Miller
What is your point?
What I meant was that Hollywood (Disney, Sony, Marvel) ALL fucked up by cancelling spiderman 4 and rebooting it again.
Then they fucked up even more by rebooting spiderman AGAIN with the Avengers.
And now they fucked up by casting Flash Thompson as an Indian, Iron Man is toutoring Parker wtf... we get no Sinister Six film which we should have aka ASM3 which would have been an amazing spidey film.
Fucking Disney
Wyatt Hill
I meant the blaming it on smaller employees than blaming Snyder and continuing giving him projects
Samuel Watson
>literally who writing a blog post with no reference saying some inside source claiming something
Michael Garcia
Just shut the fuck up, you embarrassment. It's obvious from the getgo you don't know what the hell you're talking about and are just another moron trying to force brand wars.
Landon Powell
>Good breakdown on Hollywood economics It's called Hollywood Accounting and we've known about it for years. It's why I don't trust budget reports (movies are usually made for about HALF the amount).
Wyatt Collins
Just higher David Ayer as the official director. That guys knows how to properly direct the actors
Tyler Peterson
>It's obvious from the getgo you don't know what the hell you're talking about and are just another moron trying to force brand wars. Who fucked up Spiderman by making him in the Avengers? Disney.
Who cancelled Raimi's Spiderman 4? Sony
End of
Levi Watson
Has long as they let him have full control or 90% control
Sebastian Cook
>says movie will be shit >a script isn't even written yet Autism
Bentley Rogers
How was Spidey in Civil War a fuckup? It was great.
Justin Ward
>What I meant was that Hollywood (Disney, Sony, Marvel) ALL fucked up by cancelling spiderman 4 and rebooting it again.
Fucking Raimi himself ended it because he fucking knew it would suck
Justin Clark
Even if the movie is terrible it will have excellent reviews, because woman lead.
Screen cap this
Daniel Ross
Gavin Allen
>great trailer
Worst DC trailer ever. It shows WW being badass and her sidekick being boring. No villan. No mission. No nothing. Other than the end of the trailer where WW is in the "modern world" that trailer blowed. I don't want to see WW kicking random redshirts for 2 hours..
Chase Lopez
Theyre not going to bring in numale Marvel characters you dumb fuck.
Like said, once IM, Captain, Thor, and Hulk are too old/out of the picture, they're focusing on Strange, Winter Soldier (new Cap in name?), Black Panther, and Captain Marvel (which I want to fail desu because fuck that retarded casting for Captain Marvel - so many decent actresses and they choose a meme actress).
Cameron Turner
Wonder Woman is going to bomb, even though it will have mixed to positive reviews.
Aquaman is going to be fucking Hiroshima and Nagasaki all over again in just one weekend.
Screencap this. I will drink your manchildren tears, you fucking manchildren. Fuck.
Jace Ward
>Wolverine 3 has a solid script After the first two, I highly doubt this but I'm looking forward to finally getting some R-rated action scenes for Wolverine.
>Marvel courting Dwayne Johnson I was expecting this a long time ago since he's already had so much work with Disney proper.
Cooper Jones
I don't understand your (incorrect) point about Finding Dory (Pro Tip: it isn't #1 movie of the year).
Are you trying to say that WB shouldn't be aspiring to be #1 at the box office for both the year and the duration of its release?
Eli Turner
>be an obedient yesman and and contribute in production of turd piles >get fired
>suddenly grow a pair and start calling people out
Jaxson Bennett
>Get Hard
>111 million >40 m budget
William Evans
Nothing about Disney and Wesley Snipes in talks about a Blade reboot?
Eli Reed
You do realise Wonder Woman was written by a guy whose previous credits include Sex in the City, Gilmore Girls, and Grey's Anatomy, don't you?
Thomas Walker
Justin Jones
nice b8
Charles Cruz
Pajiba is the most awful, agenda ridden, liberal hypocrite bullshit site on the internet. They got so lazy about hiding their bias that they now have a Politics section, so they can preach to the choir about Hillary, instead of just calling people who hated Ghostbusters 2016 'manbabies' or gushing about Hamilton.
Noah Morales
it is
Hudson James
>suprisingly decent site
>What It Means to Be a Difficult Actress vs. a Difficult Actor ''why are women being held up to standards??? It's sexist! >The New 'Rogue One' Trailer Gives You Exactly What You've Been Waiting For fanboyism and bad taste >Hugh Jackman's Instagram Shows What Lighting/Possibly Makeup/The Human Aging Process Can Do tabloid tier bullshit. You mean people look like people without a pound of makeup? wew lad >Will Donald Trump Hit the Miley Cyrus Tipping Point? DUDE TRUMP LMAO >Fine, Let's Do This: Hillary Clinton Did Not Murder Seth Rich Be a good little drone and Shill for Hill
Cameron Williams
> talk about manchildren > post western anime gif
Chase Wood
>''why are women being held up to standards??? It's sexist! >didn't even read the article
dude different genders don't get treated differently at all lmao
>You mean people look like people without a pound of makeup?
yeah, the article is illustrating exactly that, dummy
triggered lol
>''Be a good little drone and Shill for Hill'' >stating facts is ''shilling''
go suck trump's cock some more, you hysterical cück
Michael Fisher
Fake and gay. Was entertaining read none the less.
Ryder Torres
>cück You sure told him.
Even though you disagree with him you failed to show how this website is not pure tabloid garbage. A tabloid that carters to your tastes is still a tabloid.
Austin Phillips
>DC manboys
They don't even try anymore, they just shill and marvelcucks just eat it and ask for more
Cooper Howard
>My employer let me go. GRRR. ARRGH. >I'll show them by going and whining about how I think their next big project will probably be shit because the internet will eat that up. Yep, that's what I'll do. Huehueheuheu
Nathan Jones
Wondy might have a chance. Bad Boys 3 got pushed back, after TF5 got moved I think that was it's only other competition that week
Camden Baker
They think people feel invested in the continuity of the MCU.
They'd rather cancel a series after a moderate profit (like spiderman) than risk the next one flopping badly because it would reflect poorly on the executive in charge.
Jordan Baker
like anyone didn't know that already. she's more Jewish-looking than Rabbi Schlomo Shekelberg ever hope to be.
Samuel Miller
I still don't get their thought process. Wonder Woman is a warrior queen who lives on a tropical island and battles greek gods. Why would you make her movie completely colorless and set it in WW1? Not to mention casting a literal skeleton to play her.
Brody Rodriguez
>another thread full of DCucks in serious denial
Andrew Ross
>New Line is trying to lure Channing Tatum into their Shazam movie