Ideas to make a good thunderbolts movie

and not become Suicide Squad : Friendship is Magick??

Easy. Don't. Make Superior Foes of the Spider Man instead.


>want to make capeshit movie
>doesn't want it to be capeshit

What would the line-up be?

who is the black guy WE

The guy with the ball and chain? His weapon is enchanted

Thunderbolts could easily be done.
But pick characters carefully.

I say introduce Norman Osborne as the insider working to make the team happen. Hint he's pretty corrupt and knows some of the people helping him are Shield & Hyrda. He's playing everyone involved.
Zemo is your leader.
Career criminals who aren't really "villains".
Even a character or two who were once "good guys" but crossed the line in the public/gov eye.
Not all of them are under arrest/prison either.
A few can be mercs for hire.

The team "fails" according to the "Council" like we saw with Shield, if lucky after 2 movies.

This leads to Norman creating the "Dark" Avengers. Because the real Avengers vanish after the Infinity Wars.
Which also gives Marvel Universe their own Wolverine through Daken. Just reference his father and drop a line of someone teasing/mocking him by calling him Bub.

Real Avengers return which leads to "Dark" Avengers vs Avengers.

Norman is exposed, he's been doing shady shit, betraying everyone, lining his pockets, even betraying Hydra. It breaks him which leads to his creation of the persona, Green Goblin.

But isn't Daken a mutant?

tfw you'll never see Willem Dafoe storming Asgard as a maniacal, laughing Iron Patriot.

Sounds good except for the wolverine stuff. Who is the villain in the first movie? Returned Red Skull please.

Forgot to include. Norman provides updates to peoples gears and their Thunderbolt armor/costumes.

To me, Daken can be the correction to the Wolverine mythos we need. Skip the Laura bullshit. I'm sorry I hate that character glad I don't read Marvel nowadays because her replacing Logan, instead of Riza, yeah FUCK you marvel. We had Logan's daughter and she was an AWESOME Wolverine. Plus it adds an Asian to the team who could lead into being an actual Avenger. Keep his Father as a mere myth/legend that is never named. You don't need to mention he's a mutant either. But you can easily do the movie without it. Sorry, fan rant.

I'd love for Dafoe to be Norman.
But at the same time I think Jon Hamm could portray a damn good Norman Osborn.
A couple movies where he's Norman until he becomes Goblin.

Deadpool and quips

Osborne and maybe Justin Hammer
Radioactive Man for the chinky bucks
Absorbing Man
Crimson Dynamo
Asgardian chick (don't know any)

Baddy is Red Skull and nazi super science zombies or something.

Ugh. They tried that with Suicide Squad and it failed badly. Fuck how many times to Harley just call someone a pussy? I enjoyed Suicide Squad but it's not a good movie. The quips work for Deadpool. But too many quips and it just becomes bullshit.

Ooo. Osborne & Hammer giving gear/gadgets to the Thunderboltz could be the reason the "dark" Avengers is created because Osborne convinces the "Council" the team failed because of Hammer's gear. So that leads to Osborne having full control of his own Avengers. Which with Tony missing they give him access to the War Machine that lets him "hack" into the left behind Iron Man gear.

I can see Absorbing Man if he's our prisoner looking for time off his sentence.

Cersei could easily be the Asgardian chick. She appeared in Agents of Shield so some fans know her. She'd be the teams Scarlet Witch. Maybe an excuse that since she betrayed Thor/Asgard her powers have been diluted and is less powerful at the time because of it.

Songbird/Moonstone? makes sense, she'd be a good one to keep from the original team.

I'm not familiar enough with paladin and crimson dynamo.

Paladin is just a guy with guns. Crimson Dynamo is Russian Iron Man. I think what you're on about could make a good movie (I don't know the source material been years since I read Marvel) but it would face criticism for being derivative of SS.

It would have the derivative claims.
But then it'd get mention that Marvel/DC are infamous for copying each other.
A lot of articles about the movies tend to mention when characters are copies.
As example when Black Panther was mentioned to be in Civil War and getting his own movie, they pointed out BP was Marvel's Batman.
SS has already been called DC's attempt at Deadpool.

As a fan of both brands.
Who understands "Brand Loyalty" is complete bullshit.
We love this shit.

>Ross as the ringleader
>Zemo as the squad leader
>Abomination as the muscle
>Elektra as the assassin
>Frank Castle as the sniper
>Justin Hammer as the tech guy with his own suit
>Nuke from Jessica Jones as hand to hand specialist
>Absorbing Man from AoS as guy-only-there-for-his-useful-power

they're put together to take down the real Mandarin and save Trevor Slattery

ends with Frank going AWOL and blowing them all the fuck out like the last run

I can't see Elektra & Castle working at all.
Hammer might work with his own suit, but his scenes would be filled with him constantly fucking up inside the suit. So he's just there as humor.