This was the most abysmal piece of degenerate unfunny garbage i've seen in a long, long time.
It was like it was tailored for middle school students. I didn't laugh once. It was written by an autistic edgy kid with downs syndrome.
Did anyone actually enjoy this? I'm so pissed that I paid real money for that ticket.
Jaxon Garcia
>He paid money and actually went out in public to see this.
We're you embarrassed walking into the theater? Did you keep your head down?
Sebastian King
>We're you embarrassed walking into the theater? Did you keep your head down?
you serious senpai? this shit has normie bait written all over it
Cooper Jenkins
your trying to hard to act like a rebel cuck
Brody Jenkins
I went in for free since my friend works at the movie theatre and it was pretty terrible but the orgy scene made me want to walk out.
Gavin Richardson
>I'm so pissed that I paid real money for that ticket. Why did you do that? Didn't you see the trailer?
Evan Turner
What happened in the orgy scene? Did they have like small food genitalia or something?
Eli Martinez
Dude the movie was awesome.
Sorry you're to stupid to understand the real meaning of the movie.
Isaiah Smith
Isn't this a rebellion?
Isaiah Wilson
Little bit.
Basically a lot of dry humping and some genitals.
Andrew Bailey
Landon Fisher
You paid for it Deal with it faggot
Gavin Fisher
>Walked out at the 40-minute mark >Remembered the orgy scene from the leaked synopsis only after I walked out
dodged a bullet
Brandon Jenkins
Taco Salma Hayek used Seth Rogen as a strapon to go through Bagel Ed Norton (in his best Woody Allen impression) to go inside Bun Kristen Wiig.
Several things of this nature occur throughout the 10 minute sex scene.
John King
So how about that orgy scene huh?
Ryan White
nudes when?
Grayson Perez
I actually enjoyed it. I knew what to expect going in, I knew it's target audience, so I wasn't blindsided by anything.
Meat Loaf fucking killed me though, holy shit I should have seen it coming.
Zachary Torres
You had to watch it to know that?
Why do people who know it'll be bad keep paying this hack to watch his movies? Rogan is an unfunny, untalented hack who fills the void of humor with swearing, innuendos, and drug references.
Dylan Williams
Ayden Garcia
Other user was saying the sex scene was about a minute or two?
Adrian Baker
Why are neckbeards so easily triggered by films?
Owen Myers
How does the movie end?
James Lopez
You're just stupid this movie is so unwoke that it's woke af
Mason Taylor
It felt longer.
Another thing, Cera's character had a pretty interesting arc.
Aiden Thompson
looked funny as a short film (5-10mins)
doesnt need to be a full movie
Thomas Flores
>Movie full of racial stereotypes and racist humor >Sup Forums cries about it because Seth Rogen
Nicholas Young
i easily get more pussy than you, if i even wanted it, and look better than you, physically. mentally, way smarter. Don't believe me, leave your snapchat, will show you my huge erect cock, and my beautiful face, dont care.
Fact is, you're actually a loser nerd and I'm not, easily.
don't hurt yourself trying to make a comeback though
Lucas Ross
dank meme bro
Hudson Moore
The food bands together and fucking massacres all the humans in the store, there's an orgy, and they feel free to live their lives.
What follows next fucking killed me, and it's a cheap joke but one of the best in the film. Don't spoil it for yourself.
Then Firewater (Bill Hader) and Gum teach the gang that they're all cartoons, and they're played by voice actors. Gum has built a Stargate so that they can enter our world, and the movie ends.
Cameron Rodriguez
He saw it for free but he's still paying for it
Isaac Foster
I'm sickened, yet curious.
Lucas Green
please be lying about that last part
you aren't, are you
Oliver Rogers
Fuck off, normalscum. You aren't even in the same ballpark as what makes a human fucking being.
As far as I'm concerned, you are as related to me as a fucking banana. You know nothing of what it feels to be anxious, NOTHING. NOTHING!
You have it sooooo fucking easy, don't you? Always living the good life with your 2 houses, 6 cars, 20 girlfriends, 700 children, and $9,000,000 monthly income. Put yourself in my shoes for ONE DAY and I guarantee you will be a broken shell of a man. You are so used to fucking dream world that it seems bizarre to you that other people don't have billionaire lifestyles left and right.
No really, you are human fucking waste contributing nothing to this world except more nigger children you get from one night stands with loose, disease-ridden, black whores. You are SUB FUCKING HUMAN.
Fuck right off back to and >>>/rddt/ and while you're at it, GET THE FUCK of MY board you HUMAN. FUCKING. TRASH.
Dominic Scott
good one dude, yea i'm definitely some autistic bearded retard that would ever consider having a tattoo
do yourself a favor and try harder next time, sure you have funnier pictures in your autistic Sup Forums folder
Cameron Stewart
Sebastian Gomez
screencapped and going right in my cringe folder, you tried way to hard to be funny and your prose is indicative of an autistic child under 25 who is in possession of lv.1 irony and a basic meta
Jace Ramirez
Oh wow I thought you were joking about pretending to not be a repulsive neckbeard, but you're serious aren't you?
That's embarrassing, because just like when you pretended to have a girlfriend who "went to another school" in HS, nobody believes your lie now.
Christopher Evans
>someone actually had to write this all out >someone wrote this all out and thought it sounded like something that needed to be put to film for eternity
Justin Lee
webms when??
Oliver Edwards
i recommended you stop trying so hard, and you go ahead and try even harder, but with a pathetic projection on top, looking forward to more replies from you.
Jeremiah Brooks
Should Paul Feig direct the remake?
Isaiah Peterson
>not buying a ticket to Bad Moms to see a film you would hate
Michael Ortiz
This all happens in the film btw, practically verbatim.
Nathaniel Cox
>If I even wanted it
Jacob Martinez
>86% on Rotten Tomatoes
It's... It's going to plummet over the weekend... Right?
Blake Phillips
Nope :)
Dominic Stewart
So is there a video of this scene anywhere? I can't believe this is real and actually got animated.
Dylan Davis
Literally all the Sup Forumsbeard can cry when you're fucking its hairy fat ass
Asher Hill
Why are there apostrophes after every pluralized word?
>get's >open's
And so on.
Samuel Gutierrez
Good one, tell it again
Robert Watson
yea i pretty much did make you my bitch and anally exhaust you through your own computer. keep crying
Dominic Robinson
Fuck I didn't mean to say pluralized
Julian Russell
My mother and cousin have already bought tickets.
Do I warn them about the food orgy?
Benjamin Gray
Why does god hate you user? It's why he made you a neckbeard
Is it something your whore mother did to offend him?
Jaxson Reed
Holy shit, if they don't know their reaction will be fucking P R I C E L E S S.
Ryder Rogers
I've got to choose between seeing this, Bad Moms, or Suicide Squad.
What should I pick? Suicide's Squad's reviews were in the toilet.
Connor Bennett
aite im leaving, work on not being such a pussy though :/
Tyler Nguyen
The only one I've seen is Suicide Squad. It wasn't great but it's probably the best of the three. Second half of the movie pretty good, first half is just really boring
Cameron Thomas
Haven't seen Bad Moms, but if you want generic superhero antics and nonstop classic rock by all means go ahead with Suicide Squad.
If you want an insanely offensive yet still surprisingly original film Sausage Party's your best shot.
Parker Lee
Suicide Squad is fun. The acting is actually pretty good (other than the joker) despite the plot being shit.
Jordan Scott
Came here to post this.
Jace Robinson
Saw it as well, can confirm they reference Seth as low level comedian/Jew and Norton has higher tier actor/Jew.
Wyatt Cooper
Luke Powell
I've seen Suicidr Squad and Sausage Party. SS actually made me want to kill myself and that's coming from a DCuck. Sausage Party is juvenile but actually enjoyable and gave me a few good laughs so I'd say that.
Jaxson Russell
>Ed Ward Nor-tan? What kinda parent gives their kid some cunt name like that?
Noah Sanders
apparently you need to be a DChad to enjoy SS
Parker Collins
You had one fucking job you stupid goy
Grayson Baker
I was reading how it pissed SJWs off.
Jack Price
Charles Foster
I liked it
Lincoln Walker
Why would you pay money to watch something that's so obviously going to be shitty gags?
Nathaniel Adams
I just came back from watching and I didn't know about the orgy. Shit had me dying. Best scene in the movie.
Oliver Robinson
Whoa whoa whoa, slow down SJW, Seth is one of you guys, so it's totally ok for HIM to make jokes about rape and racism stuff. ;^)
Xavier Murphy
I was wondering why and then I remembered it's probably that native american whiskey bottle
Grayson Gray
Michael Flores
>Seth Rogen
What the hell were you expecting?
Kayden Barnes
>it pisses off SJWs Fuck. Now we're all going to have to act like we like it.
Luke Torres
Damn Michael Cera, what happend?
>weak chin, no visible jawline, forward head
Is this the worst a man can look? All he needs is to start going bald, and he'll be the pinnacle of beta male.
I know because I suffer from these things too.
Jason Jackson
LMAO even tho ur posting anonymously its pretty evident your bat shit retarded. user kill ur self. hahah sum1 actually typed that
Cameron Jenkins
Michael Sera looks like shit
Zachary Williams
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World was six years ago.
Cera looks like he's aged fucking 20 years in that time.
What the hell happened to him? Drugs?
Oliver Turner
Grayson Nelson
>Watching Suicide Squad >made you want to kill yourself What did you expect?
Julian Wood
Jews are white, they said.
Jacob Flores
I would never, ever pay money to watch this.
That's the most retarded thing I've ever read.
... but I might watch it when it gets online cause that's something so fucking degenerate that I have to see it.
Julian Harris
>Paying money >Not just buying a ticket for a movie you want to see succeed that plays at around the same time and ducking into the showing of what you want actually went see This thing always looked like dogshit, I'm not sure what you expected
Ethan Nelson
tfw Jared Leto is 44 and still looks like this
Why must genetics be so cruel?
Joshua Sullivan
>paying at all
Eli Rodriguez
Pretty much what I thought. The war scene in the commercial with all the food dying looked funny. I'll watch that part when its on YouTube but I'm good on the dick and innuendo jokes mixed in with low hanging fruit done to death God jokes I'm sure this shit is full of
Ryan Thompson
Tell me the cheap joke ending. Will never watch this
David Gutierrez
I agree the only part i chuckled at.
Jonathan Jones
Then Firewater (Bill Hader) and Gum teach the gang that they're all cartoons, and they're played by voice actors. Gum has built a Stargate so that they can enter our world, and the movie ends.
Lucas Turner
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Aaron Nguyen
Tell them that it's all gonna be funny stuff. They'll never see it coming until it's too late
Brody Hernandez
the orgy scene was a bitch much was it?
Colton Rodriguez
You sure showed him XD!
Juan Morgan
>This was the most abysmal piece of degenerate unfunny garbage i've seen in a long, long time. I bet you didn't even watch it.
It was fun.
Leo Mitchell
Every joke is "dude sex lmao"
Kayden Powell
wtf i love hitler now
Xavier White
>a rape scene
Are they referring to Douche shoving his nozzle up the human's ass? Because that's the only thing resembling rape that I can think of.