ITT: Racist celebs

ITT: Racist celebs.

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you first, op

Samuel L. Jackson, Kanye West, Wesley Snipes.

Spike Lee


He only said what we were all thinking.

You're goddamn right I'm going to see Blood Father

>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor

Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?

Racists find it mortally offensive to be called racist, for some reason. Far more than they consider their own actual racism offensive.

>this copypasta again

>Get these damn Honkey Hipsters out of Harlem guy.
>I see this shop owned by Italian Americans have no pictures Moolies hanging on their wall of fame. I disrespect their first amendment right to do so and rather than voting with my wallet or opening up my own place with pixtures of famous black folks on the wall, I'll just incite a riot andvandalize and burn his shop down. That's what an upstanding African American citizen does!


well obviously

Must kill him to know that shitskin beaners are his biggest fans.


he's gonna get super mad at you now and also try to claim he's not from there and you're paranoid blah blah

Maybe not you.

Jamal and your girlfriend don't want you talking like that.

ITT: Correct celebrities

Based Mel is making movies again. I love it.

How did he get away with it for so many years?

>the jewish race




really? interesting


both of them

It's the same with Kikes, they hate being called Jewish for some reason.

No they don't


Okay, friend.


because being a racist in this day and age means jack shit and it has been reduced to a non-argument. At this moment someone calling you a racist is the equivalent of "I have no more arguments"

The people don't get mad when they get called it, they get annoyed. Annoyed in a way like when a person keeps asking if you are annoyed.

wtf I'm racist now

He hates white people

No, racists are terrified of actually being called racist. They do anything and everything to downplay stuff they say or do, or explain it away, or try to flip it on the other person, anything to avoid being labelled a racist.

Even though they actively are one.

Funny becuse most of his fans are Hispanics.




All the good ones



that's literally not an argument.

>hey, this is X
>no, it's Y because of opposite of X

I'm racist and so are my friends

Suck a dick leftie nigger lover

Now say it not on an anonymous internet forum.

Stop with the "hurr not argument" shit. No one is arguing with you.

I do all the time :^)

>tfw even my Bernie bro friends say and joke about niggers

They are still uncomfortable about Jews but that's ok with me

I literally don't hate other races, but I understand the value inherent in monolithic, homogeneous societies, and want to live in one of my own. There are millions of people who will call me a racist for saying that, even though it's objectively untrue. It's a flimsy smokescreen they can pull to just avoid thinking about what you're saying, and it gets tiring.

That's also not an argument and even if you don't like it, when you responded to me you started to continue the argument.

I know it's a shock for a lefty but arguing isn't bad and it happens a lot in a calm, collected manner.

It's not only an argument when you scream off the top of your lungs, friend.

No one is interested in an argument with you.

To your friends only.

Go say it in public.

cause he's a jew.

I'm talking about the abject fear and evasion people go through to avoid the racist label, even if they are supremely racist themselves.

Why would I say niggers in public?

Because you're racist and not afraid of people knowing it, right? So why not say it in public?

It's because if someone calls you a racist, if you are or aren't and in these days you probably aren't a racist when you get called once it nullifies anything and everything you have to say

as I said before, it's not fear, it's annoyance.

Getting called a racist happens when you are in an argument with someone about race and he has a different view than you and once he's out of arguments he still has one in the chamber "you're just a racist" and at the point your arguments are nullified because of a non-argument.

Nothing to do with fear


Even now, you're doing it. Hilarious.

You haven't called me a racist but as I've said before. It's funny when you get called out with your own logic you try to flip it on them.

It seems like you, yourself, are not really convinced of your thoughts but merely parrot a safe opinion to avoid criticism

It's the equivalent of "no you"

His arguments has no grounds, like "racist" it's a non argument

>No, racists are terrified of actually being called racist

I think you're full of shit, people call me racist and I don't really care.

Reverse racism doesn't exist

Some confirmation for this?

He's not racist against hispanics, he just wants england to be white and for blacks to stop influencing music and he thinks chinese are a subspecies. Not really "racist" per se.

No, that's pretty straightforward racism.

how is that racist?

Actually it's how you're already trying to downplay it. You're hilariously insecure despite your puffed up attittude.

who is this?
the Governor from twd or some other morrissey?

>"He's certainly not sexist and certainly not racist. I know the guy I know, somebody who's really emotional, who I can have long, long conversations with, who's trustworthy, who shows up for me."

>thinks Chinese are a subspecies

>pack of niggers

Everyone is racist, even you. That's why your argument is meaningless. The point is that racism is racism when it is an overt attempt of going through with your thoughts whether it be calling a decent black person a nigger or outright executing order 46 and kill 6 gorillian Joobs.

The accusation of racism today is used as an excuse to silence someone that disagreed with you or when you have no solid argument for your side. This is why it is "racist" to hate Muslims(a religion one can leave or join) and illegal immigrants(willful lawbreakers of immigration laws). It's to silence dissidence when there is no solid foundation to justify them.

she's not a fan of the black people

How is my attutide puffed up? And how am I downplaying it? You're not giving any arguments here but what you keep doing is trying to turn the discussion into something else which is actually what calling people racist does funnily enough.

They literally are. Epicanthic fold. That's science, not racism

And here we go with

"subrace" is implying "inferior"
which is straight racism

Saying humans deserve to be categorized into subspecies isn't racist. It's been done to animals that exhibit far less phenotypical differences than humans.

You're right. It's just "racism". "Racism" is just "a belief in (the significant of) race." That's the whole fucking definition of the word.

>prejudice + power

The problem here is that language actually comes from someplace: an "ism" is a belief system or philosophy, not a system of oppression.

The word you could be looking for is White Supremacist (which is a form of racism).

Subspecies is a taxonomic category, the "sub" refers to a grouping under a main header (as opposed to "super") and does not imply inferiority.

Chinese are definitely a subspecies and it isn't racist to say so. The fact is, they're superior to most if not all of the other subspecies of humanity.


She's a right wing rural Utah Mormon, is that supposed to be surprising?

>Saying humans deserve to be categorized into subspecies isn't racist.
But it is.

See >"Racism" is just "a belief in (the significan[ce] of) race."
The view that the differences between the races of modern humans are significant enough to warrant the designation "subspecies" is racist. That doesn't make it wrong or right, it simply is what it is.

there's only one morrissey

>The fact is, they're superior to most if not all of the other subspecies of humanity.
Is their complete lack of empathy and common decency a bonus or negative?

It's just a dog. Have you seen PETA hidden camera videos of slaughterhouses in America? The simple fact is that at this point in time, everyone has to kill living, perceiving beings in order to survive. Singling out instances of so-called cruelty towards non-humans is irrational at best.

and here we go

is that jk rowling in the center

Not really a weakness or a strength, with the little regard for human life social cohesion is reduced, but they aren't affected by suicidal altruism e.g. Europe

No but it's a plus in her favor

>"Racism" is just "a belief in (the significan[ce] of) race."

I've never seen that definition before. Are you saying anyone who believes in the concept of races is a racist? All the mainstream dictionary websites offer some variation of
>the belief that some races of people are better than others
Subspecies don't intrinsically require any judgment or ranking.

the issue is with you trying to determine which is the "sub" and which is above
who says you're not the "sub species"?

Every race would be a subspecies of human. Whites wouldn't be the baseline.

I just found out he's gay, this is a surprise. weird guy.

say it ain't so

I'd pay good money to hear his musings on aboriginals.

Did you read Autobiography, a Penguin Classic? Morrissey IS NOT gay. He's mostly asexual with lapses into bisexuality. Definitely NOT gay, though.

>racist night elf orgy music
I'm surprisingly okay with this

i want it

Her first album is just called Lindsey Stirling. You'll understand the description I used when you hear it.