Hey user how can i work up the nerve to kill myself?

hey user how can i work up the nerve to kill myself?

work up the nerve to improve yourself, you little pansy

fuck off m8 i have no foreseeable future and im a useless peice of shti

jesus christ. pull yourself together

why should i this world is fucked with one chance of saving but everyone ignores our only hope. seeing everything wrong with this world and not being able to do anything about it is torture

>hey user how can i work up the nerve to kill myself?

What if you were to find the wherewithal to live your fucking life? Give it a try. Make a fucking effort.

i tried. im not looking for solace from the cesspool of the internet im looking for results


i wanna die with at least some shred of dignity

You want results? Do meth. Eventually you will be high enough to not care, or you will just want more dope and forget your problems

Pick one

Dubs don't lie nigger

fair point but like i said i wanna die with some dignity also drugs conflict with my opinion and im not a hypocrite

Make a hasty decision that you can't turn back from.

Like jumping off a building, or overdosing on heroine.

i have a way just not the nerves

This right here. But don't kill yourself, if you don't have a reason to live, or any earthy attachments, then you are fucking free. Pick a direction and start walking.

my only earthly connections are my family but from how much of a failure i am i think they are starting to resent me

Dignity is a made up concept that has no real value in life (or death). Like pride and honor. Dignity won't sustain anyone. What good does it do you?

fair enough i think ill just get wasted and drive off a cliff

Well it sounds like your way gives you too many chances to back out.

Drugs help

Wish I had a cliff to drive off of. Best I have is a bridge and fuck drowning.

If you have to work up the nerve to do it, then you obviously don't have enough reasoning behind it

i wish i had the money for some damn shotgun shells i have a 20 gauge but no shells and shotgun to the head is the fastest way to die

Drus like LSD or THC, you don't want to die, you want a change, even if you kill your self, you wont change whats wrong with you ... you will be here forever

Stand in front of the mirror all day and say "Well you've got some nerve! Hmph!" over and over again


>shitty wannabe bourbon
Why haven't you killed yourself, faggot?

It was just an example, everybody knows Canadian Whiskey>Bourbon.